One ACTS according to preconceived ideas or ideals, so one is acting always from either accumulated knowledge, which is the past, or from an idealistic future, a utopia.
Another term for the final result of intellection, that is to say a person's accumulated knowledge, is the "acquired intellect".
On the basis of the accumulated knowledge in atomic and molecular physics, a compact but informative description is given for each process.
The first part of the word, techn actually did mean “art” or “craft” from Greek, while the second half logy means more literally “the writings on” or “the accumulated knowledge about.”
The resulting software development can be considered a by-product of the knowledge accumulated.
Researchers found evidence that grandmasters rely significantly on a vast store of knowledge of game positions, very carefully structured, which has been accumulated over a long period of time.
The man who invests in more knowledge of his business than he needs to hold his job, is acquiring capital with which to get a better job.
A scholar's twin mission is to recognize and access all of that knowledge-and to add to it.
Human commonsense reasoning is a kind of cumulative process of experiential knowledge, and the experiential reasoning is nonmonotonic.
We accumulate a great deal of knowledge about so many things but to act intelligently about what one has learned seems almost impossible.
The reason why not everything about the production and the use of which technology provides information can be made accessible to everybody is the insufficiency of the supply of capital accumulated.
In the pattern of traditional education, we've developed too many persons of ability, who have a great deal of knowledge.
Traditionally the science was treated as the irrevocable the entity of knowledge, while the study was considered as the talented person inheritance and the accumulation knowledge.
We begin by investigating the methods scientists use to learn about the natural world and the way scientific knowledge about the environment accumulates.
In the meanwhile, it is explained that in the cooperation of producing, learning and research, knowledge can be accumulated in practice, so that knowledge can be conversed, benefit can be improved.
Mr. WEHSER also introduces that in order to balance IPR and standards, FRAND is normally used, but FRAND is far from perfect and cumulative royalty can be high.
As important communication media in the academic communication system, the academic journals have made a great contribution to the recording, communication, and accumulation of useful human knowledge.
Modern growth theory is largely built on models with constant or increasing returns to reproducible factors as a result of the accumulation of knowledge.
These method adopts the syntactic infection without introducing the errors in deep sentence analysis;
Conclusion Learning on the job clinically plays an important role for nurse students in apprehension, accumulation and intensify of the knowledge...
Conclusion Learning on the job clinically plays an important role for nurse students in apprehension, accumulation and intensify of the knowledge...