• 所有的家人都祝我好运,因为他们知道这场比赛对来说有多重要,也知道为准备比赛付出了多少努力。

    All my family wished me good luck because they knew how important this race was for me and how much effort I had put into its preparation.


  • 北京接受一个具有挑战性工作好运

    I'm going to accept a challenging job in Beijing, wish me luck!


  • 跳下火车好运,当火车时,挥手告别。

    He hopped off, wished me well, then saluted as the train left the station.


  • 一个小时后在这里举行宣传专辑唯一小型演唱会,好运

    In one hour, I'll be giving a mini-concert here for the promotion of my new album, "the one and Only". Wish me luck!


  • 这天接下来时间里,希拉里忙着接待前来祝我好运的人,母亲克和罗杰似乎都很开心,希拉里的家人也是一样

    Hillary and I spent the rest of the day receiving well-wishers, and Mother, Dick, and Roger all seemed happy about it, as did Hillary’s family.


  • 接着说到:“知道经常会有炒作事件发生如果别人这样做他们好运并不认为好事。”

    He continued: "I know that self-promotion happens a lot and if people want to do that, good luck to them, but I do not regard it as a positive thing."


  • 沙尔克04巴伦西亚晋级一轮(欧冠),他们都有很多球员他们都好运

    Both Schalke 04 and Valencia want to reach the next round and have very good players. I wish them both the best.


  • 球员依然希望有所成就那些未来进入法国队人们好运

    The players still want to achieve something and I wish good luck to those who will come into the side in the future.


  • 感到吃惊的是,院长在竞选好运也许是因为此刻已为时过晚,不到别人这些课吧

    To my surprise, Wylie gave me his blessing, probably because it was too late to get anyone else to teach the courses.


  • 未来首相好运因为未来作出重要选择

    I wish the next prime minister well as he makes the important choices for the future.


  • 引诱太多郎姆酒,不过可以为了好运而喝那么一点点,当然,要是有机会的话

    You don't catch me tasting rum so much, but just a thimbleful for luck, of course, the first chance I have.


  • 中国空间计划好运打赌他们已经做好人工月球着陆器,只不过顾忌声誉(而谨慎行事)。

    Good luck to China's space program, I bet they want to complete a manned moon landing. Prestige is a thing.


  • 不要照一般习惯说再见作为结尾要说的是好运,万事如意

    Soinstead of concluding my speech with the customary Good-bye, allow me to say Good luck and much happiness!


  • 新的俱乐部有个新的工作肯定曼城球迷后面支持好运

    He's in a new job at a new club and I'm sure Man City fans will get behind him and I wish him the best of luck.


  • 欢庆农历新年各位平安健康好运荣昌

    To everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year, I wish you peace, prosperity and good health and fortune.


  • 如果没有知道是真正爱着对方但是必须明白痛苦等待着你,大家好运

    If not, I know you really love her, but you must make know the suffering will be waiting for you. good luck!


  • 正像出租车司机那样往心里去,只是微笑挥手他们好运然后干嘛还干嘛

    And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.


  • 里皮补充道,“如果有人认为一家俱乐部执教超出能力范围的,只有自己好运。”

    If anyone thinks that a move to a big English club is beyond me, then I'd just say 'give me a break'.


  • 再接下来祝我自己好运希望可以娶到宝贝作为的妻子,如此的漂亮聪明而且非常善良所有这些特质想要的!

    Next, Good luck to me, another, I hope I can wive my darling as my wife, you are so beautiful and so clever, also you are very kind, all these characters are what I want.


  • 只想大家好运好好你们最大努力的啦,小子

    I just want to say: Break a leg, have a good shoot, do your best work, and here's looking at you, kids.


  • 其它AIG -FP的同仁好运希望他们能够心情平和这个困难的处境下做出决定,但愿他们不要恐惧阴影围绕。

    I wish others at A. I. G. -f. P. luck finding peace with their difficult decision, and only hope their judgment is not clouded by fear.


  • 其他人写出有趣的东西送上一个香唇印。但是从来想不任何原创的东西,所以通常好运或者生日快乐”,而且附上“香吻”。

    Other people write funny things and add kisses but I can never think of anything original to say, so I usually write "good luck" or "happy birthday" and do not include kisses.


  • 其他人写出有趣的东西送上一个香唇印。但是从来想不任何原创的东西,所以通常好运或者生日快乐”,而且附上“香吻”。

    Other people write funny things and add kisses but I can never think of anything original to say, so I usually write "good luck" or "happy birthday" and do not include kisses.


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