• 64岁诊断患有糖尿病

    He was diagnosed (as) a diabetic when he was 64.


  • 有些遗传因素而易患糖尿病

    Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.


  • 医生糖尿病检查

    My doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes.


  • 失明糖尿病常有一种并发症

    Blindness is a common complication of diabetes.


  • 患有糖尿病胃溃疡

    He suffered from diabetes and gastric ulcers.


  • 补充剂成功地糖尿病治疗上(参见第4)。

    Chromium supplements were used successfully in the treatment of diabetes (see Chapter 4).


  • 一些慢性病糖尿病要求病人食用医生指导的特定食物

    Certain chronic conditions, such as diabetes, require special diets that should be monitored by your physician.


  • 1糖尿病由于体内没有足够的胰岛素

    Type 1 Diabetes results from the body not having enough insulin.


  • 高纤维饮食降低心脏病糖尿病风险

    High-fiber diets are also linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes.


  • 糖尿病这个专业领域有着40的研究经验。

    Her specialist field has been diabetes for the past 40 years.


  • 糖尿病哮喘一样,任何人可能因为压力而患上这种疾病

    Like diabetes or asthma, this illness can happen to anyone due to stress.


  • 多说,加工食品儿童糖尿病的发病率上升主要原因。

    Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributors to the rising diabetes rates among children.


  • 睡眠不足往往高血压心脏病糖尿病发胖其他毛病

    People who sleep less tend to have higher blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, weight gain and other problems.


  • 糖尿病代谢紊乱引起,代谢紊乱后,血糖水平长期偏高。

    Diabetes is caused by a group of metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels over a long period of time.


  • 肥胖心脏病糖尿病开始出现以前从未出现过这些问题人群中。

    Obesity, heart disease and diabetes are beginning to appear in a people for whom these have never been problems before.


  • 当然如果肥胖影响,它对糖尿病心脏病高血压也会影响。

    And of course, if it has an impact on obesity, it will have an impact on diabetes and heart disease and high blood pressure.


  • 当然如果能改善肥胖问题,那么它也就会降低糖尿病心脏病高血压的患病率。

    Of course, if it has an impact on obesity, it will have an impact on diabetes and heart disease and high blood pressure.


  • 例如某些蛋白质过量导致细胞异常增殖癌变胰岛素蛋白质缺乏导致糖尿病

    For example, an excess of certain proteins can cause cells to proliferate abnormally and become cancerous; a lack of the protein insulin results in diabetes.


  • 2糖尿病主要发生那些没有足够的体育锻炼太多不健康食物体重过重的人身上。

    Type 2 Diabetes mainly happens to those who do not have enough physical exercise, eat too much unhealthy food and get too heavy.


  • 具体来说研究发现,每周单独吃饭两次以上男性高血压胆固醇糖尿病风险大。

    Specifically, the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.


  • 现在认为糖尿病经常伴有并发症视力肾功能损害由于缺乏血糖浓度持续控制所致。

    The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations.


  • 这项研究中,女性心脏病发作年龄往往男性大,同时也容易出现糖尿病高血压并发症

    Women, who in the study tended to be older than men when they suffered heart attack, were also more likely to have concurrent complications such as diabetes or hypertension


  • 一般来说,许多生活方式医学医师推荐一种以植物为主饮食——尤其是针对患有糖尿病其他炎症的患者。

    In general, many lifestyle medicine physicians recommend a plant-based dietparticularly for people with diabetes or other inflammatory conditions.


  • 糖尿病特别兴趣理查德·派尔医生认为采用这种方法实际上可能会个人社会带来更糟糕后果。”

    Dr. Richard Pile, a physician with a special interest in diabetes, argues that adopting this approach "could actually result in worse outcomes for individuals and society."


  • 毫无疑问通过选择不同食物人们可以在改善糖尿病高血压甚至预防癌症方面取得很大进展。”

    "There's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes, reversing high blood pressure, even preventing cancer by food choices," Nadeau says.


  • 他们认为政府必要采取行动阻止英国不健康食物帮助防止肥胖率糖尿病心脏病发病率螺旋式上升。

    They argue that government action is necessary to curb Britain's addiction to unhealthy food and help halt spiraling rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.


  • 究人员表示,这不仅会导致失眠,还会增加肥胖、糖尿病和其他疾病的风险。

    Researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness, but also raise the risk of obesity, diabetes and other diseases.


  • 据世界卫生组织的数据,超重儿童更有可能在较年轻的年纪患上糖尿病等疾病。

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight children are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes at a younger age.


  • 这些并发症大大增加糖尿病风险75%的死亡糖尿病引起的。

    The complications will greatly increase the risk of diabetes, by which about 75% of the deaths are caused.


  • 糖尿病神经病变由于糖尿病神经损害影响高达50%糖尿病患者。

    Diabetic neuropathy is damage to the nerves as a result of diabetes, and affects up to 50% of people with diabetes.


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