• 行动总是基于累积知识过去基于理想化未来,一乌托邦

    One ACTS according to preconceived ideas or ideals, so one is acting always from either accumulated knowledge, which is the past, or from an idealistic future, a utopia.


  • 另外一个术语,“获得理性”,用来表达思考最终结果,也就是累积知识

    Another term for the final result of intellection, that is to say a person's accumulated knowledge, is the "acquired intellect".


  • 根据原子分子物理学里累积知识紧密但是讯息丰富描述每个过程

    On the basis of the accumulated knowledge in atomic and molecular physics, a compact but informative description is given for each process.


  • 单词一部分techn希腊语实际上就意为“艺术或者工艺”。第二部分logy更加准确意思是“有关……的著作或是“关于……累积知识”。

    The first part of the word, techn actually did meanartorcraft” from Greek, while the second half logy means more literally “the writings onor “the accumulated knowledge about.”


  • 随后软件开发可以认为知识累积副产品

    The resulting software development can be considered a by-product of the knowledge accumulated.


  • 研究人员发现,有证据表明,大师们非常依赖细致构建庞大的战局知识储备,这种储备他们长期累积结果。

    Researchers found evidence that grandmasters rely significantly on a vast store of knowledge of game positions, very carefully structured, which has been accumulated over a long period of time.


  • 关注自己事业知识累积远比抱住他的饭碗的重要的通过累积知识可以得到获取更好的工作资本

    The man who invests in more knowledge of his business than he needs to hold his job, is acquiring capital with which to get a better job.


  • 每位学者两项使命,一项了解、运用学术知识,另一项是继续累积新的知识

    A scholar's twin mission is to recognize and access all of that knowledge-and to add to it.


  • 常识推理充满经验性知识累积过程经验推理具有非单调性。

    Human commonsense reasoning is a kind of cumulative process of experiential knowledge, and the experiential reasoning is nonmonotonic.


  • 我们累积关于很多事情大量知识但是按照学到知识明智地行动看起来几乎是不可能的。

    We accumulate a great deal of knowledge about so many things but to act intelligently about what one has learned seems almost impossible.


  • 工艺学提供种种知识消息不是个人所可利用的,原因就是累积资本不足够。

    The reason why not everything about the production and the use of which technology provides information can be made accessible to everybody is the insufficiency of the supply of capital accumulated.


  • 传统教育模式下,我们已经培养了太多知识累积人才,而非现代社会做需要的创造型人才

    In the pattern of traditional education, we've developed too many persons of ability, who have a great deal of knowledge.


  • 传统科学当作一成不变知识实体学习被认为是人类传承累积知识的过程。

    Traditionally the science was treated as the irrevocable the entity of knowledge, while the study was considered as the talented person inheritance and the accumulation knowledge.


  • 我们的课程探究科学家认知自然世界方法环境科学知识累积途径开始。

    We begin by investigating the methods scientists use to learn about the natural world and the way scientific knowledge about the environment accumulates.


  • 同时说明了产学研合作过程,教师实践过程知识累积从而达到知识转化生产提高企业效益可能

    In the meanwhile, it is explained that in the cooperation of producing, learning and research, knowledge can be accumulated in practice, so that knowledge can be conversed, benefit can be improved.


  • 博士介绍为了协调知识产权标准间的关系,公平合理无歧视原则FRAND通常被广泛使用但是FRAND模式其实并不完善并且累积许可费可能很高

    Mr. WEHSER also introduces that in order to balance IPR and standards, FRAND is normally used, but FRAND is far from perfect and cumulative royalty can be high.


  • 学术期刊作为学术传播体系中的重要传播媒介记录、传播、累积人类已有知识信息做出巨大贡献

    As important communication media in the academic communication system, the academic journals have made a great contribution to the recording, communication, and accumulation of useful human knowledge.


  • 现代增长理论主要建立模型不变增加收益基础上,最重现性因素知识累积

    Modern growth theory is largely built on models with constant or increasing returns to reproducible factors as a result of the accumulation of knowledge.


  • 这些方法需要深层句法知识,避免了过多的累积误差

    These method adopts the syntactic infection without introducing the errors in deep sentence analysis;


  • 结论临床见习对知识理解累积深化具有重要作用,见习组织管理和老师的引导性是提高见习效果的关键。

    Conclusion Learning on the job clinically plays an important role for nurse students in apprehension, accumulation and intensify of the knowledge...


  • 结论临床见习对知识理解累积深化具有重要作用,见习组织管理和老师的引导性是提高见习效果的关键。

    Conclusion Learning on the job clinically plays an important role for nurse students in apprehension, accumulation and intensify of the knowledge...


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