• 最好俱乐部提供私人教练帮助激发动力确保训练适当地进行

    The best clubs also offer personal trainers to help motivate and ensure that exercises are properly performed.


  • 来和我们具有执业资格的私人教练朱迪·麦格雷戈一起,在米德尔顿旅馆庄园的场地上锻炼身体吧。

    Come and work out with our qualified personal trainer, Jodie McGregor, on the grounds of the Middleton Lodge estate.


  • 一家公司 Tim and Jerry's 已经为员工提供私人教练,现在还提供一间配有床和枕头的房间,员工可以根据需要使用。

    Another company, Tim and Jerry's, which already offers employees personal trainers, now supplies a room with a bed and pillows that employees can use as needed.


  • Amender母亲雇了私人教练、一名保镖、一名歌唱教练一名顾问满足15岁女儿一切需要

    Amender's mother employs a personal trainer, a bodyguard, a singing coach and a councilor to look after all her fifteen-year-old daughter's needs.


  • 伊芙,在模特之前专业私人教练

    Prior to modeling, Eve said she's worked as a certified personal trainer.


  • 第八谈及私人教练导师价值名言开宗明义。

    The eighth chapter deals with the value of having personal coaches and mentors, and starts out with.


  • 帮助健身应用程序已经智能手机变成了私人教练

    Applications that help you get fit have turned smartphones into personal trainers.


  • 一位私人教练(就算只有)可以帮助达成健身目的

    Working out with a personal trainer (even just a couple of times) can improve the chance of obtaining your fitness goals.


  • 个人资料中自己描述一位瑜伽老师私人教练

    On her profile she describes herself as a yoga teacher and personal trainer.


  • 每周3各界人士跑步建设工人教授,还有私人教练

    Three times a week, I go running with a group of people from all walks of life, from builders to professors to personal trainers.


  • 近来那位曾模特夫人一直定期跑步,还私人教练健身

    Recently he has been taking regular runs with his wife, a former supermodel, and work-outs with her personal trainer.


  • 去年父亲生病了,身体好起来,预约私人教练恢复体能

    Last year my father was ill and once he'd recovered his health he booked in with a personal trainer to recover his strength.


  • 如果自己处状况还不清楚,你可以求助私人教练其他健身爱好者。

    Personal trainers or other fitness enthusiasts are typically available if you have questions about your form.


  • 今天体育明星往往一个私人教练照顾他们身体状况和的精神准备

    Today, sports stars often have a personal trainer, an individual who looks after not only their physical fitness but also their mental preparedness.


  • 私人教练指导,已经好几有的师徒关系还算可以,还有的相当不错

    I have been personal training for several years now and been through some rough client-trainer relationships and some great ones as well.


  • 朋友朋友打来电话听说当地健身俱乐部一个私人教练

    One day a friend of a friend called to say that she had heard I was working as a personal trainer at the local health club.


  • 如果确定到底该寻求哪种方法,问问私人教练通常他/她给你指出一条路。

    If you are not sure what to look for a personal trainer can usually point you in the right direction.


  • 新的一年里如果试图寻找私人教练几条条建议献上,找到最佳人选

    This New Year, if you're in the market for a personal trainer, here are ten tips to help you identify the one best suited for you.


  • 私人教练消失因为有人喜欢真人培训”的一面,机器教练功能更加强大。

    Will we need personal trainers in the future? "I don't think they'll go away because there will always be people who prefer the 'human touch' but the machines will get better at coaching."


  • 克莱博士,这一点在女性身上表现得尤为明显,即使是拥有私人教练女性健身者也是如此。

    Thatis especially true of women, Dr. Kraemer said, even those who work withpersonal trainers.


  • 职业私人教练肖凯推荐网球网球罐装沙子或者硬币,这非常有利于做式的重量训练

    Shawn Keith, certified personal trainer, recommends filling tennis balls and tennis cans with sand or change for some great handheld weights.


  • 私人教练,产前后运动专家JoannaHelcke大夫剖腹产需要810才能恢复。

    Dr Joanna Helcke, a personal trainer and specialist in pre and post natal exercise, said it takes between eight to ten weeks to recover from a caesarean section.


  • 伊芙,在模特之前专业私人教练。另外她做过段时间的角选手,还有过当演员经历

    Prior to modeling, Eve said she's worked as a certified personal trainer. She's also done stints as a wrestler and has some experience acting.


  • 但是参加了一个训练班私人教练纠正不规范动作时,她又回到每周六的锻炼计划中。

    But when she started attending a class with an instructor who taught her how to modify the moves, she found herself returning six days a week at 7 a.m.


  • 因此,寻找个合适私人教练至关重要的,不然的话,最终对训练郁郁告终,反而增加压力

    So finding the right trainer is vital or else you will end up disliking exercise and increase stress rather than reducing it.


  • 网球罐子。职业私人教练肖凯推荐将网球和网球罐装沙子或者硬币,这非常有利于做式的重量训练

    Tennis balls and cans. Shawn Keith, certified personal trainer, recommends filling tennis balls and tennis cans with sand or change for some great handheld weights.


  • 明白自己健身目标什么并且知道首先纠正的是什么,(有可能的话私人教练)就要开始你的计划

    Once you understand what your fitness goals are and what needs to be corrected first, you (and your personal trainer, if possible) are going to developing the beginning of your fitness plan.


  • 马奎斯(马奎斯·伯),科里(科里·史密斯)健身房认识的,我是他们私人教练,后来成了朋友

    I knew Marquis [Cooper] and Corey [Smith] from the gym - I was their personal trainer and we'd become good friends - but the following week Marquis was moving away.


  • 只要不停电,这个系统加上友好机器人减肥教练Autom也许有一套高科技厨房电器就可以取代私人教练

    Combine this with Autom, your friendly robotic weight-loss coach, and, barring power outages, maybe a high-tech suite of kitchen electronics could replace personal trainers.


  • 只要不停电,这个系统加上友好机器人减肥教练Autom也许有一套高科技厨房电器就可以取代私人教练

    Combine this with Autom, your friendly robotic weight-loss coach, and, barring power outages, maybe a high-tech suite of kitchen electronics could replace personal trainers.


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