Ikebana and tea ceremony were considered two essential skills that every woman needed to study before getting married.
Since the end of world War II, the progress of science and technology has made it possible for human being to reach almost every corner of the world and even to explore outer space.
The home market in Japan is small and the market demand is limited, So after the second world war, the Japanese Business has developed the overseas market actively.
After the end of the Second World War, China recovered and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao. Many countries recognize that Nanhai Zhudao are part of China's territory.
The northeast coast of Spain, on the Mediterranean Sea from Barcelona to the French border. It has been a popular tourist area since the end of World War II.
Once inside, visitors hear the voices of advocates for the Danish language, pioneers of the feminist movement, and the atmosphere of victory after the end of the second world war.
Fter the end of the Second World War, a mission consisting of twenty-seven American educationists recommended to General MacArthur a drastic overhauling of the Japanee education system.
After the end of the Second World War, a mission consisting of twenty-seven American educationists recommended to General MacArthur a drastic overhauling of the Japanese education system.
I was only seven years old when World war II ended, but I remember hearing the drone of hundreds of planes flying over the Netherlands toward Germany during the war's final days.
直至第二次世界大战结束前,位于小镇旁的Gudurica村庄也大多居住着日耳曼人。 他们中很多人是来自阿尔萨斯和洛林的定居者的后裔。
The nearby village of Gudurica was also, until the end of the war, largely German, many of its people descended from settlers from Alsace and Lorraine.
When World War II ended in 1945 and the Baby Boom began the following year, the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage became a cornerstone of society and led to unprecedented levels of homeownership.
Even more than the Japanese victories in the second world war, it announced the end of white supremacy over the continent and the beginning of the rise of the East.
On August 15th, 1945, the Japanese emperor's sighing his name on the capitulation ushered in the ending of the war. Billions of people exclaimed worldwide for the shining of peace again.
On August 15th, 1945, the Japanese emperor's sighing his name on the capitulation ushered in the ending of the war.Billions of people exclaimed worldwide for the shining of peace again.
This second era ended some four decades later, after another world war had drained the Europeans of much of their strength, Arab nationalism had risen, and the two superpowers had begun to lock horns.
Forest resource in Malaysia was destroyed seriously during the Second World War. Malaysia begun to research on forest management after the Second World War.
On August 15th , 1945, the Japanese emperor's sighing his name on the capitulation ushered in the ending of the war. Billions of people exclaimed worldwide for the shining of peace again.
On August 15th , 1945, the Japanese emperor's sighing his name on the capitulation ushered in the ending of the war. Billions of people exclaimed worldwide for the shining of peace again.