• 某些打印管理服务供应商甚至可以监测单个雇员打印机复印机使用以便发现那些浪费低效率行为

    Some MPS suppliers even monitor individual employees' use of printers or copiers in order to identify particularly wasteful or inefficient practices.


  • 虽然许多这类管理功能将来可能以自动服务方式提供但是在目前他们一般需要服务供应商人为干预

    While many of these management functions are likely to be offered as automated services in the future, at present, they generally require some human intervention by the service provider.


  • 话说,当在典型应用程序服务供应商(asp)环境出现网络故障时可以依靠智能管理辅助管理它们

    In other words, you can also rely on intelligent management assistance to manage network failures as they occur in a typical application service provider (ASP) environment.


  • 同样解决用户问题技术问题IT管理流程现在也该服务供应商处理

    Similarly, IT-management processes for resolving user issues and technical problems are now handled by the service provider.


  • SAMLXACML 都没有提供用于交付管理安全服务基础设施;需由企业安全供应商提供基础设施。

    What neither SAML nor XACML provide is an infrastructure to deliver and manage security services; it is up to the enterprise security vendor to provide this.


  • CIM可以系统网络应用程序服务提供管理信息通用定义提供供应商扩展

    CIM provides a common definition of management information for systems, networks, applications, and services and allows for vendor extensions.


  • 对于赢得现有网络服务管理技术方面既得专利权益供应商支持一思想必需的

    This philosophy is essential to gain support from vendors with vested proprietary interest in existing network and service management technologies.


  • WS - Transaction基于Web服务这一事实意味着,我们可以在特定于供应商事务管理应用程序之间将事务支持变为可互操作的。

    The fact that WS-Transaction is based on web services means that transaction support can be made interoperable across vendor-specific transaction management applications.


  • 应用服务供应商内存空间实现管理根据需要动态改变池的大小,从而优化资源使用

    The application service provider implements the pool manager in its memory space and can optimize resource usage by dynamically altering the pool size, based on demand.


  • 我们早已熟知运输服务供应商管理库存也是一项服务这里“服务”都是名词

    We have long known that transportation is a service and vendor managed inventory is a service-as in nouns.


  • 跟踪定单管理内部审核所需工作流程之外,通过外部供应商系统还可以自动地发现服务招标以及下定单。

    In addition to tracking orders and managing the workflow needed for internal approvals, this system could automatically discover, solicit bids, and place orders through external suppliers.


  • 集成项目经常考虑了供应商(有效集成所涉及的软件服务)的管理人员负责进行。

    Integration projects are often undertaken by managers with a vendor in mind, either for software or services to effect the integration.


  • 系列第5部分提供了一个场景,其中SamPetersJivaro银行多租户应用程序服务供应商管理

    In part 5, of this series a scenario and use case was described with Sam Peters as the service provider administrator for the Jivaro bank multi-tenant application.


  • 身份管理供应商Janrain刚刚发布了最新使用情况,详细列出了人们网络上登录分享活动使用社交网络服务

    Has just released its latest usage study detailing what social networks and services people use to sign in and share activities across the web.


  • WorkplaceForms在 PureEdge Solutions开发技术之上建立的,这是一家领先的软件供应商,提供基于电子表单业务过程管理软件服务

    Workplace Forms is built upon technology developed by PureEdge Solutions, a leading provider of electronic forms-based business process management software and services.


  • 从此供应商合作集中三个关键战略活动技术创新集成资产管理以及协调工程服务

    Since then, the collaboration of the two suppliers has focused on three key strategic initiatives: technology innovation, integrated asset management and coordinated engineering services.


  • 根据公司战略生产需求组织开发新的供应商加强供应商管理不断提高服务质量降低材料成本

    According to company strategy and production requirement, organize new suppliers developing. Strengthen the suppliers' management, and improve their service quality, decrease the operating cost.


  • 第四物流物流网络策划者管理第三方物流是物流服务供应商运输储存

    Fourth Party logistics is the planner and manager for logistics network, while Third Party logistics is the supplier of logistics service, like transport and storage.


  • 协助废弃物管理(固体废弃物,废水,废气),定期审核评估提供相应服务供应商

    Assist for solid waste management, cleaning water management, and emission gas measurement, assess the authorized suppliers and audit the suppliers periodically.


  • 灵活带宽管理使服务供应商可以必要租用不同波长

    Flexible bandwidth management also allows service providers can, where necessary, for hiring different wavelengths.


  • 服务供应商可以利用这种虚拟专用网提供可扩展的、分级别的商业IP业务,而且用户配置管理可以更加简单

    Service providers may use VPN to provide end to end scalable and classified commercial IP services. At the same time, the configuration and management of users will be further simplified.


  • XX公司一家全球性食品农业风险管理产品服务供应商

    Cargill is an international provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and services.


  • 定期调查评估审核管理供应商确保他们能提供好的产品服务

    Regularly investigate, evaluate, audit and manage the suppliers, ensure suppliers provide good quality products and services.


  • 依据ISO 9001(2000)标准质量管理体系应用项目中,确保了供应商设计制造安装服务阶段都符合规定质量要求。

    Based on ISO9001 (2000) standard, a quality management system is used in this projection, which meets the quality requirements of design, manufacture, installation and service periods.


  • 我们全球领先的综合服务供应商,在设施维护安保配餐清洁和远程项目管理五个核心领域提供一站式专业服务

    We are a leading integrated facility management service provider, offering one-shop solutions: Maintenance, Energy Services, Security, Foodservice, Cleaning, Building Management systems.


  • 负责设施服务供应商管理评估双方合同与供应商进行谈判,促进供应商服务的持续改进。

    Management of services supplier related to facility, negation and review the contract regularly, improvement the services quality continuously.


  • 报告通信服务供应商(CSP)使用服务的创造、编列执行策略管理内容管理软件系统调查对象。

    It covers the software systems used by communications service providers (CSPs) for service creation, orchestration and execution, policy management, and content management.


  • 报告通信服务供应商(CSP)使用服务的创造、编列执行策略管理内容管理软件系统调查对象。

    It covers the software systems used by communications service providers (CSPs) for service creation, orchestration and execution, policy management, and content management.


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