• 如今高等教育已经成为一个规模庞大竞争激烈行业许多行业一样,已经走向全球

    Higher education has become a big and competitive business nowadays, and like so many businesses, it's gone global.


  • 促使我们一个竞争激烈行业,拓展全球格局

    This will position us to compete on what is increasingly a global landscape in a very competitive industry.


  • 这个竞争激烈的行业中,对人才搜索不遗余力的。

    These highly competitive firms are truly relentless and vigilant in their pursuit of talented individuals.


  • 剪辑人员幸运的,因为电影业少数几个软件竞争激烈行业之一

    Editors are lucky in that theirs is one of the few industries with intense software competition.


  • 教程技术帮助客户这个竞争激烈行业专业镜头

    Techniques in this tutorial will help you create professional looking shots for your clients in this competitive industry.


  • 竞争激烈行业迫使总是关注其他人什么不是专注自己工作

    Rather than focusing on your own work, highly competitive fields force you to be constantly aware of what everyone else is doing.


  • 专家全球五百名企业大多数竞争激烈行业汽车服务行业

    Most of the global top 500 companies are in competitive sectors like the automobile industry and services, experts said.


  • 面对国内众多竞争对手,加上国外著名跨国公司加入,美公司处在竞争激烈的行业中。

    Confronted with many competitors in domestic market and entering of famous Multinational Corporation, Meiling is in an intensive competition industry.


  • 建筑业一个竞争激烈行业建筑企业如何成为激战中的胜者,便称为企业投资者管理者们关心问题

    The construction is a trade with keen competition. How to become the victor in fierce fighting is the important question of investors and administrators of building enterprise.


  • 未来如果事情继续沿着条道路可能成为竞争激烈行业中,只有最好求生存,最好的工作

    In the future if things continue down this road it may become a very competitive industry where only the best of the best survive to work another day.


  • 且据西班牙礼品生产商协会报告指出近年来,西班牙国内十分流行印有企业标章礼品,竞争激烈行业尤其如此

    Spain Gift Manufacturers Association reports pointed out that in recent years, Spain is very popular to give each other small gifts bearing the corporate logo, especially competitive industry.


  • 今后一段时间里如何企业医疗器械这个竞争激烈行业生存下来发展壮大,是LY公司面临的重大挑战,也是本文讨论并解决的主要内容。

    The next period of time, how to lead company to survive and grow in this highly competitive medical device industry, has become the key question that LY Company have to seriously consider.


  • 如果没有联邦政府的监管竞争激烈生育行业可能很快就会利用这项技术吸引客户

    Without federal oversight, the highly competitive fertility business may soon use the new technology to attract clients.


  • 然而尽管智能手机仍是手机行业亮的亮点但日趋激烈竞争意味着并非所有厂商均等地得益于这种快速增长

    Yet while the smartphone segment remains the brightest spot in the mobile industry, increasingly fierce competition has meant that not everyone has benefited equally from the rapid growth.


  • TD -SCDMA合同成为行业具吸引力部分引发了电信设备供应商之间激烈竞争

    The TD-SCMA contracts promise to be some of the most lucrative in the sector, sparking fierce competition among equipment suppliers.


  • 这个激烈竞争行业战胜竞争对手对Geico来说意味着客户以及潜在客户任何地点最大化访问公司资源产品

    Beating the competition in its highly competitive industry means Geico has to be everywhere its customers and potential customers are to give them maximum access to company resources and products.


  • 随着不同的芯片制造商努力挤入彼此领域行业竞争突然变的激烈起来

    With chipmakers trying to muscle in on each other's territory, competition in the industry is suddenly heating up.


  • 竞争激烈且高速增长行业,要想一行取得成功必须哪怕拼命的商人更精明善于变通

    It's a competitive, fast growing industry in which the successful have to be even sharper and more flexible than the most driven businessman.


  • 其他钢厂展开激烈的竞争迫使铁路低于竞争对手运费运送产品,而且还大幅度降价迫使其他钢厂退出这个行业

    He pressured railroads to transport his steel for lower prices than his competitors. And he cut his prices to force other steel-makers out of the business.


  • 这家电信运营商表示激烈竞争行业带来打击补充说,强大的现金使能够继续寻找海外收购机会

    The telecoms operator said fierce competition would also hurt the sector, but added that its strong cash flow would allow it to continue looking for overseas acquisitions.


  • 显然,开始创业时越年轻一个竞争日益激烈的行业取得成功可能性,这些领域目前高估值已成为常态

    Apparently, the younger you are, the higher your odds are at succeeding in an increasingly competitive area of the industry where skyrocketing valuations are the norm.


  • 经济学家倾向这样的观点:拥有成百上千的市场参与者每个参与者占有极小市场份额行业一定竞争非常激烈价格较低。

    ECONOMISTS tend to think that an industry divided between hundreds of players, each with a tiny market share, should be fiercely competitive, with prices cut to the bone.


  • 其他行业一样,这个领域的竞争相当激烈,眼下的太阳能产业尤其如此。

    Competition there is as hot as anywhere else, as the solar industry is already finding out.


  • 德国困难零售市场一项十分危险金融运作——吝啬消费者激烈竞争已经使得行业利润在很多年里少得可怜

    In Germany's difficult retail market, where parsimonious consumers and fierce competition have kept margins paper-thin for years, this was risky financial engineering.


  • “近来汽车行业竞争激烈汽车四五就要重新设计,”凯利蓝皮书剩余价值咨询部主任埃里克。艾巴拉这样的。

    "The automotive industry is so competitive these days that you're seeing vehicles being redesigned every four or five years," says Eric Ibara, the director of residual consulting for Kelley Blue Book.


  • 表明如果监管者想的话,他们如何激烈手段管理那些缺乏竞争行业

    It has shown how regulators can, if they choose, take vigorous action to shake up uncompetitive bits of the aviation business.


  • 随着市场营销公共关系行业工作薪资越来越,人才需求越来越大,即使是最好经济时期职位竞争可能会非常激烈

    Because jobs in marketing and PR tend to be well-paid and highly desirable, competition for open positions can be fierce even during the best economic times.


  • 引人注目,这次,任天堂面临便携式游戏行业激烈竞争

    What's more impressive is that, for once, Nintendo had some serious competition in the portable gaming racket.


  • 引人注目,这次,任天堂面临便携式游戏行业激烈竞争

    What's more impressive is that, for once, Nintendo had some serious competition in the portable gaming racket.


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