One of the biggest myths in the last year is that social media experts make PR obsolete and unnecessary.
The Telegraph, a UK based news site employs social media experts.
You know what the majority of people calling themselves social media experts can't do, among other things?
If you claim to be an expert in social media, you better be have an active presence online and have a good number of followers.
在过去一年中,最大的神话之一是社交媒体专家 ——无论是不是你定义的——使公共关系过时和不必要。
One of the biggest myths in the last year is that social media experts – however you define them – make PR obsolete and unnecessary.
But even for the most qualified social media wizards, pure social media careers may not exist 10 years down the line.
There is a whole industry of search engine optimization and social media experts, and many of them have found jobs at Web publishers.
To ensure your best shot at landing an interview in the digital age, consider this advice based on a poll of both career and social media experts.
To ensure your best shot at landing an interview in the digital age, consider this advice based on a poll of both career and social media experts.