• 篮球怀念魔术师生球赛中的花招。

    Basketball fans miss Magic Johnson 's razzle dazzle in the game.


  • 篮球怀念魔术师生球赛中的花招。

    Basketball fans miss Magic Johnson's razzle - dazzle in the game.


  • 篮球团团围住那位篮球明星,他们签字

    A large crowd of basketball fans pressed about the basketball star and asked him to sign for them.


  • 篮球憎恨科比他们认为科比成为一个乔丹

    Basketball fans hate Kobe Bryant. They think he's trying to be the next Jordan.


  • 美国篮球球员他们老板之间讨价还价腻味透了。

    The American basketball fans are fed up with the bargaining between players and their bosses.


  • 美国很多疯狂篮球他们热中,支持,”

    In America, there are a lot of very big basketball fans and they have an interest in me, and are supporting me, " he said."


  • 当然是个铁杆篮球姚明有着令人瞩目的身高完美的球技

    Of course I have! I'm a diehard basketball fan. Yao Ming is incredibly tall and is really talented.


  • 超级巨星科比·布莱恩特篮球众所周知悲伤消息宣布退役

    The superstar Kobe Bryant is known to all basketball fans, the sad news is that he has announced his retirement.


  • NBA成功地推行了前面提及改进措施,篮球提供丰富刺激篮球体验

    It [the NBA] has successfully delivered on the components above to provide fans with a rich and exciting basketball experience.


  • 陶斯卡斯存在非要拥有绰号理由我们也能看到篮球迷在这方面的热情

    There is no compelling reason for Stauskas to even have a nickname, so this says something about the passion involved here.


  • 大卫·斯特恩总裁1,321,851,888名中国篮球为此而感谢的。

    David Stern and 1,321,851,888 Chinese basketball fans will thank you for it.


  • 对于篮球们来说一个非同寻常人:既是NBA最高球员,又是中国人

    To basketball fans, he is an 8 anomaly: the tallest player in the NBA and Chinese.


  • 但是因为真正篮球清楚的意识他们的机会渺茫的,一个很难回答问题

    But because the true basketball fans realize that their chances are relatively slim, it is a harder question to answer.


  • Jason Zhao中国会计师篮球里在nba时候球队造成伤害,但中国情形可能不一样

    Jason Zhao, an accountant and basketball fan in China: Marbury 'was a harm to his team when he was in the NBA, but here the situation could be different.


  • 虽然作为篮球不够,我相信有助于健康只是觉得有趣什么篮球小时左右累的一天

    Although as a basketball fan I am not tall enough, I believe it is helpful to my health, and just think what fun it is to play basketball for an hour or so after a tiring day!


  • 一个篮球,我借用中国篮球明星姚明一句话说——无论是成员还是成员,需要时间磨合

    I am a basketball fan, and would like to quote a saying by Chinese basketball star Yao Ming - Regardless of whether team members are old or new, they all need time to adapt to each other.


  • 也许我会停下脚步休息曲华丽的挽歌声中,墓碑下成为全世界篮球心中的一座丰碑

    Maybe one day I will stop and rest, in a gorgeous elegy sound, lying on my tombstone, it will become a monument to the hearts of the basketball fans around the world.


  • 也许我会停下脚步休息曲华丽的挽歌声中墓碑下将会成为全世界篮球心中的一座丰碑。

    Maybe one day I will stop to rest, in a QuHuaLi wan song, lying on my tombstone, it will become a monument to basketball fans all over the world.


  • 也许我会停下脚步休息曲华丽的挽歌声中,墓碑成为全世界篮球心中的一座丰碑

    Maybe one day I will stop and rest, in a gorgeous elegy sound, lying on my tombstone, under, it will become the world's a monument to the hearts of basketball fans.


  • 也许我会停下脚步休息曲华丽歌声中,墓碑下成为全世界篮球心中的一座丰碑。

    Maybe one day I will stop to rest in a magnificent Dirge voice, lying on my tombstone, it will become the world's basketball fans in the hearts of a monument.


  • 本人也是篮球费城完成大学学业,而且我的家人也都在费城,我始终觉得自己这座城市以及76人球队紧密相连。

    As a basketball fan who attended college in Philadelphia, and with family roots here, I have always felt a strong connection to this City and the 76ers.


  • 000名篮球们刚看比赛离开,马上调整清洁赛场,为数小时曲棍球比赛做好一切准备,到时候会有20,000名涌入

    After 20,000 fans file out after the basketball game, the court has to be removed, the arena cleaned and the rink prepared for a hockey game a few hours later, when another 20,000 fans will arrive.


  • 000名篮球们刚看比赛离开,马上调整清洁赛场,为数小时曲棍球比赛做好一切准备,到时候会有20,000名涌入

    After 20, 000 fans file out after the basketball game, the court has to be removed, the arena cleaned and the rink prepared for a hockey game a few hours later, when another 20, 000 fans will arrive.


  • 随着艾弗森退出联盟约翰沃尔签署给了他们机会重新获得了篮球心中相关性机会留在一个帐篷级别名称可见

    With Allen Iverson exiting the League, the signing of John Wall gave them a chance to regain some relevance in the minds of hoops fans, and an opportunity to remain visible on a marquee-level name.


  • 位13岁的独臂篮球运动员吸引了许多球

    A lot of fans were attracted by the 13-year-old one-armed basketball player.


  • 位13岁的独臂篮球运动员吸引了许多球

    A lot of fans were attracted by the 13-year-old one-armed basketball player.


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