• 我们决不能竞争对手超过我们

    We mustn't let ourselves be overtaken by our competitors.


  • 公司奠定竞争对手绝对优势。

    The company has established total supremacy over its rivals.


  • 这家银行没有一些竞争对手表现好。

    The bank isn't performing as well as some of its competitors.


  • 各公司用尽浑身解数领先竞争对手一步

    Companies are using every trick in the book to stay one step in front of their competitors.


  • 这家公司继续竞争对手推出更多计算机系统

    The company continues to ship more computer systems than its rivals.


  • 日本经济在未来几年内继续超过外国竞争对手

    The Japanese economy will continue to outpace its foreign rivals for years to come.


  • 他们为了获得超越竞争对手的有力条件在违犯法律

    They are breaking the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.


  • 一年结束他们的排名比当地竞争对手超前六个名次。

    They finished the year six places above their local rivals.


  • 他们竞争对手正在结束他们两家寡头集团而斗争。

    Their smaller rival is battling to end their duopoly.


  • 公司竞争对手抱怨他们受到僵化法律合同的限制。

    The company's competitors complain that they are hemmed in by rigid legal contracts.


  • 两名主要竞争对手由于长期政治流放处于不利地位

    His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.


  • 当上总统首先社会党党内智胜竞争对手

    To win the presidency he first had to outwit his rivals within the Socialist Party.


  • 补贴使得种植者低于竞争对手价格出售压低世界价格。

    Subsidies allow growers to undercut competitors and depress world prices.


  • 他们意识他们部分价格比竞争对手就相应地调整了价格

    They realized that some of their prices were higher than their competitors' and revised prices accordingly.


  • 豪华轿车生产商捷豹公司通过提供市场最佳的保修服务竞争对手发出了挑战。

    Luxury car firm Jaguar has thrown down the gauntlet to competitors by giving the best guarantee on the market.


  • 这家博物馆由于世界珍贵的艺术瑰宝出了更高的价格,从而招致竞争对手的怨愤。

    The Museum has antagonized rivals by outbidding them for the world's greatest art treasures.


  • 任何体制下的两个最高权力者必然永远主要竞争对手历史提供了这种观点一些佐证

    The two largest powers in any system must always be major rivals. History offers some support for this view.


  • 感到浑身暖暖的,因为我没有想到她会这么好心地帮助我——她的竞争对手

    I felt warm all over my heart because I hadn't imagined she would be so nice to help me—her rival.


  • 我们似乎史前竞争对手杀光了。

    We seem to have killed off all our prehistoric competitors.


  • 只要竞争对手愿意接受挑战可以坚持下去

    As long as your competitor is up for the challenge, you might as well go for it.


  • 现在竞争对手以前从未征税过的领域征收销售税

    Now, rivals will be charging sales tax where they hadn't before.


  • 国家铁路企业能力击败竞争对手进入行业者

    State rail firms have the ability to foil smaller rivals and new entrants.


  • 雷诺竞争对手标志雪铁龙极其警惕工业间谍风险

    Renault's competitor PSA Peugeot Citroen is "extremely vigilant" about the risks of industrial espionage.


  • 迪斯尼美国公园淡季竞争对手有适应力

    Disney says that its American parks are more resilient during slowdowns than those of its rivals.


  • 这个游戏中只有起点、一个终点一位竞争对手

    In this game, you only have one starting point, one destination, and one competitor.


  • 那个视为竞争对手的女孩就取得的竞赛成绩表示祝贺

    The girl I viewed as a competitor congratulated me on my contest results.


  • 微软批评者认为大型科技公司往往消灭潜在竞争对手

    Microsoft's critics believe that the big tech companies tend to eliminate their potential competitors.


  • 产品带来巨额利润强烈刺激竞争对手迅速匹配新产品的能力。

    Large profits on the new product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the new product's capabilities.


  • 强行推销针对广告品牌优于竞争对手产品方面进行直接有力宣传

    The hard-sell approach involves the use of direct, forceful claims regarding the benefits of the advertised brand over competitors' offerings.


  • 消费者群体承认丰田稍显迟钝”,得分遥遥领先竞争对手

    The consumer group admits the Toyota is a "tad dull" but its scores way ahead of rivals.


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