Social media screening is tempting to use as part of the hiring process, but should employers make use of it when researching a potential candidate's background?
A huge part of SEO is the power of the inbound link - and social media is a great way to generate that buzz!
A look at some of the biggest hits at the box office this year proves that many of the most successful films also had strong social media campaigns.
I could use social media, I could go on YouTube, I could make a digital video and I could post it, and I could directly address (bullied gay suicidal youth) and tell them, 'it gets better.
Some social media users are confused, turned off, and even outraged by a promotional poster and billboard for the new X-Men movie, charging that is normalizes violence against women.
Here are some ideas specific to your use of social media as part of your personal branding strategy.
As distress and distaste swirl around issues of privacy, exhibitionism and other occupational hazards of social media, a select few holdouts of the tech-savvy age are following Ms.
And too many leaders who are on social media pay it lip service, and use only a fraction of its potential.
The yellow "box office superstars" have been featured in three films — most recently the eponymously named "Minions" — and have been taking social media by storm.
So, a portion of the time you spend on social media should be focused on sharing and talking about content published by others.
The academy released the first annual report about new media developments in China including social networks, blogs, online video sites, mobile TV, digital TV and digital newspapers earlier this week.
Social media has become a ubiquitous part of daily life, but this growth and evolution has been in the works since the late 70s.
Social media has become a ubiquitous part of daily life, but this growth and evolution has been in the works since the late 70s.