• 一堆点点画画就是签名吗?

    Are these dots and squiggles supposed to be your signature?


  • 名队员正在球迷签名

    The player was signing autographs for a group of fans.


  • 敬请参观者这本册子签名

    Visitors are kindly requested to sign the book.


  • 他们请愿书上征集了1万人的签名

    They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition.


  • 我们请愿收集签名

    We're collecting signatures for a petition.


  • 他们递交8万人签名请愿书。

    They turned in a petition with 80 000 signatures.


  • 遗嘱附件必须首先当着两个连署人签名写上日期

    The codicil must first be signed and dated by you in the presence of two witnesses.


  • 大多数临摹者一样,画家签名作为一部分临摹下来。

    She copies the true artist's signature as part of a painting, as do most copyists.


  • 人们感受如此强烈,以至我们最近政府提交了一4500签名请愿书。

    People feel so strongly that we recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people.


  • 成千上万参加了签名活动。

    Hundreds of thousands of people signed on.


  • 他们条约签名盖章

    They signed and sealed the treaty.


  • 数百在上面签名

    Hundreds of people signed it.


  • 要求增设学校签名人像滚雪球似的越来越

    The number of signers of the petition for a new school snowballed.


  • 评论上,其中位编辑签名清楚地标注评论

    It was on the opinion page, it was signed by one of the editors, and was clearly labeled as commentary.


  • “古抗议者”收集了足够签名这项改革付诸全民公投。

    Gucci protesters collected more than enough signatures to get the reform put to a referendum.


  • 有没有注意到有些短信愿意费心核对签名是否正确

    Have you noticed some people don't bother to check the exact signature before sending a text message?


  • 想象一下,任何事都会拍照,都会因被索要签名中断手边的事。

    Just imagine not being able to do anything without being photographed or interrupted for a signature!


  • 可以员工公告栏张贴一张的、亲自签名感谢鼓励他们

    You might encourage them by posting a large, personally signed thank-you card to your cooks on the employee bulletin board.


  • 准确地知道什么时候推荐订购签名询问某件事通常至关重要的。

    Knowing precisely when you recommended, ordered, signed or asked about something often is crucial.


  • 学校中的很多学生本来知道他的名字的,他们只能他的签名认出

    Many students at his university would have known his name, but they could all identify him by his signature.


  • 展览最后一天成千上万群众索取签名,签在他们新买的“裸体油画系列”明信片上

    On the last day of the show, thousands of spectators have them sign their newly-purchased "Collection of Nude Oil Paintings" postcards.


  • 一旦我们超过5000个人的签名,我们便计划寄给政府希望更多开始认真对待它。

    Once we have over 5,000 signatures we are planning to send it to the government in the hope that more people will begin to take it seriously.


  • 摇滚歌星必须习惯歌迷要求签名纠缠

    Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters.


  • 我们那些陷入困境的公司开空额签名支票

    We are not prepared to write a blank cheque for companies that have run into trouble.


  • 建议寻求亲笔签名影迷们在活动开始前排好队。

    It is advised that fans seeking autographs join the line before practice starts.


  • 孩子想要这位足球运动员签名

    The little boys asked the footballer for his autograph.


  • 多人喜欢在书的内页上签名

    Many people like to sign their name on the inside cover.


  • 些没有在气球上签名的人被排除在比赛之外。

    Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were ruled out of the game.


  • 本册子包含了最后一学年里所有同学的名字、照片和签名,这样你就可以记住和你一起上课的同学了。

    The book contains (包含) the name, photo, and signature (签名) of each student in your final year, so that you can remember who you went to school with.


  • 我希望我的老师知道有时我的阅读作业没有签名,是因为我妈妈不太有空。”另一个人写道。

    "I wish my teacher knew sometimes my reading homework is not signed, because my mom is not free a lot, wrote another.


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