• 有助于宣传推广社区,并将某个社交网络社区其他社区连接起来。

    This helps in advertising and promotions as well as linking one Social Network community with others.


  • 也说不准“,是否会成为未来十模式,这个web,2。0整体都一个社交网络社区

    My Space I don't know if "My Space" is the model ten years from now the whole web 2.0 thing is a social web, though.


  • wikis社区帮助创建网络在线空间,而bloggingfolksonomy文件共享有助于跨整个社交网络社区这个虚拟世界实现信息流

    While wikis and communities help to create an online space for the networks, blogging, folksonomy and file sharing help to information flow across the virtual world of the social networking community.


  • 社交网络相连人员行为模式出发,我们可以进行分析研究预测社区总体上社会经济行为模式。

    From the behavioral patterns of people linked with social networks, we can run analytical studies to predict the social, economical and behavioral patterns of the community as a whole.


  • 沈多纳构建名为互联网健康社区,在此基础上开展一系列实验观察不同形式社交网络带来的差异。

    To see what difference the form of a social network makes, Centola ran a series of experiments using an Internet-based health community he developed.


  • 一种诱饵确定消费者能够使用网络社区他们自己选择主题建立他们自己社交网络这样的话,网站不是全部关于这家公司的,这些消费者有关

    One lure is to make sure consumers can use the online community to network among themselves on topics of their own choosing. That way the site isn't all about the company, it's also about them.


  • 这些实例形成有机增长社交网络(它基于现有本地关系通过基于本地社区活动实现)的基础

    These instances form the basis for organically growing social networks based on existing local relationships and through local community-based activities.


  • 对于这些年轻人而言,一个在线社区网络相当于年长世代的人通过线下活动建立社交团体

    For these young people, an online social network mirrors the social groups established by older generations through offline activities.


  • 社交网络带来有机性寻求现有组织关系时间比如社区组织或者RotaryClub之类组织。

    What makes the social network organic is when you look for existing organizations and relationships to build on, such as community organizations or organizations like the Rotary Club.


  • 便意味着需要出来加入社交网站建立一些适合自己的网络社区

    This means that you need to get out in the social networking sites and create some community.


  • 社区社区个体为了分享他们的想法理念而创建在线空间并且提供了各种各样的工具推动社交网络

    Communities: Communities are an online space formed by a group of individuals to share their thoughts, ideas and have a variety of tools to promote Social Networking.


  • 网络社区内容全球性社交媒体用户很少国界影响,他们在全球范围内联系消费分享内容。

    Communities and content are global: Users of social media connect, consume, and share content globally with little care for international borders.


  • 下面这张图展示JanrainNASDAQ社区网站上如何运作。访客一个选项验证其已经在别的社交网络存在账号

    You can see an example of how Janrain works on the Nasdaq community site below -basically, visitors are given the option to authenticate themselves with an existing account on another social service.


  • 马云同时涉足于网络社区(online communities)社交网络(social net working),这两个渐渐兴盛起来的领域

    Mr Ma has also led the charge into online communities and social networking, both now booming areas.


  • 一个会上冲浪论坛同时也是数字录像社区专家用户,会寻找一些全能型社交网络所无法提供的看问题角度

    An individual who explores a sailing forum, and is also an expert in the TiVo community, seeks a unique perspective that no large umbrella social network can fully provide.


  • 眼下,可定制社交网络服务CollectiveX不复存在,社交协作社区”Groupsite.com取而代之。

    As of now, the brand of custom social network service CollectiveX is no more, and the "social collaboration communities" of Groupsite.com have taken its place.


  • 加入网络社交参加社区活动,或加入一个特别兴趣小组努力认识朋友

    Join a networking group or get involved in community activities or join a special interest group and make an effort to meet new people.


  • 社交网络的流行意味着更多年轻人成为社区游戏的爱好者。这些游戏不仅乐趣,更是一个不错工作机会

    The boom in social networking services has meant more young people playing social games. They're not just fun, they're a good job opportunity.


  • 明白各种在线论坛(社交网络博客数字社区)都有相应行为准则社交规范互动方法

    Understand that various online forums (social networks, blogs, digital communities) have their own rules of conduct, social norms and methods of interaction.


  • 公寓设有阳台,装修精美,提供免费网络,同时也是非常利于社交居住社区可以这里遇到一生朋友

    The Europa House apartments also have a balcony, are fully furnished, have free Internet and it is a very social living community where you will be able to meet friends that will be with you for life.


  • 社交网络的流行意味着更多年轻人成为社区游戏爱好者

    The boom in social networking services (SNS) has meant more young people playing social games.


  • 对于加入某个社区用户来说,如何建立属于自己社交网络最大障碍

    Building an adequate social network is one of the greatest barriers facing users of a new community.


  • 谷姐网站除了基本搜索引擎之外还包括在线讨论论坛、社交网络功能网站导航入口。该网站旨在建立一个在线社区,目前正在招募志愿者帮助进行网站编辑、网站设计社交网络管理

    The site aims to be highly focused on building an online community, and is recruiting volunteers to help out with Web editing, site design, and social network administration.


  • 添加社交网络软件社区网站立即提高注册

    Adding this to your community site can improve signup rates immediately.


  • 在线社交网络一个在线社区人们可以那里找到相同背景的朋友,分享共同的兴趣和活动。

    But if there is a good chance to find, they must also have a look, this part of the man are referred to as "passive job seekers".


  • 在线社交网络一个在线社区人们可以那里找到相同背景的朋友,分享共同的兴趣和活动。

    But if there is a good chance to find, they must also have a look, this part of the man are referred to as "passive job seekers".


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