• 高兴看到马思工作室成长竞争激烈环境难能可贵的。

    I am glad to see the growth of Youmars Workshop, which is not easy in this highly competitive environment.


  • 高兴看到王者国际语言成长竞争激烈环境难能可贵的。

    I am glad to see the growth of KINGLISH INTERNATIONAL, which is not easy in this highly competitive environment.


  • 竞争激烈环境中,我国经济仍然强势可以从12月最后一季度生产力复苏为证

    Underlying competitive pressures in our economy remain strong, as illustrated by the rebound in productivity growth in the December quarter.


  • 是一个竞争激烈环境强烈的紧迫感激发买方兴趣,并呼吁采取行动,”

    "It 'sa highly competitive environment and there 'sa sense of urgency which stimulates buyer interest and a call to action," he said.


  • Ed竞争激烈环境开发者需要差异化他们的应用程序并且消费者提供巨大价值

    Ed: Given the competitive environment, it is vital that developers differentiate their applications and provide greater value to their customers.


  • 微软公司首席执行官萨提亚·纳德拉说:“竞争激烈环境下,达到工作与生活的和谐最重要的。

    "The notion of having work-life harmony in a highly competitive economy is a first-class topic, " says the Microsoft CEO.


  • 不过我们应该看到,在市场竞争激烈环境下,降价厂商促销行为,也是有利于消费者的市场行为。

    With the intense competition we should also be aware that the price reduction is not only the marketing method of the manufacturers but the market behavior which benefits the customers.


  • 市场竞争激烈环境下各家企业希望最低成本正确数目品质产品在正确的地方以及准确时间送达顾客手中。

    In a competitive market, each company wants to send the accurate number and right quality of products to customer in right place and at right time with lowest cost.


  • 当今竞争激烈的环境下,我们见证太多青年男女他们选择的往往是能够赢得他人认可非自己发自内心感兴趣的职业

    In our rat-race culture, we too often witness young men and women choosing career paths which yield external recognition over those which they find intrinsically interesting.


  • 一周工作六天,每天竞争激烈环境中争战。追赶着完成工作中的最后期限。生活海滩在渴望山村,站在一山却看另一山高。

    I worked 6-days a week in a competitive environment, attempted to meet everyone's expectations, and lived by the beach when I yearned for the mountains.


  • 现代企业处在变化迅速竞争激烈环境雇佣职业经理人扮演公司经营者一角色,现代公司经营管理一个重要发展趋势

    That Hired professional managers act as the runners of the companies is an important tendency in the management of the modern companies in the rapid changing and tense competitive environment.


  • 企业竞争优势波特(2004)认为竞争激烈的环境实现业务目标要依赖与合适通用策略选择(波特,2004年)。

    The competitive advantage, as Porter (2004) argued, counts on choosing the suitable generic strategy to achieve business goals in the circumstance of the competitive environment (Porter, 2004).


  • 竞争激烈工作环境雇主能够利用技术手段他们员工提出更多要求不是他们有益灵活性来激励员工

    In a competitive work environment, employers are able to use technology to demand more from their employees rather than motivating workers with flexibility that benefits them.


  • 当今竞争激烈商业环境领导力重要一个因为引导企业管理者关注内在,关注他们个人能力风格

    Leadership is the most significant word in today's competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style.


  • 这种改善了商业环境有缺点——竞争对手资金充裕,而且人才的争夺也愈加激烈

    But the improved business climate also has drawbacks-rivals are better funded and there is more competition for talented people.


  • 竞争如此激烈的环境并没有多少能够生长起来,要面对的挑战包括疾病和光但是那些幸存下来的就顶天立地了。

    Not many manage to grow in that competitive environment, where challenges include disease, water and light. But those that do survive are wondrous.


  • 竞争如此激烈的环境并没有多少能够生长起来,要面对的挑战包括疾病和光

    Not many manage to grow in that competitive environment, where challenges include disease, water and light.


  • 这种“扬名立万或是臭名远昭”的做法使得国家之间提升自己世界银行《商业环境报告》中的排名而展开激烈的竞争

    This "naming and shaming" caused countries to compete fiercely to improve their position in the World Bank's rankings.


  • 互联网激烈竞争环境里,我们在,是因为我们坚持并不是因为我们聪明

    In the fierce competition in the Internet environment, we are still, because we insist, not because we are smart.


  • 对于大多数商家来说,身处竞争激烈环境中,Groupon看起来只不过一家餐厅搬运到另一家。

    In the competitive universe that most businesses operate in, it seems fairly likely that Groupon is simply re-allocating money between restaurants.


  • 如果这个高度能源激烈竞争环境蓬勃发展,拥有自己的一席之地,帮助我们实现企业目标那么我们可以提供广泛的机会

    If you are keen on thriving in a high-energy environment and you want a role where you can contribute towards achieving business goals, then we have a wide range of opportunity for you.


  • 带领利物浦日益激烈竞争环境回归球迷期望的水平我们面临巨大的挑战但是有信心因为我们现在在正确的地点正确的

    We face a huge challenge to take Liverpool back to the level its fans deserve and in an increasingly competitive environment, but I'm confident we now have the right people in place to do that.


  • 随着服务经济时代到来,服务企业面临愈加激烈竞争环境每个企业都在寻求保持长盛不衰方法

    With the arrival times of service economy, service enterprises are facing the keen competition environment, and every one is seeking for the way to survive forever.


  • 面对消费环境日新月异日益激烈市场竞争武汉的百货业经历着前所未有严峻考验

    Being confronted with the daily changing consumption circumstances and increasingly harsh competition on the market, merchandise enterprises in Wuhan are undergoing an unprecedented ordeal.


  • 这种激烈竞争环境商业银行提高经营绩效增强竞争势在必行

    In this highly competitive environment, the commercial Banks to improve business performance, competitiveness imperative.


  • 中国加入WTO企业之间竞争将会愈烈,这个竞争日益激烈市场环境下,产品质量关系到企业的生存。

    After China enters WTO, competitions between enterprises will grow in intensity. However, product quality decides survival of enterprises on this increasingly drastic market.


  • 职业生涯专家表示当前竞争激烈就业环境中,仅靠努力工作不一定赢得关注。

    In the current competitive job climate, hard work alone doesn't always get noticed, say career experts.


  • 职业生涯专家表示当前竞争激烈就业环境中,仅靠努力工作不一定赢得关注。

    In the current competitive job climate, hard work alone doesn't always get noticed, say career experts.


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