• 橄榄小麦胚芽米糠含有天然的角烯,但含量不多。

    Olive oil, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil also naturally contain squalene, albeit in smaller amounts.


  • 研究了脱温度脱臭时间米糠油谷维素含量影响

    The effects of deodorization temperature and time on the contents of trans-fatty acids in soybean oil were studied.


  • 研究了温度脱臭时间米糠反式脂肪酸含量影响

    The effect of deodorizing temperature and time on the content of trans fatty acid in rice bran oil was studied.


  • 其他成分米糠明胶大豆卵磷脂二氧化钛着色剂。

    Other Ingredients: Rice Bran Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Soy Lecithin, Titanium Dioxide Color.


  • 现已完成米糠粗加工设备安装调试生产出米糠米糠粕。

    Installation and debug of rice bran rough machining equipments has been finished, and rice bran oil and cake have been produced.


  • 其他植物酶法脱胶相比米糠酶法脱胶对酸碱配比的要求相对较低。

    Compared to other vegetable oil, enzymatic degumming of crude rice bran oil do not require so strict acid and NaOH balance.


  • 分离技术一种有效低成本工艺;该文综述膜分离技术加工米糠研究进展

    Membrane separation technology is an efficient, cost effective process. Research progress on the processing of rice bran oil with membrane was reviewed in the paper.


  • 提出了一级四级联产设计方案使米糠营养价值和经济效益最大化。

    In addition, co-generation scheme between first grade oil and fourth grade oil is put forward, which can maximize both nutritive value and economic benefit of rice bran oil.


  • 其他成分米糠明胶大豆卵磷脂蜂蜡,大焦糖色素。

    OTHER INGREDIENTS:. Rice bran oil, gelatin, glycerin, water, soy lecithin, yellow beeswax, soybean oil, caramel color.


  • 米糠预处理后,超临界CO2萃取米糠使所得脂中的降低,得率提高

    Extraction of oil form pretreated rice bran by supercritical CO2 will decrease its acid value and increase its yield.


  • 米糠作为一种天然健康型,通过日常食用便补充人体必需物质满足人体需要。

    As a natural health lipid, it can meet the need of the human body. With the improvement of living standards, edible oil demand is increasing.


  • 米糠通过挤压膨化一方面使米糠中的脂酶瞬间高温高压作用钝化防止米糠油酸败

    The extrusion puffing, on the one hand, can make solution lipase in the rice bran passivated under high temperature and high pressure condition, then prevent the rice bran oil rancidity;


  • 蔬菜种类多样↠——菜籽棕榈玉米、大葵花籽红花棉籽米糠葡萄

    Vegetable oils comes in a variety of forms - canola, palm, corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, rice bran and grape seed.


  • 植物种类有很多——菜籽棕榈玉米、大葵花籽红花棉籽米糠葡萄

    Vegetable oils comes in a variety of forms - canola, palm, corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, rice bran and grape seed.


  • 我们可以专业提供如下产品:山绿红花米糠葡萄番茄大豆卵磷脂,茶皂素

    We can supply: camellia oil, green tea oil, safflower oil, rice bran oil, grape seed oil, tomato seed oil, soya lecithin, tea seed powder and tea saponin.


  • 米糠具有丰富营养价值优良的保健功能,实为潜在理想食用米糠中提取米糠油再生资源充分利用

    Bran oil has abundant nutritional value and excellent health-care function. It is a kind of potential and ideal edible oil. Extracting bran oil from bran is a sufficient utilization of this resource.


  • 米糠产品符合国家标准(GB9850.4- 1999),谷维素维生素e、植物甾醇、生物等产品含量均达到90%以上

    Rice bran is in accordance with national standard GB9850.4-1999, and the content of oryzanol, vitamin e, phytosterin and biologic diesel oil is above 90 percent.


  • 针对米糠特殊性,对米糠油的化学精炼物理精炼以及糠制取工艺,各个工序进行了较为详细的叙述,以期米糠油开发利用提供参考

    The technology of rice bran oil refining and the preparation of bran wax were described, which would provide some reference for the utilization of rice bran oil and bran wax.


  • 米糠挤压膨化预处理浸出工艺米糠工艺最佳选择,也是解决米糠浸出制过程米糠油升高提高加工得的行之有效的方法。

    The expelling-expansion pretreatment of rice bran was the best choice for preparation of rice bran oil, which could inhibit the acid value increase of rice bran oil and improve the oil yield.


  • 米糠挤压膨化预处理浸出工艺米糠工艺最佳选择,也是解决米糠浸出制过程米糠油升高提高加工得的行之有效的方法。

    The expelling-expansion pretreatment of rice bran was the best choice for preparation of rice bran oil, which could inhibit the acid value increase of rice bran oil and improve the oil yield.


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