• 如果全书存在第二作者可想而知又将是什么样一种情形。

    Should the novel haven't the second author, the worthy readers could imagine it for themselves.


  • 这个CC联系这些研究报告第一第二作者就是我们说学术带头人

    First they went to the lead authors of the published studies-the researchers who were supposed to have access to all of the data.


  • 最近,本文第二作者提出了一种海洋结构物疲劳寿命预报统一方法

    There have been some fatigue life prediction methods in the recent decades, but most of them cannot explain some known fatigue phenomena.


  • 主要作者医学方面背景第二作者护理过程中有一个背景。

    The primary author has a background in medicine and the secondary author has a background in nursing.


  • 王军作为华大基因研究院院长文章第二作者Willerslev的团队提供无与伦比测序服务。

    Wang, a deputy director of the BGI and co-senior author, was able to provide the Willerslev group with unparalleled access to sequencing capacity.


  • 可能始于肺部一种细胞学生化过程然后肺部进入心血管系统,”第二作者JoelKaufman解释说

    "This could be a cellular and biochemical process that starts in the lung and then proceeds from there into the cardiovascular system," commented co-author Joel Kaufman.


  • 第二第三个标准是,这部作品是否带有作者印记即使是在反复观看之后是否仍能引起观众兴趣

    Does the work bear its creator's imprint, and does it draw viewers' interest even after repeated viewings, Newhall's second and third criteria?


  • 第二解释就是很多作者他们出版书中声明自己了关于某个热点话题一种方法

    A second answer is that many authors who claim a new approach to a hot topic seem to be successful at publishing their books.


  • 第二部分中,作者将会描述每个服务详细信息会提出实际用户场景

    In the second half of this paper, the authors will describe the details of each service and present a real-life user scenario.


  • 第二种模式,一轮游戏作者随机重组

    In the second, the connections were randomly reshuffled after each round.


  • 短暂生涯中的第二时期,坡以一名文学作者的身份去往纽约里士满费城巴尔的摩

    During the second half of his short life, Poe went after a literary career in New York, Richmond, Philadelphia, and Baltimore.


  • 然后我们打开几页,看到作者第二注解奥康纳在1962年加上的。

    Then, when we open up the front, we see the author's note to the second edition, and this was something o 'connor added to the novel in 1962.


  • 成书第二世纪左右,作者一个黑马罗马,它称为牧人书。

    It was written in the second century sometime by a guy in Rome named Hermas, and it's called the Shepherd.


  • 文章第二部分作者涉及棘手哲学问题在一个“无法验证的”(假想的)环境中,人能否违背道德准则行事?

    In the second part of her essay Driver tackles the thorny philosophical question of whether one can behave immorally when in “non-veridical” (illusory) circumstances.


  • 第二必要条件,操作者可以调节感光曝光快门以及压缩质量手控方式拍摄

    The second obligatory condition is the possibility to shoot in manual mode, when sensitivity, exposure, diaphragm, and the compression quality can be adjusted by the user.


  • 大雨的编剧约翰-奥加斯特已经完成了剧本初稿第二版的改变工作已经交给《亚拉罕-林肯吸血鬼亨特》的作者斯-格雷厄姆-史密斯。

    Burton will be directing from a screenplay re-written by Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter author Seth Grahame-Smith, as John August (Big Fish, Corpse Bride, The Nines) wrote the first draft.


  • 如果这样做的话,只是为了谈及作者需要重复相同的PubID、DateTitle

    But if you do that, you need to repeat an identical PubID, Date, and Title just to mention a second author.


  • 第一列表外,报告作者决定添加第二个列表,ProductlineProducttype显示Revenue

    In addition to the first list, the report author decides to add a second list to display the Revenue by Product line and Product type.


  • 第二项研究当中,作者使用来自社交网站Facebook上的照片

    In this second study, the authors used images from the social networking site Facebook rather than online dating Web sites.


  • 然而还有第二种而且险恶解释一种形成怀疑商人》(Merchants ofDoubt)主题的解释。该书作者是美国学者内奥米·奥雷斯克斯埃里克·康韦布鲁姆斯伯里出版社于八月出版

    However, there is a second, more sinister explanation, one that forms the focus of Merchants of Doubt, by US academics Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, which is to be published this month by Bloomsbury.


  • 我们例子中,本书Testing Computer Soft ware,作者是CemKaneretal(那是软件测试方面第二喜爱的)。

    In the case of our example, that book is testing Computer software by Cem Kaner et al. (my second favorite book on software testing).


  • 第二是在需要大量阅读工作岗位中表现优异一类人(其中包括纽约作者FredShapiro一位医学杂志编辑)。

    The second group were demonstrably successful at jobs "that required a great deal of reading." (They included a New Yorker writer named Fred Shapiro and the editor of a medical journal.)


  • 系列第二部分中,作者解释了为什么强调输入输出固定过程损害绩效和最终的项目价值

    In Part Two of the series, the author explains why an emphasis on inputs, outputs and certain processes might hinder performance and, ultimately, project value.


  • 有经验作者知道不能直接第一稿第二稿寄出,即使他们已经接近截稿日期。

    Experienced writers know not to file the first or second draft of a story — even when they're on deadline.


  • 第二常见问题就是作者忘了读者在打算一门语言时候最想是什么;当然,无非就是几个程序借以熟悉语法

    Another common failing is that the authors forget what readers most want to do when learning a new language; namely, to write small working programs to familiarize themselves with the syntax.


  • 所以第二仪式存在基督发起神职,存在用来证据了这个作者来说被它代替的事物优越

    So the very existence of the second liturgy, the priesthood initiated by Christ, the very existence is used to prove, for this writer, that it's superior to what it supplanted.


  • 还有电影导演第一剧本作者拍摄途中过世

    Also, the movie's second unit director and its first screenwriter both died during the process.


  • 上海太多拥有第二权力的夫妇拒绝第二孩子以至于2009年,人口作者要进行家访试图改变这些人的决定

    In Shanghai, so many eligible couples have decided against a second child that in 2009, population workers started making home visits to try to change their minds.


  • 林业作者第二生长起来时在前排留下一些动物栖息空地,或是土壤减少侵蚀作准备

    Foresters might leave patches of previous stands for animal habitat as the next stand grows, or tighten up soil preparation to reduce erosion.


  • 林业作者第二生长起来时在前排留下一些动物栖息空地,或是土壤减少侵蚀作准备

    Foresters might leave patches of previous stands for animal habitat as the next stand grows, or tighten up soil preparation to reduce erosion.


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