All right. If it's okay, we would like to sign an agency a GREement with you immediately.
Before flying back, Mr. Lin will draw up an agency agreement, which he is authorized to sign on our behalf.
That we maintain a full range of your products in our showrooms. We look forward to the signing of the Agency Agreement.
We’d like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your electric fans for a period of three years.
According to a rumor widely circulated earlier this month, China Mobile has already signed a deal to carry a next-generation iPhone that would deliver high-speed Internet access to its network.
Agency - the authority of one person (an agent) to make binding commitments with third parties for someone else (the principal).
Before taking office, first of all, it should take the initiative and the enterprise to sign the employment agreement, clear the rights and obligations of the two parties.
We'd like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your electric fans for a period of three years.
UPS commenced business in China in 1988, through a service agreement with Sinotrans.
A patent agency that opens agency business for electronic patent application shall sign the User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the name of the patent agency.
We'd like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your wines for a period of three years.
One of the reasons of my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on these items for a period of 3 years.
We'd like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your TV sets for a period of three years.
For hereditary substance of animals imported by agency, a photocopy of the contract or agreement with the consignor for import by agency shall be provided.
Its specific contents include: management by agent or authorized way of determining local service agencies, signed with the agent or authorization protocol.
We'd like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your electric fans for a period of three years.
A patent agency which provides agency services for electronic patent application shall enter into a User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the agency's name.
It has also signed agent agreements in Shanghai with over 10 well-known shipping companies.
We will discuss the situation, choose one of the region as agents, sales agents and signed agreements.
We signed a cooperation with up to 100 factories to act for agreement, mainly is face in the market competition pressure, give in the meantime you a more reasonable, much lower unit price.
As soon as this agreement comes into effect, the agent shall inform the manufacturer of all their signed binding agreements with others.
Act as agent for signing transfer or licence agreement, or stand for one part to discuss agreement and signing with another part.