The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.
The 'reddish-brown' spot helped to identify the colony of penguins.
A river on the plain of drought just a cleft of dark reddish-brown water almost a flood.
The surface appears roughened from the normal glistening appearance by the strands of pink-tan fibrin.
A river on the plain of drought, just a cleft of dark, reddish-brown water, almost a flood.
Mine is not the red-brown dress of the traveller, and though there are dangers on the way I have no fear in mind.
Finally, peeling the nerve bundle open, Epstein looked down at the long, red-brown tumor.
It should be a juvenile Red-necked Stint. Some scapular feathers show rufous fringe that could not fit to Temminck's Stint.
This is an example of a fibrinous pericarditis. The surface appears roughened from the normal glistening appearance by the strands of pink-tan fibrin.
His hair is auburn , not red , and he was very polite , and I had a delicious redowa with him .
Just to give you an idea, the kitchen will be like this, except I have not ordered the cabinet yet. The color of the cabinet will be reddish brown.
His face has the colour of mahogany, rough and rugged to the last degree, all lines and wrinkles, nine grey hairs of a side, and nothing but a dab of powder at top.
At this moment, the Goddess became a tree with red trunk, green leaves and golden olives. Everyone felt its peace and love.
普通的微苦啤酒是指采用优质酒花酿造的,酒精度在3.5 - 6%之间,色泽为金黄色至红褐色的上面发酵淡色啤酒。
Bitter is a broad term applied to a well-hopped pale ale, from about 3.5% to 6% in strength and pale gold to dark mahogany in colour.
As we walk under a brilliant winter sky of clear blue along the fields of ploughed red-brown earth, we could be mistaken for a West Bank version of Last of the Summer Wine.
He stood with his father over his mother's casket. Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal taht the mother had no outer ears.
There the people become quite a mahogany brown, and in the hottest lands they are burnt to Negroes.
Chimpanzees, elephants, buffaloes and a reddish-brown antelope known as the bongo also occur in this protected area.
Colors that have red such as orange, redish-brown and yellow are assumed to be warm colors because we associate these with sunlight.
Bending close, he points out blazes of russets and rich browns mixed with white on tiny but lovely wings.
You can see as well as I, ' said Retty, the auburn-haired and youngest girl, without removing her eyes from the window.
The head is well domed, and his brow broad and well raised. He has a pleasant expression in talking, and indeed his manner can be described as distinctly prepossessing.
The head is well domed, and his brow broad and well raised. He has a pleasant expression in talking, and indeed his manner can be described as distinctly prepossessing.