But to make them work, to convert them into industrious and well-behaved members of the community, was far beyond any Governor's power.
In order to study the optimal incentive schemes when both manager's ability type and effort are unobservable, this paper sets up an information revelation model of manager.
For managers, this means that employees must have the capability of doing the job and must regard the appraisal process as valid.
Leadership is the most significant word in today's competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style.
Many of the assignments and rules teachers come up with, often because they are pressured by their administrators, treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility.
Some experts say that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional male managers cannot.
Two-phase commit gives the transaction manager power to ensure that all resources that participate in a transaction commit or rollback together.
Management would really challenge Agarwal by giving him harder tasks that were a little beyond his capabilities.
In other words, the best managers look to complement their owns skills and strengths-not to enhance those existing capacities.
When you are able to do all three of these, you have mastered one of the most critical competencies of any manager.
Absentee Managers - who would not step in at all irrespective of whether the team has all the necessary skills to tackle the problem.
要成为高效的管理者,必须具备足够的影响力。 为了实现自己团队的目标,并为自己团队的理想而努力,管理者必须有能力对其职权范围之外的人员和团队施加有效影响。
To be an effective boss, you must influence others -- people and groups over whom you have no formal control -- to get what your group needs and to work for what you believe is best and right.
The service gives I.T. administrators the ability to deploy and manage the plugin across the enterprise.
Planning and organizational skills of a manager of any need to have the basic ability, I can not imagine how a school plan to do to become an outstanding manager.
Woman: So with your management experience, you must be in good position to judge your own line manager. What do you think of her skills?
Since my primary role has traditionally been a resource rather than a manager of resources, I have had few opportunities to practice these skills.
The arrival of new employees is a unique opportunity for management to help them understand the work environment and ensure rapid and safe integration.
Are you a good manager? Give an example. Why do you feel you have top managerial potential?
Are you a good manager? Please cite an example. Why do you feel you have top managerial potential?
The WBI's urban and city Management Program aims to build institutional capacity of urban authorities to deal with their roles as managers, regulators and financiers of urban services.
Many managers and team leads hire technically capable people, throw some form of an agile process at the team, and hope that everything works as well as the literature says it does.
Recognize emotions in others - the ability of listening to another person's opinions is a skill that effective managers have.
If I had to sum up in one phrase what makes a good manager, I'd say that it's that ability to make decisions.
I don't know too many capable, ambitious people who don't aspire to the highest management level within their companies.
Moreover, franchises can tolerate mis-management. Inept managers may diminish a franchise's profitability, but they cannot inflict mortal damage.
Moreover, franchises can tolerate mis-management. Inept managers may diminish a franchise's profitability, but they cannot inflict mortal damage.