• 精神饱满冲浪时群海豚前方波浪中嬉戏。

    As he waded into the surf, a pod of dolphins played in the waves just ahead of him.


  • 阿里巴巴杭州园区看上去硅谷一个精神饱满公司

    The Alibaba campus in Hangzhou looks much like the offices of a zippy firm in Silicon Valley.


  • 保持每天精神饱满学习工作,对很多人来说已经成为遥不可事。

    It is incredible and impossible for the majority to study and work with an energetic spirit. Heibei Xingyiquan is also called the five elements boxing.


  • 伙伴共度时光我们深受身边的影响,所以梦想家实干家精神饱满的为伍吧。

    Spend time with good company. We are heavily influenced by those around us, so surround yourself with the dreamers, doers and uplifters.


  • 实战的部分缩短了,尽量的让这般家伙们保持有一个健康的身体然后精神饱满参加比赛。

    I've shortened the live sessions, just to try to keep guys fresh and healthy as much as we can.


  • 研究人员同样指出,如果一夜熟睡没有感觉精神恢复心脏病发作可能性那些精神饱满高27%。

    Also, people who didn't feel refreshed after a night's sleep had a 27 percent increased risk of a heart attack, compared with those who did, the researchers added.


  • 雄壮歌曲《中国功夫》响起,一个个精神饱满演员雄赳赳气昂昂出来,先是一起打拳,再是个表演

    Magnificent song "kungfu", one of the fresh young actors ever to come out, fighting together, to an individual's performance.


  • 这个莎士比亚是个中年人,有着精神饱满的脸色、仔细修剪整齐赤褐色胡子有一高爽的鼻梁几乎全部柔软而又膨松的发型

    In middle age, this Shakespeare has a fresh-faced complexion, a closely trimmed auburn beard, a long straight nose and a full, almost bouffant hairstyle.


  • 果学生感觉良好,他们将精神饱满地迎接考试的挑战。

    If students feel well they will be ready to face the challenges of exams alive and kicking.


  • 样,你就会很放松——每天醒来都精神饱满,精力充沛,可以解决遇到的任何问题!

    That way, you are relaxed—you wake up every day fresh and strong and can solve any problem that comes your way!


  • 美国步兵虽然需要过于奢侈后勤支持,但是法国进行顽强的战斗,他们精神饱满,营养充足战争所吓倒。 正译:美国步兵虽然需要过于奢侈的后勤支持,但是在法国进行了顽强的战斗他们精神饱满,营养充足,还没受到战争的创伤。

    The U.S. infantryman, while requiring far too luxurious logistical support, put up a nice fight in France; he was fresh well-fed, and unscarred by battle.


  • 精神饱满地参加考试最优选择炸薯条奶昔还是烤鸡胸肉和低酸奶

    Is your best choice an energy fix of fries and a shake or a broiled chicken breast and low fat yogurt?


  • 去年宣传会议上他们已经有所耳闻关于这位21世纪年轻将军,说精神饱满一些带领我们前进思想

    They had started hearing about him last year in propaganda lectures, about the young general for the 21st century, he's full of spirit, and he has bright new ideas to take us forward.


  • 淋浴感觉精神饱满、富有活力,积极投入到每天最初几个工作

    The fresh, revitalized feeling you have stepping out of the shower will spill over as positivity into your first few tasks of the day.


  • 这样精神饱满完成任务。你在一天开始就成就感从而激励你做更多的事。

    By doing these things first you get them out of the way while you're fresh, you get a sense of accomplishment early in the day which can further motivate you to get even more done.


  • 根据人体结构学设计造型轻柔变换色彩以及最喜欢的音乐的播放,这些保证睡个并且只睡20 - 30分钟精神饱满

    With its ergonomic shape, gentle changing colours and your favourite music, you're guaranteed great shut-eye and be refreshed in 20-30 minutes.


  • 少量蛋白质精神饱满维护整个上午血糖水平还有

    A little protein to keep you satiated and maintain even blood sugar levels throughout the morning, and.


  • 置身这样氛围中,走边深呼吸会伸伸手胳膊舒展一下身体自己精神饱满迎接一天工作

    Exposure in such an atmosphere, I walk and take a deep breath, but also extended hand, Tai Tai arm, stretch the body, so that their spirits to go to greet the new day's work.


  • 当你回去的时候,精神饱满放松充满喜悦随时可以开始一个40自我练习

    You will go back home recharged and relaxed, full of joy and ready for a 40 days practice on your own.


  • 飞快地20分钟充电午觉,恰到好处地让我们恢复元气、精神饱满地度过一天剩下时光,不过若是多睡一会儿,我们就能明显感到窗外时间流逝

    A quick, 20-minute power nap can revitalize us just enough to carry on with the rest of the day, but any longer than that and our ability to tell the time goes out the window.


  • 总是朋友一齐分享快乐时光朋友,像心里面一小清晨的露水,可以使人精神饱满

    With the friends there are always laughs and Shared happy moments, the friends are like the small drops of water of the morning dew, where the heart is it and freshens up.


  • 旅行使透纳变得精神饱满不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。

    Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his prolific landscape painting.


  • 这个遗忘好的使精神饱满

    This oblivion is good, which makes you freshened.


  • 早起不仅身心舒畅精神饱满而且会让你每天一个好的开始养成一些重要的习惯这些习惯日后你带来巨大成功

    Getting up earlier not only makes you feel good and stay fine, but also makes you have a good beginning every day and develop some valuable habits, which bring you a big success later on.


  • 我们运动时候,我们会发现我们不会去关注那些愉快的事情,而是精神饱满

    When we are doing some exercise, we will find that we will not concern more about these unpleased things and be full of spirit and energy.


  • 我们运动时候,我们会发现我们不会去关注那些愉快的事情,而是精神饱满

    When we are doing some exercise, we will find that we will not concern more about these unpleased things and be full of spirit and energy.


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