I want to extend my congratulations to the class of 2007, wish you well and let you know you have a friend in the Speaker's office.
The Prince and the Princess assisted her into the carriage themselves, and wished her all success.
My personal thanks go to him. He has been a great player throughout his career and I would like to wish him all the best for the future.
Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to express my support for the China Green Companies programme and my best wishes to all and to the success of the Summit.
Nicely written. You were inspired too, eh? All the best to Yao and the Rockets this coming season.
Hope all the things go well with you hardworking staff. Hope every child in the world joyful and happy!
If they want to build cars for [export to] the rest of the world, I wish them all the best.
"So, we end our Odyssey into all things Hello Kitty by wishing this cat all the best," they conclude, cutely.
He wished me well and said he expected me to become a disgustingly enthusiastic, pompous old alumnus.
They were on the phone to me before the final and semi-final last season saying, 'Good luck, all the best'.
They were on the phone to me before the final and semi-final last season saying, 'Good luck, all the best'.