• 一场相当豪华户外活动:侍者甚至穿着衬衫不像许多同胞

    It was quite a posh al fresco affair: the waiter was even wearing a shirt, unlike many of his compatriots.


  • 农民正在穿着衬衫花生。

    Farmers harvest peanuts in their undershirts.


  • 穿着衬衫短裤,戴着手套帽子

    I'm wearing shorts, shoes, gloves, a shirt and a hat.


  • 看到穿着衬衫流浪汉交流时候,街上可能都会议论纷纷。

    It's the whispers of people on the street that see man in a suit having a real conversation with a homeless person.


  • 即使穿着衬衫也可以看出背部肩膀到处都是,又又有弹性艾尔谷犬似的。

    Even with his shirt on you can tell that he has hair all over his back and on his shoulders, thick and springy like an Airedale's.


  • 只戴帽子的老鼠,站树干一只鼬,在一座房子里,和一只老鼠,还有一只穿着衬衫熊猫

    A rat with a hat, on a trunk, with a skunk, in a house, with a mouse, and a panda in a blouse.


  • 这个故事里所需要的,只戴着假发艘船上不是房子里,一只小老鼠,或者一只穿着衬衫的熊猫,而不是一只戴着帽子的老鼠,或者一只树干鼬,不是一只青蛙,一条狗,或是一只站木头上的山羊

    What this story needs is a pig in a wig, on a boat, not a house, with a mouse, or a panda in a blouse, not a rat with a hat, or a skunk on a trunk, not a frog, a dog, or a goat on a log.


  • 大多数男孩穿着自己父亲军装衬衫

    Most of the boys wore hand-me-down military shirts from their fathers.


  • 一直穿着米歇尔那件黑色金色相间的衬衫

    I'd been wearing Michel's black and gold shirt.


  • 逃跑时穿着条莎笼件破衬衫

    He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt.


  • 穿着件条纹衬衫一条宽松裤子

    He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers.


  • 穿着凉鞋牛仔裤衬衫下摆也没进裤子里。

    He wore sandals and old jeans and his shirttails weren't tucked in.


  • 描述说穿着棕色灯芯绒长裤一件白色衬衫

    She described him as wearing brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt.


  • 克里斯穿着那件衣领挺括的衬衫加上剪的短发看上去整洁

    Chris was looking spruce in his stiff-collared black shirt and new short hair cut.


  • 约翰逊随意地穿着条休闲一件蓝色高尔夫衬衫

    Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt.


  • 斯莱杰克一样,但他更瘦结实穿着剪裁完美西装白色埃及衬衫矢车菊的领带。

    As tall as Jack, Hensley was thinner, more compact under a perfectly tailored suit and white Egyptian cotton shirt, a tie of cornflower blue.


  • 服装店穿着讲究,腋下夹着一种叫做盾牌白色垫子这样衣服衬衫就不会露出汗迹了。

    She was carefully dressed when she went to clothing stores, and wore white pads called shields under her arms so her dress or blouse would show no sweat.


  • 尼身上穿着件脏衬衫,在长长的求职者队伍中等候时,感到尴尬和紧张。

    While waiting in the long line of the applicants with his dirty shirt, Tony felt embarrassed and nervous.


  • 走近尤瑟夫我们注意到穿着简单短袖衬衫看到摄影师在场,马上进屋拿了外套手表穿戴

    We enter Yusuf’s compound and find him dressed simply in a half-sleeved shirt, but when he sees the photographer he quickly goes inside to put on his jacket and watch.


  • 瞪着他我至今见过老的,这个人穿着整洁衬衫领带头发浓密整齐眼睛雪亮

    I didn't want to stare, but this was the oldest man I'd ever met, dressed neatly in shirt and tie, hair thick and tidy, eyes bright.


  • 总是穿着西服,我喜欢颜色鲜艳衬衫有图案领带

    I usually wear a suit, and I like colorful shirts and patterned ties.


  • 只是不能想象我自己知道,(戴着)草帽(穿着)夏威夷衬衫坐在某处沙滩上。”说到

    "I just can't envision myself, you know, the big straw hat and a Hawaiian shirt sitting on some beach," he said.


  • (示意拍照)他穿着别人索马里条纹衬衫白色裤子凉鞋

    (he shooed away attempts to be photographed.) he was wearing a striped Somali shirt someone had given him, white pants and sandals.


  • 别的人都穿着毛衣夹克滑雪只穿衬衫

    While the others skied in sweaters and jackets, I skied in a shirt.


  • 我们欢呼起来年轻日本分享喜悦。这些日本人穿着紫色衬衫,带着领带,摆出各种日本武士姿态拍照

    We let out a small cry of triumph and Shared our joy with a group of young Japanese men dressed in purple shirts and ties who adopted a variety of Ninja-style poses for photographs.


  • 穿着白色牛津衬衫搭配或是件皮夹克办公室看起来就像是盼望着周末放假打扮。

    Wear it to the office with a white oxford and navy blazer or throw on a leather jacket for a street-ready look on the weekends.


  • 录像有一个场景表现的是穿着衬衫喜剧演员斯蒂文·马丁台电脑复制出了白色躯干大致轮廓无法勾勒出面部细节

    In one scene featuring comic actor Steve Martin in a white shirt, the computer reproduced his white torso and rough shape, but was unable to handle details of his face.


  • 加上没有化妆,身上穿着工作衬衫牛仔裤,再加上刚刚米尔福德沙滩上赤脚走过,脚趾上还着油状物。

    With no makeup, a work shirt and jeans, and bare feet coated with tar from walking on the beach at Milford, she might as well have been a space alien.


  • 加上没有化妆,身上穿着工作衬衫牛仔裤,再加上刚刚米尔福德沙滩上赤脚走过,脚趾上还着油状物。

    With no makeup, a work shirt and jeans, and bare feet coated with tar from walking on the beach at Milford, she might as well have been a space alien.


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