And assume for the moment that musical composition is a purely rational activity — that you can program a computer to compose music.
Any purely rational consideration of cost and benefits lined up in Compaq's favor, and the people who knew me best advised me to stay at Compaq.
It challenges the new atheists, who see themselves involved in a war of reason against faith and who have an unwarranted faith in the power of pure reason and in the purity of their own reasoning.
Because if Hume is right then he isn't possible to apply our pure reason to know things about the world.
Humans part of the animal world not nearly as clever as they thought they were, reliant on brute animal instinct to find out about the world, quite incapable of knowing about things by pure reasons.
We can know simply by applying pure reason that these things are all true of the world.
Only in this way can we reduce unnecessary waste and have a rational and pure shopping condition, making our money worthwhile.
Educational theory is rational knowledge about education which is showed with simple, pure ways after a certain level of abstraction and generalization.
Here's my scenario. The men, out of sheer irrational heroism, should let the women go first. And the women, out of sheer feminist self-respect, should refuse.
From point of the aesthetics, the art of music reveals its beauty of principles directly and completely.
On the other side, the act of pure, genuine, uncaused free will is considered somehow to negate the divine rational order and makes the universe seem irrational.
Pure Reason: that which contains the principles whereby we know anything absolutely apriori.
And getting back to Kant, repairing and rebuilding reason, the status of the certainly pure form, can establish the generally effective moral standard.
To ride a bicycle is in itself some protection against superstitious fear, since the bicycle is the product of pure reason applied to motion.
Kant's moral principles and absolute laws come from purely practical ration.
The article points out that economic methods have difficulties on analyzing environmental problems, and pure economic reason can not solve but lead to the environmental problems exactly.
Well pure reason is like we were saying before not subject to any external conditions that may be imposed on that side.
However, due to the moral law is an undeniable rational fact, so freedom must belong to the will of man, but not purely assumption.
Notwithstanding there is not a consistent solution path, we can find some consistent rational factors in realizing and controlling the liability of compensation for pure economic loss.
But this test, which must be based on pure, though practical, reason, can only be passed by maxims of the type that allows for analytic deduction.
The theory of knowledge is a long tradition in the history of philosophy, and the reflections on knowledge mainly come form within the pure reason.
纳什对合理性和纯粹想法的力量信心是极端,甚至对于一个非常年轻的数学家和甚至对于计算机的新年龄,隔开旅行 , 和核武器。
Nash's faith in rationality and the power of pure thought was extreme, even for a very young mathematician and even for the new age of computers, space travel, and nuclear weapons.
One is purely rational soul own excellent functional called "moral reason".
The metaphysical exposition of time in the book of Critique of pure reason tells us that time is the apriori form of intuition;
"Critique of Pure Reason" that produces Kant's metaphysics of knowledge discovers the real source of truth successfully.
Before technology could turn the human world into a physical world in an absolute sense, the subtlety of the mental world is still the most valuable.
第二类泡沫我称之为“纯粹的非理性繁荣泡沫”(pure irrational exuberancebubble),由于不存在针对较高资产价值的杠杆周期,这种泡沫的危险性要低得多。
The second category of bubble, what I call the "pure irrational exuberance bubble", is far less dangerous because it does not involve the cycle of leveraging against higher asset values.
By embodying the requirements of the "Way", both standards obtain the reasonability of practice and both invoke the passion of those who practice to pursue the purity of behavior.
By embodying the requirements of the "Way", both standards obtain the reasonability of practice and both invoke the passion of those who practice to pursue the purity of behavior.