• 意味着必须加强社会安全网

    It means strengthening social safety nets.


  • 有些国家加强社会支出扩大社会安全网

    Some countries are shielding social spending and expanding safety nets.


  • 社会安全网络的支持下,大多数新的政策最终发挥作用了。

    The new policies mostly worked eventually, once they were backed by a social safety-net.


  • 也许地区着手经济体制改革之前稳定经济建立社会安全网

    Perhaps the region first had to stabilise its economies and build its social safety net before embarking on microeconomic and institutional reform.


  • 用于维系渐增美国穷人数量的社会安全进一步紧张

    The social safety net for the growing ranks of poor Americans would be further strained.


  • 涉及政策计划促进饥饿人口直接快速获得粮食社会安全网

    It also involves policies and programmes, such as social safety nets, which enhance direct and immediate access to food by the hungry.


  • 资金流入社会安全网方案入学儿童以及孕妇哺乳妇女提供食品。

    Funds have also gone to social safety net programs such as feeding school children and pregnant and lactating women.


  • 业务反应包括资助基础设施服务教育以及卫生社会安全网预算支出

    Operational responses will include funding budget expenditures in infrastructure services, education, and health and social safety nets.


  • 世界银行正在着手制定新的方案迅速提供支持,帮助各国加强社会安全网

    The Bank is moving forward with a new programme to give rapid support so countries can strengthen their social safety nets.


  • 无论是富国还是穷国必须立即建立强大的社会安全网保护这些脆弱的人。

    Stronger social safety nets are urgently needed to protect the most vulnerable in rich and poor countries.


  • 我们大环境越来越不稳定为了确保人民得到应有的帮助我们正在检讨社会安全网

    We are reviewing our social safety nets to better support Singaporeans in a more volatile environment.


  • 这些保证加上社会安全网岗位供也许会有助于缓解困扰日本许久的通货紧缩的压力。

    These assurances, coupled with a stronger social safety net and employment provisions (see article), may help lift some of the deflationary fog that has lain heavy over Japan for so long.


  • 一如大部分社会安全现代失业保障体系来源于富兰克林·罗斯福的主意。

    Like much of the social safety net, the current UI system was a product of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.


  • 但是许多研究显示许多城市目前正在致力于正义活动——比如保护社会安全网

    But there are quite a lot of studies showing that many countries now are investing in the right activity-for example, protecting the social safety net.


  • 此次峰会针对生物燃料出口禁令社会安全(几乎没有提及)等问题的收效甚微令人惊讶

    It is not surprising that the summit did little about biofuels, export bans or social-safety nets (which it hardly discussed).


  • 作为社会安全一部分,部门负责通过养老金提升退休后金融安全和鼓励个人责任

    As part of the social security safety net, the department is also responsible for promoting financial security in retirement through pensions and encouraging individual responsibility.


  • 这笔资金可能支持用于基础设施、教育卫生以及社会安全网方案公共支出学校孕产妇食品方案。

    The money is likely to support public spending on infrastructure, education, health, and social safety net programs, such as school and maternal feeding programs.


  • Cotlear小组教育医疗秘鲁社会安全网的结论可能影响世界银行即将确定的秘鲁国家援助战略

    Cotlear says his team's findings on education, health care and Peru's social safety net will likely influence the World Bank's upcoming country assistance strategy for Peru.


  • 世行只有四分之一脆弱国家能够获得财政资源通过社会安全网创造就业岗位方案减轻金融低迷造成影响

    Only a quarter of vulnerable countries will have the financial resources to lessen the impact of the financial downturn with social safety net or job-creation programs, says the Bank.


  • 理想的情况当地社区参与基础设施建设中来。比如工作计划食品建设基础设施的同时提供社会安全

    Ideally, the infrastructure would be built in a manner that engages the local community. For example, food for work schemes provides a social safety net whilst simultaneously providing infrastructure.


  • 由于预见到了贫困国家需求世界银行12成立了一个快速通道基金,以便社会安全网基础设施教育卫生项目提供快速资助

    Anticipating the needs of the poorest countries, the World Bank created a fast track facility in December to provide rapid funding for social safety nets, infrastructure, education, and health.


  • 墨西哥巴西有条件现金转移支付计划作为努力提高社会安全网成效一项内容取代瞄准性差的补贴整合规模较小的计划。

    In countries such as Mexico and Brazil, CCT programs were introduced as part of larger efforts to make safety nets more effective, replace badly targeted subsidies, or integrate smaller programs.


  • 这项战略建立经实验证明好的社会保障方案的基础上,安全网有条件现金转移通过公共工程创造就业岗位方法以及有希望方法和工具

    The strategy will build on tried and true social protection programs such as safety nets, conditional cash transfers, and public works job creation-as well as promising new approaches and tools.


  • 城市贫困人口医疗救助作为社会保障安全网最后一道防线在我国长期以来没有得到很好的解决

    Faced with increasingly large urban poor groups, the medical relief for poor people in urban areas as part of the social security safety net in the last line has not been solution.


  • 由于金融系统崩溃将会社会带来无法估量损失因此许多国家都已经正在建立各种形式的金融安全网

    The collapse of finance system will bring uncountable loss for the society, so many countrys have built or are building all kinds of finance security network.


  • 然而,现行城市最低生活保障在发挥社会最后安全网作用同时,面临如何走出效率低下的困境

    While current urban minimum living guarantee system is guaranteeing the basic life level of poor group, it also faces how to go out of the plight caused by moral hazard.


  • 然而,现行城市最低生活保障在发挥社会最后安全网作用同时,面临如何走出效率低下的困境

    While current urban minimum living guarantee system is guaranteeing the basic life level of poor group, it also faces how to go out of the plight caused by moral hazard.


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