• 结论临床验光科学规范医学验光首推。

    Conclusion Clinical optometry should science norm, the medical optometry, the head to push.


  • 法人治理结构现代企业科学规范制度核心

    The scientific and standard running forms of the legal person is the key point of modern enterprises system.


  • 公司600余名员工爱岗敬业,管理科学规范生产井然有序

    Total 600 Workers in this factory love their jobs very much led by scientific management and advanced production team.


  • 现代企业需要科学规范内部控制制度用来规范管理行为。

    Up-to-date enterprises must be equipped with a set of scientifically standardized internal control system with which to regulate its management.


  • 通用科学规范调查得知入校前部分大学生存在一定程度的人格障碍

    The survey done by universal science indicates that some college students suffer personality obstacles to some extent.


  • 科学规范评价机制控制措施有利于报告质量评价提高报告质量。

    Scientific and standardized evaluation mechanism and control measures are conducive to evaluating and improving ADR reports quality.


  • 而且研究对象多集中汉族地区城市学校学生研究工具不够科学规范

    Furthermore, the object of study concentrated in the school students of the Han regions and cities and research tools is not enough scientific and standardized.


  • 此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范所有结构灌溉排水系统火箭发射设施

    This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.


  • 目的比较人工小时效果,为科学规范开展蚊虫监测提供理论依据。

    Objective to compare the effectiveness of the labor-hour method and the light trap method to mosquitoes, providing the basis for development of scientific and standard mosquito monitoring.


  • 公司科学规范管理制度热情周到服务精神赢得了广大国内外客户充分信赖。

    We have won plenitudinous entrust of domestic and oversea clients by scientific-normative management system and passionate-judgmatical service spirit.


  • 本文研究主要是以规范为取向较为深入的探讨基于科学规范高效的管理模式

    Based on standardized orientation, the paper inquires into a in-depth study on building a newly scientific, standardize and efficient road traffic model.


  • 整个薪酬设计建立岗位调查、岗位评价岗位说明书等的科学规范的工作基础之上。

    The entire compensation design is based on scientific and standard post surveys, post appraisals and post specifications.


  • 为了加强乡村旅游建设必须科学规范抓起做好品牌营销教育培训生态建设工作

    In order to enhance rural tourism development must start from a scientific, standard, good brand marketing, education and training and ecological construction work.


  • 公司诚信服务精益求精经营理念。管理科学规范,愿与广大客户共同进取。

    Following the tenets of honest service and exquisiteness, our company has done our best to meet the clients 'needs by applying standard management, better quality and competitiveness of our products.


  • 实践教学培养技能型人才关键科学规范评价监控机制实践教学质量的有力保证

    Teaching practice is the key to cultivate talents, and scientific evaluation and supervision mechanism of standard of practical teaching quality is a powerful guarantee.


  • 客观性原则指导树立客观报道操作要求方法使中国新闻业更加科学规范必然要求

    Setting up the operation requirements and methods for objective news reporting under the guide of objective principle is necessary to make Chinese journalism more scientific and normal.


  • 行业竞争来激烈的今天科学规范项目管理工作成为提高建筑企业核心竞争力重要手段。

    Competes more intense today in the profession, scientific standard project management work oneself becomes the enhancement construction enterprise core competition the important method.


  • 并据此分析得出准确可靠性全面性有效性以及科学规范积极主动性10方面的绩效维度

    According to the analyzing results, 10 performance dimensions such as reliability, comprehensiveness, effectiveness and scientific normative, positive initiatives were obtained.


  • 实行岗位聘任制必须重视聘后管理工作,聘后管理的关键,就是逐步完善科学规范的岗位评价机制

    In implementing post appointment system, great importance should be attached to after-appointment supervision, in which perfecting performance evaluation mechanism plays a key role.


  • 目前多种因素使得普通高校武术套路教学不够科学规范,而武术套路教学科学规范武术教学之根本

    There are many factors affecting the scientific and standardized teaching of Wushu in general university. The author believes that standardization is essential to the teaching of Wushu.


  • 行业竞争来愈激烈的今天科学规范项目管理工作成为提高建筑施工企业核心竞争力重要手段

    There is more and more fierce competition in industry, scientific and canonical project management has become the important means to enhance the core competitiveness in construction enterprise.


  • 针对轧均热炉生产调度普遍存在科学规范现状,利用系统工程原理网络技术进行优化调度

    To account of the absence of scientific norm in the soaking pit management of blooming mill, the optimization of the management is carried out by means of system engineering and network theory.


  • 如何建立科学规范公司治理结构成为我国学者近年来重点研究问题成果丰富,存在许多问题

    How to establish the normal corporate governance structures has become the key research issue. Our scholar made progress, but there were still many problems.


  • 拥有国内外先进机械生产设备,经验丰富专业技术人员队伍,科学规范的管理制度现代先进的经营理念。

    We have the advanced mechanism from overseas and domestic, many experts that are affluent in billiard tables production, scientific and canonical administrators, modern and advanced management.


  • 完善制度,必须确立预防康复赔偿相结合新型理念理顺体制,健全法规,建立科学规范的费率机制。

    The improvement of the workers' compensation insurance system depends on the establishment of the new idea combining prevention, rehabilitation with compensation, the rearrangement of the managements…


  • 科学规范的生产管理严格质量检测体系产品设计风格多样化以及品种的丰富齐全,赢得国内外消费者青睐

    Basing on scientific management and strict quality testing system, products with various styles and complete variety are popular with domestic and overseas consumers.


  • 科学规范的生产管理严格质量检测体系产品设计风格多样化以及品种的丰富齐全,赢得国内外消费者青睐

    Basing on scientific management and strict quality testing system, products with various styles and complete variety are popular with domestic and overseas consumers.


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