Most of them saw a doctor in private clinique and asked their friends or classmates for help.
The report indicates that cosmetic surgeries are now largely performed in private offices.
It does not include treatment at a private doctor's office or in a self-help group, emergency room, or penal facility.
CGH is currently offered at only a handful of private clinics in the UK and there have been no CGH births here.
Peterson is a physician in private practice in Nevada and treats patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
The doctor at a private clinic said to me that he could no longer do a simple exam because I have too many signs.
There are several private WALK-IN Clinics situated in different part of the city. You can call for same day appointments.
Today, in his private Harley Street clinic, many of his patients are in their late thirties and early forties.
Mr. Bai, uses a technique he developed himself at a modest private clinic in the suburbs of Shanghai.
In recent years many dentists have turned to private practice as fees for doing NHS work have been squeezed.
Even Kazakhs rich enough to turn to the few private clinics are not protected if, say, they suffer a heart attack and need urgent transport.
Doctors, for example, often work inprivate practices and may be able to work part-time more easily than women in other fields.
Service function of village clinical stations (most private clinics) is low; country doctors cannot meet the needs of farmer's health service.
Specialists in clinical medicine usually work in private practice or in a hospital while those in laboratory medicine and in surgery usually work in hospitals.
Outpatients, who can leave after treatment, come in for emergency care or are referred for services not available in a private doctor's office.
Severino Antinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name.
The boy developed symptoms of fever and headache on 29 March. He was initially treated at a private clinic, then hospitalized in Phnom Penh on 4 April.
Affected by the impact of the old customs and habits, there are many people in Mali trauma, fractures will go to local private clinics using the traditional "indigenous methods" treatment.
"We see an increasing number of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders from middle and higher socio-economic groups coming to our private practice," he says.
“Ascalp biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosing hair loss, ” said Dr. Marc Avram, a dermatologist in private practice with offices inManhattan and Brooklyn.
Instead they had unintentionally rewarded dentists for over-treating fewer patients, and forced more than ever to suffer or go private.
Massage therapy majors learn the skills necessary to provide therapeutic massage to clients in a variety of Settings, from health clubs to hospitals to private practice.
On 6 May she presented to a private clinic in Zirobwe town, Luwero district, with a 5-day history of an acute febrile illness with haemorrhagic manifestations.
Senior health officials admit that it may be difficult to police the ban. The operation can be performed in 15 minutes.
Senior health officials admit that it may be difficult to police the ban. The operation can be performed in 15 minutes.