• 过去年中华尔街一些赫赫有名的银行都来到亚洲这里新贵阶层提供私人银行服务

    In the past few years, Wall Street's biggest names staffed up in Asia to provide private-banking services to the newly rich.


  • 许多不同的国家赚钱,现在又担任一家全球性公司的首席执行长意味着我需要的财富管理师有大家风范,且能在多个国家服务。我目前为止只用过全球私人银行服务

    People are puzzled at this, but I figure if the world comes to an end and I'm desperate for a snack, I don't want to hand over a whole ingot for a cheese sandwich.


  • ICICI银行长期以来一直是私人银行偶像,2009年停下来口气,调整战略,同时工业印度成长迅速的中产阶级做为服务对象。

    ICICI bank, for a long time the pin-up of the private Banks, paused for breath in 2009, rejigging its strategy to target industry as well as India's burgeoning middle classes.


  • 一旦客户成为私人银行的会员,成为有利之处;只要客户无法确定他们是否会在其他地方获得更好服务的话,他们就会一直在那里

    This can be an advantage to private banks once clients are on the books; inertia may keep them there, if only because clients can rarely be sure that they would be better off elsewhere.


  • 一个更大商机数以百万计的退休人员销售服务,这些人员无力享受私人银行客户获得的那种娇养服务,尽管这个商机看起来很微妙

    A bigger opportunity, if a trickier one, is selling services to the millions of retired people who cannot afford the pampering a private client receives.


  • Grubel先生多数精力放在银行三项主要业务交叉销售上,比如投资银行服务提供私人银行客户反之亦然

    Mr Grubel makes much of efforts to cross-sell products between the bank's three divisions, for example selling investment-banking services to private-banking clients and vice versa.


  • 就拿瑞士来说,虽然拥有费德勒这样超级“吸金”体育明星,但国内两最大的私人银行信和瑞银没有设立专门部门服务体育界人士。

    Even though Switzerland is home to some of the wealthiest sports stars like Roger Federer, Switzerland's largest private banks - Credit Suisse and UBS - don't have sports divisions.


  • 家庭办公室主要组织形式,向富裕人士提供高品质金融服务私人银行重要特征

    Taking family offices as main means, supplying HNWIs with supreme financial services, are key characteristics of private banking.


  • 分析师公司掌握人口稠密城市地区售卖生鲜食品在店内引入私人银行服务零售模式

    Analysts say the company has mastered the retail model of serving fresh food and providing space for services like personal banking in densely populated urban areas.


  • 白贺德认为,规模较小量身定制私人银行服务方面并不具备优势因为大型银行能够提供广泛产品

    Mr Berchtold does not believe that a smaller, bespoke private bank would be at an advantage in terms of the service offered, as larger Banks can source a huge range of products.


  • 我们零售银行企业投资银行金融服务保险私人银行资产管理领域专业知识有助于我们满足目标客户多样化需求

    Our expertise in areas such as retail banking, corporate and investment banking, financial services, insurance, private banking and asset management helps us to meet our customers 'diversified needs.


  • 开着辆不错穿着漂亮衣服工作时间似乎就是为左邻右舍服务私人银行家代表

    She drives a nice car, wears smart clothes and appears to be the embodiment of the neighbourhood personal banker she is during office hours.


  • 企业投资银行私人银行资产管理证券服务拥有市场认可专业知识顶级国际排名集成解决方案

    Corporate and investment banking, private banking, asset management and securities services, with recognised expertise, top international rankings and integrated solutions.


  • 企业投资银行私人银行资产管理证券服务拥有市场认可专业知识顶级国际排名集成解决方案

    Corporate and investment banking, private banking, asset management and securities services, with recognised expertise, top international rankings and integrated solutions.


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