• 磁控管温度分布线性微分方程

    The governing equation of the temperature field of pulse - magnetron is a nonlinear second order partial differential equation .


  • 经典数理方程大量二阶线性微分方程

    Classical mathematical equations is the large number of second-order linear partial differential equations.


  • 其中很多模型可以线性微分方程很好地描述

    Many of these models can be described properly by nonlinear partial differential equations.


  • 这些结果说明,所用方法可用来求解一类线性微分方程

    The result obtained can be used solve other nonlinear partial differential equations.


  • 第一章中我们简述了一些研究线性微分方程精确方法

    In the chapter 1, we introduce some methods to study the exact solution of nonlinear partial differential equations.


  • 本文提出了沃尔什级数求解线性微分方程一种方法

    This paper proposes a new method of solving the high order linear partial differential equation by means of Walsh Series.


  • 本文主要首次积分法构造一线性微分方程问题

    The fist integration is mainly used tO form the initial value solution of fist order quasi-linear partial differential equation.


  • 高维守恒方程研究线性微分方程具有挑战性方向之一。

    The research on multi-dimensional conservation laws is one of the most challenging direction in the field of nonlinear partial differential equation, it is very important and very difficult.


  • 自然科学工程技术中的许多问题归结为对线性微分方程研究

    Many problems in the field of science and engineering can be attributed to study of the nonlinear partial differential equations.


  • 根据阶拟线性微分方程特征理论讨论弹道两相方程组的类型

    Following the theory on characteristics of first order quasi-linear partial differential equations, classification of the balance equations for two-phase flow in interior ballistics is discussed.


  • 盆地模拟数学模型关于地层温度线性微分方程问题

    The models are characterised by an initial-boundary value problems of a system of nonlinear partial differential equations on the abnormal pressure and the paleotemperature of the formation.


  • 本文利用物理学常见热传导理论形象阐释了二阶齐次线性微分方程本质

    With the ordinary theory of Heat Exchange in physics this essay visualizes the essence of second-order homogenous linear partial differential equations.


  • 本文首先给出了一类具有无穷多个周期阻尼线性微分方程所描述的系统

    This paper is devoted to study the existence of an infinitude of periodic solutions for a class of second order linear PDE systems without damping.


  • 本文多层前向神经网络求解线性微分方程从而逼近非线性系统中心流形

    In this paper, multi-layer feedforward neural networks are used to solve the nonlinear partial differential equation, and approach the centre manifold of the nonlinear system.


  • 法渗碳数学模型线性微分方程线性偏微分方程一个重要性质是可迭性。

    The mathematical model of multi stage carburizing is a linear partial differential equation, and superposability is an important property of the linear partial differential equation.


  • 本文讨论交通模型线性微分方程激波产生唯一性条件给了严格的证明

    A condition of a one-order quasilinear partial differential equation of a traffic model forming unique shock wave is given end proved.


  • 一阶线性微分方程与其特征方程关系文中给出简洁逻辑分析推导方法

    The paper has used concise methods of logical analysis and reasoning to describe the relation between the first-order quasilinear partial differential equation and its system of characteristic...


  • 小波配置广义能量积分相结合,提出了一种求解线性微分方程高精度数值方法

    A high accuracy algorithm for numerical solution of nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) is suggested combining wavelet collocation method with generalized energy integral.


  • 物理化学生物地质等领域很多模型归结线性线性微分方程问题

    Many mathematical models in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and geology can be boiled down to the fixed solution problem of linear or nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE.)


  • 针对传统扩散模型中的边界模糊问题,提出基于局部信息的非线性偏微分方程模型。

    A nonlinear partial differential equation model based on nonlocal information was proposed to remove noise and preserve the edges.


  • 本文证明求解周期区域线性偏微分方程一致有效正交条件充分必要的。

    In this paper, We prove that the orthogonal condition to solve the uniform asymptotic solution of second order linear P. D. E in periodic region is the necessary and sufficient condition.


  • 运用线性微分方程性质所求得浓度分布函数能够描述段法渗碳过程的物理本质。

    The carbon concentration distribution function derived from partial linear differential equation by applying the feasibility of repeat adding can describe the innate character of multi stage ca...


  • 线性微分方程中,根据可压缩液体假设忽略梯度,在试井较长时间内产生误差

    According to the assumption of slightly compressible fluid, neglected the quadratic gradient term in nonlinear partial differential equation is usually lead to error.


  • 认为局部隐式有限元绝对稳定方法,且具有快速收敛的性质,是求解线性微分方程的一种有效的数值算法

    Locally implicit finite element method is a satisfactory numerical method to solve non-linear partial differential equations for its unconditional stability and its high rate of convergence.


  • 当介质导热系数温度函数时,热传导方程线性偏微分方程,作者采用基尔霍夫变换把它变成拉普拉斯方程,于是可以找到原问题的近似解析

    The nonlinear equation of heat conduction is transformed into a Laplace's equation by applying the Kirchhoff transformation, and an analytic approximate solution of the equation is derived.


  • 本文证明关于对称临界点一个定理并用以研究线性椭园型偏微分方程多重

    In this paper we prove a theorem for the critical points of symmetric functionals through which we research the multiple solutions of nonlinear elliptic PDE.


  • 由于决定方程超定的、线性线性微分方程组,完全求解它们非常困难

    Because the determining systems are a linear or nonlinear overdetermined PDEs, it is very hard to solve them completely.


  • 变形情况下运用辽金方法,可将微分方程转换线性微分方程组进行求解。

    A set of linear ordinary differential equations in the case of sm all deflections is determined by application of the Galerkin's method.


  • 变形情况下运用辽金方法,可将微分方程转换线性微分方程组进行求解。

    A set of linear ordinary differential equations in the case of sm all deflections is determined by application of the Galerkin's method.


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