• 定位绘图随着移动社交网络兴起而出现的一个有趣层面

    One interesting layer is the "mapping layer" that is emerging in mobile social networks.


  • 不管使用哪个移动社交网络包括Google在内,只是现实人际关系网一部分。

    No matter which mobile social network you end up using, including Google's, you're only going to see a slice of your actual social network.


  • 作为客户端的Facebook移动app无法企及真实环境下移动社交网络所表现出的易用强大

    A Facebook mobile app as a thin client onto this will not be as easy or as powerful for users as a real mobile social network.


  • 近期,微软的研究人员表示他们已经开发出一套移动社交网络程序,它使得人们可以好友分享私人信息暴露网络中。

    Researchers at Microsoft have developed mobile social networking software that lets users share personal information with friends but not the network itself.


  • 如果移动社交网络真的运作,他们可能会欧洲起步,不是喜爱科技的美国加州“为移动疯狂”的日本

    If mobile social networks do take off, they are likely to do so first in Europe, rather than tech-happy California or mobile-crazy Japan.


  • 工人们希望工作可以融入自己社交网络不论是电子邮件即时通讯还是移动电话

    Workers expect to be plugged into their social networks while at work, whether by E-mail, IM or mobile phone.


  • 所有移动终端互联网浏览量社交网络几乎了近一半,多数发生外出活动时。

    Social networking takes up almost half of all internet time on mobile devices – much of it spent while out and about.


  • 这一研究一些结论包括男性访问网站数量在线时间要长,使用社交网络的时间不比女性少,而且男性倾向通过移动设备访问互联网

    Some results of the study? Men visit more sites and stay online longer, use social networks as much or more than women and are more likely to access the Internet from a mobile device.


  • 谈及帮助社交网络实现无处不在目标时,这些东西远远没有移动电话重要

    But when it comes to helping social networks achieve ubiquity, none of these things will be remotely as important as the mobile phone.


  • 为了增强飞速发展移动社交网络领域的竞争百度已经开始着手核心搜索业务拓展新的领域。

    Baidu is beginning to diversify from its core search business to compete in the fast-growing segments of mobile and social networking.


  • 就像只凤凰一样再次升起社交网络智能手机移动应用软件重点初创企业一起哼唱

    But like a phoenix, the Alley has risen again, humming with startups focused on social networking, smart phones and mobile apps.


  • 有人认为社交网络移动技术新的广告领域旅游业的变革具有特殊意义

    Social networking and mobile technology are a new advertising frontier, and it makes sense for the travel industry to jump on board, some say.


  • 移动技术虚拟化社交网络还有云计算-一份研究已经我们所有朋友全都列入黑名单上。

    Mobile technology, virtualization, the social web, cloud computing - a think tank study has all our good friends on a hit list.


  • 使社交网络交流者比便携式移动设备更容易交流,甚至手持设备便宜

    It also made social network communications easy on portable mobile devices, even inexpensive handsets.


  • Kollgottingen同事们致力于他们自己移动设备开发一套不同的社交网络架构

    Koll and his gottingen colleagues are working on an alternative social networking architecture for mobile devices of their own.


  • 去年二月全球移动大会上HTC推出了Facebook手机”又名htcSalsaHTCChacha两款手机社交网络服务紧密结合

    At Mobile World Congress last February, HTC launched "Facebook Phones" A.K.A. the HTC Salsa and the HTC ChaCha, which offered deep integration with the social networking service.


  • 甲骨文收购FatWire帮助公司通过网络移动社交渠道改进在线参与功能,从而增加客户黏性忠诚度。”

    Oracle says that with FatWire it will help companies "drive customer retention and loyalty through improved online engagement – across Web, mobile and social channels."


  • 现在网络内容发行商必须做到顾客至上——就意味着,顾客提供的内容必须社交网络视频移动设备为基础,时间、空间和方式上完全满足他们

    Now, customers must come first to publishersand that means providing them with content when, where, and how they want it in the social networks, in video, and on mobile devices.


  • 明显,未来约会需要移动设备社交网络告诉我们周围的人是否跟我们合得来

    It's obvious to me that the future of dating will involve mobile, social networks that tell us more about the compatibility of the people around us.


  • 社交网络移动颠覆垂直市场。社交网络移动设备颠覆零售金融服务健康等垂直市场。

    Social Networks and mobile Shake-Up Verticals - Retail, financial services and healthcare will all be shaken up by social networking and mobile devices.


  • 年轻企业家他们90年代前辈不同重点已经网络效果广告转移社交网和移动软件,看起来对于底层技术如芯片和硬体没有什么兴趣。

    Silicon Alley's young entrepreneurs differ a bit from their predecessors of the '90s. The focus has shifted from Internet effects and ads to social networking and mobile software.


  • 这样多元社交网络管理台式电脑笔记本电脑上尚可实现,对于使用移动设备的人来说将相同信息互动重复简直难以忍受。

    This social multiverse may be manageable on a desktop or laptop, but a multiplicity of structures for similar personal information and interaction are potentially overwhelming on a mobile device.


  • 位创始人才明白Google买下Dodgeball只是看重了他们移动社交网络商业方面的理解力,而不是他们提供服务。

    The founders started to believe that Google had bought Dodgeball simply to acquire their savvy in the mobile social-networking business, not for the service they'd built.


  • 建立GPSWiFi以及三角测量(triangulation)基础上的定位感知技术移动网络社交定位软件开辟新的空间

    Location sensing, powered by GPS as well as Wi-Fi and triangulation, opens up new possibilities for mobile social networking and presence applications.


  • 上周德沃尔夫又收购了社交游戏网络(Social Gaming Network)Hallpass Media两家公司,以扩充员工,并且公司的网络产品线中增加移动游戏内容。

    Last week, he scooped up Social Gaming Network and Hallpass Media to augment staff and add mobile games to the company's Web products. (New York Times)


  • M-Mobile(手机)是否通过移动设备进入图书馆社交网络越来越重要。

    M - mobile, more and more your library's social networking needs to be able to be accessed via mobile devices.


  • 移动科技:将移动电话社交网络站点相连接帮助人们找到朋友以及周围潜在的朋友。

    Mobile technology: Crossing mobile phones with social-networking sites would help people find friends, and potential friends, nearby.


  • 移动科技:将移动电话社交网络站点相连接帮助人们找到朋友以及周围潜在的朋友。

    Mobile technology: Crossing mobile phones with social-networking sites would help people find friends, and potential friends, nearby.


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