• 这些清理完以后可以移除的还原点影子拷贝来自系统恢复以及来自于下载(Downloads)目录已安装程序

    Once you have cleared those out, you can remove old Restore Points and Shadow copies (from System Restore) and installed programs from your Downloads directory.


  • QCapture程序系统运行读取已修改的源数据DB2恢复日志将之写入WebSphereMQ队列

    The Q Capture program runs on the source system, reading DB2 recovery logs for changed source data, and writing it to WebSphere MQ queues.


  • 应用程序多个实例(生产中每个应用程序单独系统加以实现并且灾难恢复配置单个系统加以组合。)

    Multiple instances of an application (Each application is implemented on a separate system in production and are combined on a single system in the disaster recovery provisioning.)


  • 更换手机只是安装一些错误应用程序可以要求进行系统恢复

    Having a phone swapped out, or just installing the wrong combination of apps could call for a system restore.


  • 可用性系统组件或者应用程序发生故障时快速恢复基本服务系统管理策略

    High availability is the system management strategy of quickly restoring essential services in the event of system, component, or application failure.


  • 复制更新后应用程序到达备用系统立即开始排队更改后数据,以备恢复主站点。

    Replication will begin queuing changed data for return of the primary site as soon as the updated apps hit the standby system.


  • 类型检查应该帮助程序这些类型错误恢复对于静态字段而言,类型系统实际上使程序员更迷惑。

    The type checker is supposed to help a programmer recover from exactly these sorts of mistakes, but in the case of static fields, the type system could actually help to confuse the programmer.


  • 典型示例灾难恢复测试其中涉及故障转移备用系统测试应用程序然后退回系统

    The classic example is a disaster recovery test, which involves failing over to a warm standby system, testing the applications, and then failing back to the primary systems.


  • 因此必须处理程序提供文件系统位置以便恢复证书并且利用公共密匙

    Therefore, the handler must be provided with that file system location in order to recover the certificate and make use of the public key.


  • 可用性系统软件工业标准硬件相结合,系统组件应用程序发生故障时快速恢复来使停机时间最小化

    High availability systems combine software with industry-standard hardware to minimize downtime by quickly restoring services when a system, component, or application fails.


  • 系统崩溃之后用户几分钟内就能够恢复桌面应用程序访问

    Users can get access to their desktops and applications within minutes after a crash.


  • 所有恢复资源更新其他事务系统请求现在都是工作单元一部分,直到CICS程序内部达到一个同步(syncpoint)。

    All updates to recoverable resources or requests to other transactional systems are now part of this unit-of-work, until a synchronization point (syncpoint) is reached within the CICS program.


  • 通过使用cnee监视系统键盘事件使用Perl跟踪Firefox应用程序状态即使Flash播放器持有的焦点的情况下,也可以恢复Firefox热键功能

    By using cnee to monitor system keyboard events, and with Perl to track Firefox application status, Firefox hotkey functionality can be restored even when a Flash player is focused.


  • 一旦安装,即不可能删除不可能恢复7.0版女友程序,还不能系统清除程序文件

    It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfrie nd 7.0 . It is impossible to uninstall, or purge the program files from the system once installed.


  • 快速地恢复文件系统到达一致性状态背后真正起作用在于Linux 文件系统驱动程序中。

    The real magic behind quickly restoring the filesystem to a consistent state is found in the Linux filesystem driver.


  • GameOS实际上一个管理程序,它管理第二操作系统引导安装kboot提供故障保护选项,可以将PS 3恢复原来的配置

    GameOS is really a hypervisor that also manages the second OS boot and install and provides fail-safe options along with kboot to restore your PS3 back to its shipped configuration.


  • 应用程序服务器app2文件系统恢复方法sequential

    Application Servers: app2Filesystems Recovery Method: sequential.


  • 应用程序扩展丢失重新启动只有系统文件必须恢复

    Application extensions are lost on reboot, but only the system files have to be restored.


  • 备份实例应用程序数据库备份实例和应用程序定义以便出现硬件其他系统故障之后,能够快速恢复实例和应用程序

    Backing up the instance and application databases and backing up instance and application definitions so that you can quickly restore instances and application after hardware or other system failures.


  • 简述了退化森林生态系统恢复和重建一般操作程序

    The common work procedure of rehabilitating degraded forest ecosystems was briefly introduced.


  • 密钥恢复软件可以迅速地分析系统中的4500 +多种各类软件程序并且生成份软件激活密钥清单

    Key recovery software can quickly analyze your system 4500 + kinds of various software programs and produces a list of software activation keys.


  • 系统重新启动后桌面以及以前活动程序将会恢复

    When the system is restarted, the desktop and previously active programs are restored.


  • 为了提高控制系统稳定性可靠性,采用现场数据自动修复,程序自动恢复等设计方法。

    To increase control system's steady ability and reliability we keep the scene data and program to return to normal.


  • 嵌入式系统工作文档备份/恢复一个具有较强实用性课题相对普通计算机,嵌入式系统应用程序必须占用较少系统资源。

    The working documents' backup/recovery in embedded system is a practical issue, compared to the ordinary computer, the application in embedded system must take up less system resources.


  • 根据发泡工艺特点其对系统保护和自恢复等功能技术要求,本文利用可编程序控制器实现了控制功能。

    According to the technological features of the foaming machine and technical requirements of self-protection and self-resumption for the system, the control is realized by the PLC system.


  • 程序设置标志程序标志位,实现正常上电系统运行状态恢复

    Procedure sets off power-fail flag and program block flag, for the implementation of the restoration of the original system after normal starting.


  • 通过选择最后一正确配置诸如增加硬件正确驱动程序而引发的问题恢复系统

    By selecting Last Known Good Configuration, you can recover from problems such as a newly added driver that may be incorrect for your hardware.


  • 异常处理是现代程序设计语言一个重要特征,它检测恢复软件系统运行时错误构建系统容错处理提供强有力的支持

    Exception handling. an important feature of modern programming languages, provides a strong support for detecting and recovering runtime errors, and structuring fault-tolerant activities in a system.


  • 软件开发人员测试人员可以很容易地恢复测试系统默认配置每个而不需要手动卸载每个应用程序部署

    Software Developers and testers can easily restore test systems to the default configuration after each deployment without the need to manually uninstall each application.


  • 恢复磁碟改善提供了更为有效消毒因为恶意软件程序增益控制操作系统正在

    The improved Rescue Disks provide more efficient disinfection because malware programs do not gain control when the operating system is being loaded.


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