• 另一个社交网络搜索引擎Delver内容编入索引依据社交网络朋友内容的评论对实用性进行排名

    Delver, another social network search engine, indexes content and ranks its relevance based on what your social network of "friends" have to say about it.


  • 但是现在搜索提供公司整个通信录用户资料,这点跟企业社交网络平台对待用户资料方式非常类似

    But now, a search will provide profiles from your company's entire address book, acting very similar to the way enterprise social networking platforms treat user profiles.


  • 谷姐网站除了基本搜索引擎之外还包括在线讨论论坛社交网络功能网站导航入口

    In addition to a basic search engine, Goojje includes online discussion forums, a social networking function and a Web portal.


  • 人们开始依赖社交网络进行网上冲浪时,关键词搜索已经不再占据统治地位。

    As people begin to rely on social networking to guide them through the Web, keyword searches no longer rule the roost, they argue.


  • 表明即便人们确实在更为频繁地使用应用社交网络获取信息但通用搜索引擎扮演重要角色。

    That suggests there is still likely to be a big role for a general-purpose search engine, even if people do use apps and social networks more often to get information.


  • 为了增强飞速发展移动社交网络领域的竞争百度已经开始着手核心搜索业务拓展新的领域。

    Baidu is beginning to diversify from its core search business to compete in the fast-growing segments of mobile and social networking.


  • 今天发布功能包括手机社交网络中嵌入广告,在广告搜索面板横幅广告以及滚动广告。

    The new features announced today are the inclusion of ads in mobile social network sites, the ability to search within ads, multi-panel banners with multiple calls to action, and scrolling canvas ads.


  • 谷歌互联网大举扩张,就像只巨型蜘蛛,触遍及网络搜索电子邮件社交网络网络软件应用

    Google also stretches across the web like a giant spider, with a leg in everything from online search and E-mail to social networking and web-based software applications, or apps.


  • 互联网分销,无广告搜索流量甚至是离线广告的评分都社交网络

    Affiliate programs, organic search traffic and even offline advertising scored higher than social.


  • 这个拥有用户论坛社交网络功能网站收入大部分是来自RateFinder搜索工具展示广告Google广告联盟。

    The community site, with its user forums and social networking features, makes money largely from its RateFinder search tool, display advertising and Google ads.


  • Google打算秋天发布款新的社交网络工具表示将会搜索地图Youtube一样成为旗下产品

    Google plans to introduce social networking tools this fall that it says will become a part of some of its products, like search functions, maps and YouTube.


  • 今年我们看到更多新闻网站,更多得社交网络中受益,而不仅仅是搜索引擎,”Nieman新闻实验室的JoshuaBenton表示

    "This year you'll see more and more news sites where referrals from social networks exceed those from search engines," says Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab.


  • 不像LinkedIn其他大多数社交网络Facebook允许通过电子邮件地址搜索用户所以查找起来更为简便

    Unlike LinkedIn and most other social networks, Facebook lets you search users by email address so that should make your job simpler.


  • 甚者,需要谷歌重新商议2006年那笔独家MySpace——新闻集团旗下社交网络——搜索广告挂名的协议

    What is more, he needs to renegotiate the deal that in 2006 gave Google the exclusive right to place search ads on MySpace, a social network owned by News Corp.


  • Google举动预示了,社交网络其它在线服务电子邮件搜索正在迅速融合

    Google's move is a sign that the world of social networking and that of other online services, such as E-mail and search, are rapidly converging.


  • 同样Alex Iskold提到那样,iPhone一个可能扩大苹果公司影响力领域策略网络浏览社交网络甚至可能搜索

    Also, as Alex Iskold noted, the iPhone is a strategy that may expand Apple's sphere of influence, from web browsing to social networking and even possibly search.


  • Facebook这样社交网络能够在线营销人员提供超定向广告机会,它深入了解新的细分客户并且能够作为其它付费搜索程序一种补充

    Social networks like Facebook can provide online marketers hyper-targeted advertising opportunities that can tap into new customer segments and serve as a complement to other paid search programs.


  • 社交网络方面,Google发现自己正处于网络搜索对手熟悉不过位置市场大佬后面苦苦追赶

    When it comes to social networking, Google finds itself in an unusual position, one that its competitors in Web search know all too well: playing catch-up with a service that dominates the market.


  • 世界受争议网络音频视频内容搜索引擎新增一项功能,将备受欢迎的社交网站Facebook链接在一起。

    The world's most notorious search engine for audio and video content on the Web has added a feature that links it with the popular social-networking site Facebook.


  • 此外新闻提到社交计算联合搜索微软网络服务微软SQLServer话题。

    In addition, the press release release is talking about technologies such as social computing, federated search, Microsoft Web Services and Microsoft SQL Server.


  • 谷歌其他搜索引擎也已经开始社交网络中的内容加入搜索结果

    Google and other search engines have begun to incorporate content from social networks in their results.


  • 正如我们这个早些时候报道的那样,一些零售商已经他们预算搜索引擎市场转移电子邮件社交网络营销上来。

    As we reported earlier this month, some retailers have been shifting their budgets away from search-engine marketing and towards email and social marketing.


  • 然而,如果某人需要网上进行大量搜索并且需要将这些标签保存在电邮或者社交网络中的话,他将会非常高兴能够这些信息进行排序整理。

    However, anyone who's done a significant amount of research on the web while also "keeping tabs" on email, social networks, and such will love being able to sort all that information.


  • 也许最大优点社交网络有助于公司减少搜索成本

    But perhaps the biggest attraction is that the networks help firms to cut search costs.


  • 其他人认为社会化搜索而且这种合并可能使得社交网络搜索完全等同

    Others point to social search and that kind of amalgamation could throw our search vs. social networking equation entirely!


  • 社交网络模型算法社交网络相关的系统社交媒体社交搜索协作环境

    Social Computing: models, algorithms and systems around social networks, social media, social search and collaborative environments.


  • 如果社交网络访问量超过了搜索意味着什么?

    What would it mean if social networking over-took search in terms of sheer visits online?


  • 网络天性正在改变适应它旧的搜索网络正在崩溃;新的互联社交网络正在腾飞。

    And the nature of the Web is changing to match. The old searchable Web is crashing; while the new connected, social Web is lifting off.


  • 网络天性正在改变适应它旧的搜索网络正在崩溃;新的互联社交网络正在腾飞。

    And the nature of the Web is changing to match. The old searchable Web is crashing; while the new connected, social Web is lifting off.


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