• 甘地体现克己禁欲自我约束美德

    Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation, asceticism, and restraint.


  • 所有药剂师受到保密性这一社会规则约束

    All pharmacists are bound by the society's rules of confidentiality.


  • 精美艺术品像实用艺术品那样物理定律约束

    Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are.


  • 作为一名诗人泰德·休斯自我表达约束非常敏感比如格律韵律

    As a poet, Ted Hughes had an acute sensitivity to the way in which constraints on self expression, like the disciplines of metre and rhyme.


  • 这些规则提供了详细信息是关于存在一个昵称各个关系约束

    These rules provide more detailed information about the relationships and restrictions that exist on the columns of a nickname.


  • 越来越多的地方,特别是大城市郊区这些内心约束正在逐渐放松

    More and more, especially in our larger cities and suburbs, these inner restraints are loosening.


  • 某种程度上,马可尼拥有很大自主权,免受自己所在的社会阶层约束

    At one level, Marconi could be fiercely autonomous and independent of the constraints of his own social class.


  • 布朗尼菠萝芝士蛋糕都一个临界值因为它们受到符号约束限制

    The brownie and pineapple cheesecake have a marginal value, because their value is at the limit of their sign constraints.


  • 协商初始工资要求比较容易,因为一旦进入公司,组织约束就会影响工资增长

    It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases.


  • 协商初始工资要求比较容易,因为一旦进入公司,组织约束就会影响工资增长

    It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirements because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases.


  • 互利共生约束中,小丑一生宿主海葵生活在一起很少游出超过它们的地方。

    Bound in an alliance of mutual benefit, clownfish spend their entire lives with their host anemones, rarely straying more than a few yards from them.


  • 需要建立一个全球性检查制衡体系我们自然打交道时制定强制性规则约束

    This raises the need for a global system of checks and balances, for mandatory rules and constraints in our dealings with nature.


  • 正如每个警察知道的那样,人们行为外部控制不如内部约束有效比如内疚羞愧尴尬

    As every policeman knows, external controls on people's behavior are far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment.


  • 由长时间约束形成的,指向一个事实,就是海狸来说最好觅食策略不是产出最多食物木材

    It's been shaped by constraints over vast stretches of time, all of which comes down to the fact that the best foraging strategy for beavers isn't the one that yields the most food or wood.


  • 如果蛋糕足可以要了;如果他拒绝这么,就激怒太太而且就会拒绝接纳他:一个双重约束

    If he eats the cake, it could kill him; if he refuses it, it will make his wife angry and she will reject him: a double bind.


  • 器官移植可怕约束个人生命延长依赖于另一个足够年轻健康死亡,因为只有这些人身上才值得移植的器官

    The terrible constraint on organ transplantation is that every life extended depends on the death of someone young enough and healthy enough to have organs worth transplanting.


  • 它们仍然受到资助者发行供应商一系列规则限制——所有这些都约束CubeSat开发人员能做不能的事情。

    They're still constrained by funders, launch providers and a series of regulations-all of which rein in what CubeSat developers can and cannot do.


  • 不加约束行为扰乱全班

    His uncontrolled behaviour disturbed the entire class.


  • 自幼受到严格纪律职责约束

    He was weaned on a diet of rigid discipline and duty.


  • 新兵严格纪律约束

    Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.


  • 讨厌学校约束

    I hated the constrictions of school.


  • 这个武器销售采取一项更具约束性的政策

    The state will adopt a more restrictive policy on arms sales.


  • 反对频繁地测试因为约束教学风格

    She objects to the constant testing because it constricts her teaching style.


  • 士兵没有费神约束他们的粗俗幽默,尽管在场

    The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.


  • 他们遵守那条约束他们所有的不成文规定不许说话。

    They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them allno talking.


  • 有时行为如此失控,以至不得不穿上约束衣。

    Occasionally his behaviour became so uncontrollable that he had to be placed in a straitjacket.


  • 我们需要创新的方法约束学生维持课堂纪律。

    We need to find more creative ways to discipline our students and to maintain control in the classroom.


  • 不像婚姻联结父母孩子纽带法律所定义约束

    Unlike marriage or the ties that bind parents and children, it is not defined or regulated by law.


  • 成本如此之一个原因行业协会具有约束所有权结构限制性因素。

    The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the business.


  • 只有大约13%土地协议约束仍然西班牙葡萄牙面积

    Only about 13% of that land is subject to the new agreement, but that is still an area greater than that of Spain and Portugal.


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