THE population of bugs in a Petri dish typically increases in an S-shaped curve.
Using a small paintbrush dipped in the bacteria, they are painstakingly 'painted' onto the tiny canvas - a petri dish only a few centimetres wide.
Fleming noticed that Petri dishes with mould on them grew no bacteria, and in doing so discovered the first antibiotic.
They grow their bacteria on a stainless steel plate, and use a laser to vaporise their signalling molecules, feeding these into a mass spectrometer to catalogue the molecules present.
But when both drugs were present, blue bacteria swept the field—or, rather, the Petri dish.
Their accomplishments include artificial blood, a biological sensor to detect arsenic and bacteria that can act as "living computers" to solve mathematical problems in lab dishes.
Going on holiday, Fleming (above), then a professor of bacteriology, left several Petri dishes containing staphylococci, which he had been studying, on the mahogany workbench of his lab.
After five minutes, the plasma torch killed 99 percent of bacteria grown in a Petri dish, and after ten minutes, it killed 90 percent of bacteria present in the wounds of a rats.
Infections could be treated by adding more bacteria, say researchers who have shown that cooperation between microbes is undermined outside the bounds of the Petri dish by a few 'cheats'.
He found a substance (later named penicillin) growing on it that killed the bugs, and modern-day antibiotics got its start.
He found a substance (later named penicillin) growing on it that killed the bugs, and modern-day antibiotics got its start.