• 你想到北极,你会想象出一片纯白的冰雪之地。

    When you think of the Arctic (北极), you imagine an icy land of pure white snow.


  • 纯白厨房柳条实木羊绒的点缀下显得柔和。

    The all-white kitchen is softened with wicker, wood and wool.


  • 记得最深就是绿色的海洋纯白沙滩

    What I remember most vividly is the beautiful turquoise colour of the sea and the pure white sand.


  • 灯罩颜色可选黄色深蓝色或者纯白布质丝绸

    The lampshade is available in either fabric or silk in yellow, midnight blue or pure white.


  • 纯白的入口通过它便是一楼接待室

    A solid white door leads from the main entrance, leading through to a reception room on the ground floor.


  • 棉花没有纯白色素特性棉花颜色的影响尚未搞清楚

    Cotton is never truly white and the nature of the pigment responsible for the color is really not known.


  • 但是在那里纯白光辉统治灵魂遨游的广袤的天空

    But there, where spreads the infinite sky for the soul to take her flight in, reigns the stainless white radiance.


  • 天然纯白货架不锈钢次货架本身质优的产品显得眼。

    Main shelves will be in a neutral white, so that products will be even more outstanding, or in stainless steel, with smaller sections and size.


  • 但是那里纯白光辉,统治着伸展着的灵魂翱翔无际的天空

    But there, where spreads the infinite sky for the soul to take her flight in, reigns the stainless white radiance.


  • 如果男人不能为一个女人披上纯白婚纱就不要夺走贞洁

    If a man can not dress a woman with purely white wedding dress, then donot take away her purity.


  • 纯白现代房间原封未动砖墙残存物并列摆放,某些情况露出石膏下面木板条。

    The starkly modern white rooms are juxtaposed with untouched remnants of brick walls, and in some cases, exposed wood laths underneath crumbling plaster walls.


  • 这个莫比乌斯曲面上我们不仅看到空间无限延展而且纯白质地暗示材料选择无限灵活

    We see on this Moebius strip not only the infinite extension of space, but also unlimited flexibility of material selection, suggested by its pure white appearance.


  • 第二天早上,茉莉枝生命未息,茉莉花再度绽开一抹粉它们而去,神圣希望成了纯白的花朵

    The next morning, the plant was still alive and the flowers opened but the dash of pink had left them forever and the Star of Divine Hope was a pale white flower.


  • 应该要使用纯白毛巾因为纯白的毛巾上的色素可能会因为化学物质影响下而残留面上因而产生一些痕迹

    You should use white towels because the dyes in colored towels can leave a chemical residue on the paint, and cause streaking.


  • 这里有洁净纯白的沙滩晶莹剔透海水还有不可思议的海洋生物,而本地的加勒比风情更是让人放松身心良方。

    You will see white sandy beaches and crystal blue waters filled with some amazing marine life. The cultures that you will encounter are among the most carefree and relaxing in the world.


  • 尽管整个房子地板墙面天花板各有不同,但纯白颜色将这几个面融为一体,使整个空间一种宽敞、明亮感觉

    All the floors, walls and ceilings in the whole house are painted white to connect them visually regardless of their differences and to reflect the light and give the feel of a larger space.


  • 翩跹纯白的世界看见冰蓝一点傲然绽放于是俯身纯洁之吻纯洁纯粹的爱情有了永恒于是纯洁的世界纯美世界纯美画面最后归于永恒!!!

    Flying in the pure world. I see one blue flower blossom in the wind. I give her a kiss, then we know we will love each other forever. So this pure, beauty picture living forever!


  • 准备受洗礼婴儿穿的衣服。

    Infants prepared for baptism should be dressed in pure white.


  • 之前纯白人聚集地诸如华州罕布尔州,如今少数族人增长也明显加快

    And their Numbers are growing particularly fast in previously lily-white places such as Iowa and New Hampshire.


  • 到达水面结合形成使沉淀海里

    When it reaches the surface, the hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water, allowing solid white sulfur to precipitate into the ocean.


  • 只要的,任何文字图像可以。

    Any text or graphics are acceptable at this stage, as long as they are pure white.


  • 穿过无限纯白中的深深的寂静我们几个活物自己影子一起往前走着发。

    Through the deep silence of this illimitable whiteness we few human creatures walked along with our shadows, without a word.


  • 如果时间孩子建立圣洁梦想并且心里描绘一件纯白色的婚纱就会知道她该追求的目标,如此便不至于做出一些不恰当的事情

    If you take the time now to establish a dream of purity and a white wedding dress in her heart, she will know what to aim for and will be less likely to settle for anything less.


  • 唯一一个对装扮让步就是没有皮帽而是手臂上夹着纯白装饰的沿边

    His one fashion concession was that he did not wear his fur cap and instead carried a hat of pure white under his arm.


  • 不同鸟类蛋壳颜色千差万别,鸡蛋知更鸟蛋是蓝色,其它蛋壳的颜色迥异:有条纹的、有斑点的、亮色的色的或者是介于之间的。

    Depending on the species, bird eggs can be any color ranging from chicken's plain white to a robin's blue, streaked, spotted, bright, pale, and anything in between.


  • 西方文化里新娘穿着白色礼服,因而那种鲜艳的纳入网站设计常见

    In western cultures, it is common to have the bride in a white dress and to incorporate that bright purity into the design of the website.


  • 手工雕刻黄金华丽绚烂红宝石结合看起来真是让人难以置信的丰富多彩,更彰显宝石的中心纯白冰澈

    The combination of hand-engraved yellow gold and regal red rubies is just incredibly rich and makes the diamond center stone look extra white and icy.


  • 手工雕刻黄金华丽绚烂红宝石结合看起来真是让人难以置信的丰富多彩,更彰显宝石的中心纯白冰澈

    The combination of hand-engraved yellow gold and regal red rubies is just incredibly rich and makes the diamond center stone look extra white and icy.


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