The spaces will include white-board brainstorming, multilingual collaboration with instantaneous translation, integration of social networking tools, and systems monitoring.
"Other social networking tools make selective sharing within small groups difficult," she added, taking what appears to be a jab at Facebook's recent grouping function.
Information distribution tools and social networking tools, in particular, have attracted all of our attention, which tempts us to keep our eyes on the screen around the corner of every second.
Google plans to introduce social networking tools this fall that it says will become a part of some of its products, like search functions, maps and YouTube.
一个为了拯救朋友生命的小组利用社交网络工具在三个月内为他们的国家合作捐助项目(National MarrowDonor Program)获得了超过24,000个南亚的注册人。
In three months a group trying to save a friend's life used social networking tools to get over 24, 000 South Asians to register for the National Marrow Donor Program.
Post tons of useful answers on discussion boards where your expertise is valued. Build a permission asset in the form of an email newsletter or a fascinating blog that people want to read.
The company has been talking up its plans to make Gmail more social and to develop an enterprise version of its newish social networking tool, Google+, with more security features.
And we'd eventually like to see more integration with existing online tools or networks, both educational and social.
And we'd eventually like to see more integration with existing online tools or networks, both educational and social.