This phenomenon of expanded recruitment has become one of society's heated issues.
This article focuses on the social hot spots: low-carbon economy.
Environmental problems are hot-spots of the society, especially the urban environmental problems.
Medical tangle is one of the major problems in present society and it is very difficult to tackle it.
Pick to: in recent years, the problems of rural migrant workers have been as social hot attract close attention.
What current social heat appears is later, because this extremely possible meeting is entered, check a place.
New Countryside Construction, not only a social hotspot, but also a hotspot of academic research.
The overuse of drugs and the irrational increase in medical expenses are currently hot social issues.
Story through the perspective of young people after 80, combined with social hot spot, the contemporary analysis of the survival of divorced families …
Debates during an election, for example, tend to highlight hot-button issues and talking points that play to constituents' emotions.
Many female postgraduate students face mate confusion, which become the hot issue in society and letter to be resolved.
In interviewing, most examinee states this problem is current social heat, oneself ever also had prepared, write rise to still do not calculate very would you mind.
AIDS is a global issue concerning important public health and social hot problems, and one of the important issues of population security as well.
"Youth" becomes hot topic in the recent years. Films tend to go back youth. Maybe it is the charm of every generation.
Adopting space theory and social special perspective to analyze the current hot phenomenon in this dissertation has enlarged the research vision on art camp.
Laughter and prayer were also important, along with staying connected to family and friends and keeping up with current events and gadgets.
The survey showed that over 90% of visitors thought the subjects of forum complied with social hot spots, which are widely welcomed by the visitors.
This article discusses the issue of conflict concerned with the education quality evaluation in Chinas middle school education practice, in the meantime it is also a hotspot social issue.
With the economic improvement of living standards, there is a growing emphasis on physical health and spiritual enrichment. The outdoor tour is becoming new social heat.
Today, with the establishment of more and more groups and big corporations, how small businesses can survive in the tide of the market competitive economy has become a hot social issue.
By revealing the social focusing and repeated understanding and criticizing our society, network opinions certainly impact students, idea, even their value outlook.
You can also see how overwhelming some of the social features can be in such a popular site.
China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the international community, will continue to make every effort for the peaceful resolution of hotspot issues.
However, a couple of recent high-profile incidents suggest there might be a major social shift in the works.
After losing the only means of production-land, on which the peasants depend to earn their livings, the subsistence and employment of those peasants become a hot issue of great social concern.
The matter of integrity has been paying attention all through history, and it is a social hot spot as well.
与 Addict-O-Matic类似SocialMention合计了一下不同媒体材料中讨论的当前的热点话题并特地安排了一个“社会等级”。
Similar to Addict-O-Matic, Social Mention aggregates what’s being said about a topic or issue across a number of different media sources and even assigns a “social rank.”
与 Addict-O-Matic类似SocialMention合计了一下不同媒体材料中讨论的当前的热点话题并特地安排了一个“社会等级”。
Similar to Addict-O-Matic, Social Mention aggregates what’s being said about a topic or issue across a number of different media sources and even assigns a “social rank.”