• 他们目前抗议纯粹私利驱使的。

    Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest.


  • 那些窗帘纯粹用于装饰目的不能开合

    The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close.


  • 已经不再去听讲座了,纯粹出于厌倦

    He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom.


  • 门课纯粹自愿的。

    Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.


  • 服用类固醇的人们纯粹虚荣心的驱使。

    Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity.


  • 采取这些行动纯粹为了促进自己事业发展。

    He took these actions purely in (the) furtherance of his own career.


  • 没有问到具体某个人—那不过是个纯粹假设性问题

    I wasn't asking about anybody in particularit was a purely hypothetical question.


  • 我们不想那种纯粹宣传书籍电影兴趣的节目

    We did not want people on the show who are purely interested in plugging a book or film.


  • 新版词典语种增加了7000个词条,纯粹该语种正受到威胁。

    The new edition of the dictionary carries 7,000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.


  • 安排好了,那儿付给钱,纯粹个人安排同样违法的。

    I arranged to pay him the dollars when he got there, a purely private arrangement. All the same, it was illegal.


  • 追随者通常认为这些照片纯粹象征性的。

    De jongh's followers typically regard the pictures as purely symbolic.


  • "这部电影呈现纯粹逃避现实主义——主要是由于狂乱对话

    This film presents pure escapismlargely due to its frenetic dialogue.


  • 对于所有达尔文一样纯粹创新进化论来说,却是一个损失

    But a loss for all who, like Darwin, delight in the sheer inventiveness of evolution.


  • 也许纯粹是出于上天的善意,春天来了,还把带来的一切都放进了

    Perhaps out of pure heavenly goodness the spring came and crowned everything it possibly could into that one place.


  • 事实上参加几乎每一次面试通过纯粹决心获得联系并非学校名声

    In fact, almost every interview I've ever had was due to a connection—one that I've gained through pure determination, not a school brand.


  • 对于喜欢冒险的人我们提供了除纯粹观光以外奖励——大峡谷三天徒步旅行沿长江骑行

    For the more adventurous, we offer rewards beyond mere sightseeingfrom a three-day hike across the Grand Canyon to a ride along China's Yangtze River.


  • 纯粹猜测因为正如所说没有办法知道球茎是否真的承诺中那样开出各种品种颜色的花。

    It was all pure speculation because as I said, there was no way to know if the bulb was really going to produce the variety, the color that was promised.


  • 浪漫主义诗歌中的主人公独立的,某种程度上纯粹孤独的,颂诗那样战斗伙伴包围着。

    The hero in Romance Poetry is independent, purely solitary in a way, not like the Chanson poet who was always surrounded by his fighting companions.


  • 纯粹生物学意义上讲恐惧始于身体系统可能会伤害我们事情反应,也就是所谓的“战或反应”。

    In a purely biological sense, fear begins with the body's system for reacting to things that can harm us—the so-called fight-or-flight response.


  • 然而这种纯粹视觉系统恶劣天气下毫无用处,到了20世纪30年代无线电通信开始用于空中交通管制

    However, this purely visual system was useless in bad weather, and, by the 1930s, radio communication was coming into use for ATC.


  • 它们纯粹想象出来的,认为它们揭示了大量关于文化的信息以及民间故事文化之间联系我们稍后会谈到。

    They are purely imaginative and so quite revealing, I think anyway, about the culture and the connection between folk tales and culture, which we'll talk about.


  • 公众舆论两极分化时,佛朗哥政权结束那样,君主可以超越纯粹政治成为国家统一精神“象征”。

    When public opinion is particularly polarised, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above "mere" politics and "embody" a spirit of national unity.


  • 认为Swifter故事中,我们拥有产生突破性想法关键要素挫败感顿悟时刻纯粹努力工作

    In the story of the Swifter, he argues, we have the key elements in producing breakthrough ideas: frustration, moments of insight and sheer hard work.


  • 希望分享喜悦看着那些简单甚至天真问题得到出色的解决方案以及纯粹理论发现中找寻出意料之外实际应用

    I hope you will share my delight in watching as simple, even naive, questions lead to remarkable solutions and purely theoretical discoveries find unanticipated applications.


  • 这个政党许多成员入党纯粹是出于投机

    Many of the party's members joined only for opportunistic reasons.


  • 不是纯粹出于好心主动借钱你的吧?

    You're not telling me he offered to lend you the money out of the goodness of his heart?


  • 有机食品纯粹的不含人工化学制剂杀虫剂食物

    Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.


  • 纯粹出乎意料,因此还没有他的替代人定出计划

    His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.


  • 然而大多数传统的医生视为纯粹胡言乱语而不予考虑。

    Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.


  • 我们没有我们顾客纯粹消费者;我们视他们为我们的朋友

    We don't consider our customers to be mere consumers; we consider them to be our friends.


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