• 一点对于经济欠发达地区尤其明显。

    This point is obvious in developing areas in economy.


  • 陕西省处于我国经济发达地区经济文化相对落后

    Shaanxi locates in the less developed area of economy in China, so the economy and culture is relatively backward.


  • 当前经济发达地区村级组织运转存在严重经费匮乏问题。

    Now there is a serious lack of fund in the running of the village level organizations in undeveloped areas.


  • 目的探讨经济欠发达地区教育环境大学生心理健康状况影响

    Objective To explore the influence of education environment on the normal school students' psychological health in the low-economic area.


  • 甘肃省地处西部经济欠发达地区、却是全国土地资源矿产资源相对丰富省份。

    Gansu province is located in the west of China, where the economy is struggling even with the presence of abundant land and mineral resources.


  • 菏泽市山东省经济欠发达地区,尽快摆脱落后局面是全市人民的迫切愿望。

    Heze city in Shandong province is an developing region. It is very urgent to get rid of the backward situation.


  • 经济欠发达地区农民外出务工对提高当地农民收入缓解就业压力起到积极作用。

    In the under-developed areas, peasants' working partly increases their income and lessens the employing pressure.


  • 出生率降低恶化了各省养老金收支状况这种作用经济欠发达地区更为显著

    Reducing birth rate worsens pension balances, and this effect is more significant in underdeveloped regions.


  • 华北山区位于华北平原陕甘黄土高原以及内蒙古高原之间,我国经济欠发达地区之一。

    The mountainous area of North China is surrounded by the North China Plain, Shanxi Gansu Loess Plateau and Inner Mongolia Plateau.


  • 汉中经济发达地区独特的地理位置自然资源,决定了具有巨大经济发展潜力

    Hanzhong is a less-developed district in China. But it has great potential in economic development because of its unique geographic location and natural resources.


  • 我国农村保障体系社保制度一个非常薄弱的环节,特别是经济欠发达地区这个问题尤为突出。

    Social security system in the rural areas of China is not adequate, which is especially true of the underdeveloped areas.


  • 特别是加入WTO之后经济欠发达地区面临前所未有人才竞争的压力人才资源流失的困惑。

    Especially after the entry into WTO, China's economic underdeveloped regions are confronted with unprecedented pressure of talent attracting and torture of talent drain.


  • 本市河北省西西北区陕西省处于我国东部沿海经济发达地区西北内陆经济欠发达地区之间。

    Hebei province, the city east, west and north-western Shaanxi province, in China's economically developed eastern coastal areas and economically underdeveloped inland northwest region.


  • 中国人民保险公司盐城分公司(简称“盐城人保”)地处经济发达地区,所面临竞争形势更加严峻

    And the competition PICC Yancheng Branch will face is getting more intense as Yancheng City is in an under-developed area.


  • 经济欠发达地区教师提供工资时间晚国家应在改善学校成效大的作用普及义务教育

    Teachers in economically underdeveloped areas are offered low and late pay, but are urged by the state to play a greater role in improving school effectiveness and universalizing compulsory education.


  • 同时,在预算外收入土地出让净收入依赖程度上,经济发达地区经济发达地区存在显著的差异性。

    At the same time, there is a huge difference between developed regions and under-developed regions at the aspect of relying on extra-budgetary revenue and net income of land transfer.


  • 流动人口主要是从经济欠发达地区流入经济发达地区农民大学生城镇居民下岗职工,流入城镇的比重大。

    The floating population are farmers mainly from underdeveloped areas into economically developed areas. Farmers, college students, laid-off workers and urban residents largely inflow to towns.


  • 研究着重探讨了三种模式环境下,在我省农村经济欠发达地区贫困山区普及信息技术教育行之有效方法

    This research has been probed into effective methods about how to popularize ICT education in the less-developed region and poor mountain area of our province under these environments.


  • 文章结合德州学院在实践教学工作中所做探索,阐述经济欠发达地区的高校实现实践教学质量提高几种途径。

    This paper, combining with the practice work of Dezhou University, elaborates some ways to enhance practice teaching quality in less developed areas.


  • 尽管如此由于住房公积金是个新生事物,各地不可避免地存在这样那样问题特别是经济欠发达地区表现得尤其突出。

    However, because the housing accumulation fund is a new-born matter, so many kinds of problems inevitably exist in some places, especially in the undeveloped places.


  • 并且这种流行趋势正在经济发达地区蔓延:墨西哥拥有第二肥胖人口数,这一数字仅次于美国危地马拉肥胖人口比例30年间了四倍。

    The epidemic is spreading to less well-off places: Mexico has the second-largest share of obese people after America; Guatemala’s obesity rate has quadrupled in 30 years.


  • 首先本文通过设计农户调查问卷,选取浙江省嘉善县缙云县两地作为经济发达经济欠发达地区代表进行农户调查,了解农户参与城乡建设用地增减挂钩的意愿

    At first, the paper designed the fanner survey, taking the Jiashan and Jinyun County as the representative of developed and undeveloped economy regions to investigate the farmers' willingness.


  • 发展经济托什的研究领域,发展经济经济学中一个非常重要的领域,它研究的是如何帮助发达地区实现经济崛起

    Now a development economistthat's Santosh's field — development economics is a very important field in economics that is helping less developed countries emerge.


  • 贵州铜仁是中国西部发达地区目前存在工业经济总量缺乏知名品牌、管理人才缺乏、资金短缺问题。

    Guizhou Tongren is the less developed western region, there is now a small industrial economic volume, the lack of well-known brand, a lack of management talent, the shortage of funds and so on.


  • 发达地区经济落后,关键制约因素有效制度短缺”形成“软投入”质量低下

    The restrictive factors to economic growth were the inferior quality of soft-input in developing regions, which had been caused by the absence of effective institution.


  • 本文区域经济角度发达地区国有商业银行形势下的竞争策略进行研究

    This paper research on policy of the competition of national commercial bank, which situated in area lacked of developing in new position, from the point of view of areal economic.


  • 接着借鉴西方新古典模型影响区域经济增长要素,对发达地区形成机理行探讨。

    Proceeded to the Western neo-classical model of the impact of regional economic growth, less developed regions of the formation mechanism of by-examined.


  • 欠发达地区灌溉工程可以改善区域经济状况

    Irrigation projects in undeveloped areas can change local economies.


  • 欠发达地区灌溉工程可以改善区域经济状况

    Irrigation projects in undeveloped areas can change local economies.


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