• 管理节点客户机定义节点是否构成从中提取配置文件系统管理的一个资源池一部分。

    Manager or client: Defines whether the node should form part of the pool from which the configuration and file system managers are picked.


  • 可以考虑添加一些改进措施,比如包含一些逻辑解析文件系统中的队列管理器位置等信息或者实现更好错误处理能力

    Some enhancements you might consider adding would include logic to parse out things such as the location of the queue manager in the file system, or better error handling.


  • 有了这个新的可用性选项实例队列管理信息数据通过网络文件系统协议(NFS),比如nfsV4存储网络存储设备上。

    With this new availability option, the messages and data for a multi-instance queue manager are held on networked storage accessed via a network file system (NFS) protocol, such as NFS V4.


  • 报告文件系统所有使用率包括逻辑管理器(LVM)、虚拟内存物理磁盘层。

    It reports on all layers of file system utilization, including the Logical Volume Manager (LVM), virtual memory, and physical disk layers.


  • ZFS逻辑管理器概念功能丰富大规模扩展文件系统结合起来。

    ZFS combines the concepts of a logical volume manager with a very feature rich and massively scalable file system.


  • 这个空间适合数据库管理器需求特殊用途文件系统的一个实现

    This table space is an implementation of a special-purpose file system designed to best meet the needs of the database manager.


  • 可以防止SAN配置中的虚假磁盘错误文件系统管理器

    This prevents false disk errors in the SAN configuration from being reported to the file system manager.


  • 重新构建主要部署管理器计算机后,重新安装文件系统更改不会丢失

    Once the primary deployment manager machine is rebuilt, the changes will not be lost when the file system is remounted.


  • Linux没有I/O管理器所有 I/O请求从开始就进入文件系统参见2)。

    There is no I/O manager in Linux: all I/O requests go to the file system at the beginning (see Figure 2).


  • 这个命令使用数据库管理器配置文件授权系统编目视图(SYSCAT.DBAUTH)中找到

    This command USES the values found in the database manager configuration file and the authorization system catalog view (SYSCAT.DBAUTH). Listing 5 shows the results of issuing the command.


  • Concrete5的改进(link)包括更新了文件管理器,提供个内Picnik图片编辑,增加了新的帮助系统等等。

    Improvements in Concrete5 include an updated file manager, embedded Picnik image editor, new help system and more.


  • 如果一下部署管理文件系统看到定义所有四个节点以及部署管理器节点

    If you look at the file system on the deployment manager, you will see all four nodes defined, as well as the deployment manager node.


  • 进行备份后,副本放到一个高度可用文件系统中;否则部署管理器服务出现磁盘故障使这些备份变得不可用

    When you have the backup, place a copy of it in a highly available file system; otherwise, a disk outage on your deployment manager server could make the backups unavailable to you.


  • 其他文件浏览类似系统资源管理器允许查看这些远程主机文件内容

    Similar to other file browsers, the systems explorer enables you to view the contents of files on these remote hosts.


  • 安装产品时,该产品安装文件系统部署管理器系统相同位置

    When installing the product, install it into the same location on the file system as the deployment manager system.


  • 有些倾向备份包含队列管理器配置文件系统其他一些人则备份关于配置的数据。

    Some people prefer to back up the filesystem that contains the queue manager configuration, while others prefer to back up the meta-data about the configuration.


  • 通过系统资源管理器可以查看远程计算机文件系统所感兴趣任何文件附加案例管理以便将其传输到本地系统

    With the Systems Explorer, you can look through a remote machine's file system and attach any files of interest to the Case Manager, after which they are transferred to the local system.


  • 如果定义了多个配置文件(如同一个系统V6部署管理器V 6节点配置文件),则选择使用的配置文件

    If more than one profile is defined, such as a V6 deployment manager and a V6 node profile on the same system, select which profile to be used.


  • 如果V 6部署管理器配置文件新的系统上,需要备份目录复制新的系统

    If the V6 deployment manager profile is on a new system, the backup directory will need to be copied to this new system.


  • 缓存管理中央服务重新连接时,系统重建客户机修改日志使所有文件系统更新客户机都可用

    When the cache manager reconnects to the central servers, the system reintegrates the client modification log, making all file system updates available to the client.


  • 第一简单直接存储用户界面这里点击一个存储库文件,用户就进入这个文件夹,就像文件系统管理器那样

    The first is a simple, direct user interface to the repository, in which clicking on a certain repository folder will lead the user into that folder, much like a file system explorer would.


  • 搜索系统:这个系统负责索引文件上进行搜索搜索结构传递请求管理器

    Searching: This subsystem searches on the Lucene index and returns the search results to the Request Manager subsystem.


  • 具体做法为:使用特定于操作系统文件系统备份方法(此处不再赘述)保存部署管理整个概要目录

    Use a file system backup methodology, specific to your operating system (and not explained here) to save the entire profile directory for the deployment manager.


  • 使用系统资源管理器手动选择文件

    Manually choose files using the systems explorer.


  • 如果要看到图片存在,那么您可以文件系统中将文件导入Encyclopedia文件管理器使用文件

    If the picture that you want to use does not exist there, you can import a file from the file system into the Encyclopedia file manager and use that file.


  • mi队列管理使用网络文件系统(Net worked File System, NFS)管理队列管理器实例。

    An MI queue manager USES a networked file system to manage queue manager instances.


  • 文件系统备份WebSphereMQ备份包含当时队列管理器存在所有消息

    When WebSphere MQ is backed up at the filesystem level, the backup contains any messages that happened to be on the queue manager at that point in time.


  • AIX使用相当独特的系统对象数据管理(Object Data Manager,ODM)管理设备配置文件

    AIX USES a rather unique system, the Object Data Manager (ODM), for managing devices and configuration files.


  • 获得新的系统安装V6(9)使用安装V6的现有系统(图10),然后创建V 6部署管理器配置文件

    Take either a new system and install V6 (Figure 9) or use an existing system with V6 already installed (Figure 10), and create a V6 deployment manager profile.


  • 系统资源管理器(4)允许浏览安装IBMSupportAssistant代理远程计算机文件系统

    The systems Explorer (Figure 4) enables you to browse the file systems of remote machines that have the IBM Support Assistant agent installed.


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