• 极力克制自己提出离婚诉讼

    He exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce.


  • 之后,何某某向珠藏镇法庭提起离婚诉讼

    After Hemeimei to-town court for the possession of divorce proceedings.


  • 宣告失踪一方提出离婚诉讼的,准予离婚

    Divorce shall be granted if one party is declared to be missing and the other party thereby files an action for divorce.


  • 女方提出离婚诉讼,因为男方抛弃了孩子

    She is suing for divorce on the grounds that he deserted her and the children.


  • 第三分析协调调解涉外离婚诉讼中的运用

    The third chapter analyzes the utilization of coordination and mediation in international divorce proceedings.


  • 他们遗弃家里家人然后年后回来提出离婚诉讼

    They left their families at home and came back years later to file a divorce lawsuit.


  • 宣告失踪一方提出离婚诉讼的,应准予离婚

    Where one party is declared to be missing and the other party starts divorce proceedings, divorce shall be granted.


  • 法律专家新的解释设念财产离婚诉讼供给了收略的参考

    Legal experts say the new explanation offers clear-cut reference for judgment in divorce lawsuits involving property.


  • 美国次贷危机纽约富豪婚姻带来压力,提起离婚诉讼的人数创下新高。

    New York City has seen a rising divorce trend among affluent families who are victims of the sub-prime mortgage crisis and thereafter suffered mounting stress from their spouses.


  • 没有通知妻子就国家提起离婚诉讼妻子看法,她的国家是最吝啬的国家。

    Without his wife’s knowledge, he filed for divorce in her country, one of the stingiest jurisdictions in Europe (from her point of view).


  • 比如许多离婚诉讼金钱用于邪恶目的而且诸多暴行实施都打着金钱的幌子。

    In many divorce proceedings, for instance, money is used for evil purpose, and an awful lot of violence is perpetrated in the name of money.


  • 法官休•本,鉴于麦卡特尼和米尔斯已分居事实,米尔斯提出的离婚诉讼请求获准

    Justice Hugh Bennett said the petition for divorce by Mills was granted on the grounds that the couple had lived apart for two years.


  • 北京晚报报道,顺义法院进行调研发现七成的离婚诉讼女性提起的。

    Nearly 70% of divorce proceedings are lodged by women, according to a study by Shunyi district court, the Beijing Evening News reported.


  • 涉外离婚管辖权作为一国审理涉外离婚案件依据涉外离婚诉讼具有重要意义

    As the basis for a foreign country to hear an international divorce case, the jurisdiction is of vital significance in the international divorce proceedings.


  • 加里清楚听说他们已经分居个月了,而且已经提出离婚诉讼了。

    Gary: Well, I don't really know, but I heard that they are having a separation for two months and have filed for divorce.


  • 2009英国最新数据显示,2009年113949离婚诉讼中,有68%女性提出的。

    The latest UK figures for 2009 show that 68 percent of the 113, 949 divorce proceedings that year were started by women.


  • 2009英国最新数据显示,2009年113949离婚诉讼中,有68%女性提出的。

    The latest UK figures for 2009 show that 68 percent of the 113,949 divorce proceedings that year were started by women.


  • 其他导致夫妻感情破裂的情形。一宣告失踪一方提出离婚诉讼的,准予离婚

    If either party has been declared by court as to be missing and the other party applies to be divorced, divorce shall be granted.


  • 英国可能很快导致开始离婚诉讼然后开始申请意外事件生活费,这申请包括有关诉讼规定

    In England, that may be followed by a swift move to initiate divorce proceedings, and then an emergency maintenance application that includes provision for legal costs.


  • 法庭同意原告离婚诉讼要求,予以确认。两人孩子抚养问题无财产分配问题,无其他异议

    The court approved the plaintiff's divorce lawsuit and confirmed it without any disputes on the child rearing and the division of marital assets or any other issues.


  • 原告请求法院被告向原告支付合理律师费以及进行本离婚诉讼而已经发生将要发生的诉讼

    Plaintiff requests the court award Plaintiff reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred and to be incurred in prosecuting a contested divorce action.


  • 离婚诉讼过程中,哥哥(或弟弟)去世,又失去在胡拉公司工作陷入极度抑郁

    During the divorce proceedings, Harth fell into a deep depression, compounded by the death of her brother and the loss of her job at Houraney's company.


  • 2009年5月参加18内衣模特生日派对新闻被爆料后,卢斯科尼的妻子随即提出了离婚诉讼

    In May 2009, Berlusconi's wife initiated divorce proceedings after he attended the birthday party of an 18-year-old underwear model.


  • 胡安妮塔·乔丹2002年1月提出离婚诉讼一个撤回了诉状表示和乔丹正在尝试调解

    Juanita Jordan previously filed for divorce in January 2002, but withdrew her petition a month later when the couple announced they were attempting a reconciliation.


  • NBA巨星迈克尔·乔丹结婚17妻子胡安妮塔于本周五向法院提出离婚诉讼,polo homme。

    NBA superstar Michael Jordan and his wife Juanita. Michael Jordan and his wife, Juanita, filed for divorce Friday after 17 years of marriage.


  • 有些丈夫国外提起离婚诉讼并且完全没有出席英国法庭希望国外执行判决费用拖延使他们前妻放弃

    Some husbands file for divorce abroad and simply fail to turn up at the English court, hoping that the cost and delay of enforcing the judgment abroad will lead their ex-wife to give up.


  • 这些妇女有时嫁给外国男人希望能够移民其他国家或者提高生活水准他们愿望得不到满足时开始离婚诉讼

    These women sometimes marry foreign men hoping to immigrate to another country or have a higher standard of living, and when their aspirations are not met, they start divorce proceedings, Wang said.


  • 离婚法》实施后,根据该法,南非法院可以根据任一方当事人住所地通常居所地为由来涉外离婚诉讼行使管辖。

    After the enactment South African court whereby can exercises jurisdiction over foreign-related divorce cases if any party has domicile or ordinary residence in its jurisdictional area.


  • 离婚法》实施后,根据该法,南非法院可以根据任一方当事人住所地通常居所地为由来涉外离婚诉讼行使管辖。

    After the enactment South African court whereby can exercises jurisdiction over foreign-related divorce cases if any party has domicile or ordinary residence in its jurisdictional area.


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