The activities that may have got the benefit of the doubt in the bubble years now look like shameless envelope-pushing.
For the last 20 years—from the end of the cold war through two burst bubbles in a single decade—the US has been casting about for its next economic narrative.
Of course, fictitious economy does not necessarily lead to the bubble economy.
As is always the case with bubbles, it is just a matter of time before they burst.
Elsewhere, as credit takes off some worries about home-blown bubbles are emerging.
When its bubble burst in 1991, Japan’s households saved 15% of their income.
Instead, policymakers will try to contain the bubble by tightening lending standards.
But overall, most countries that suck in foreign money show the classic signs of an economic bubble.
This could help to stop bubbles, which the central bank has a reasonable record of identifying.
Of ALL the economic bubbles that have been pricked, few have burst more spectacularly than the reputation of economics itself.
Real estate industry is the pillar of the national economy, and also is one of the main carrier of the economic bubble.
At times, for example during the dotcom bubble in the late 1990s, this view has been wholly out of fashion.
Fed leaders have been more skeptical of the idea that they should routinely raise interest rates to try to pop bubbles.
It is a move that BBH “thought about for 20 minutes” during the froth of the late 1990s, says Mr Donahue.
Bubbles inflate precisely because people fail to recognise that they are living with dangerous imbalances.
Like many other states, before the bust Florida enjoyed a consumer boom that may have left it with too many retail outlets.
In good times upgrades fuel bubbles; in bad times downgrades automatically send markets spiralling.
To count on the non-existed productivity or even the negative productivity as the real one is the ultimate reason behind the burst of economic bubbles.
There is reason to believe that this strength is more than just another of the many bubbles that have recently inflated, only to pop.
The legacies of that boom—falling asset prices, high consumer debt and bank losses—may now hamper the ability of central banks to prop up spending.
The bubble is being pumped partly by wealthy “angel” investors, some of whom made their fortunes in the late-1990s IPO boom.
The office vacancy rate in downtown stands at 21%-higher than it was four years ago, during the dotcom slump, and almost twice as high as the Silicon Valley average.
Reporter : I have to "bubble economy" no specific knowledge of the Haikou to see one built uncompleted residential flats plate, really has a horrifying feeling.
Even though these economies are only just starting to feel the upturn, policymakers now face a difficult problem: how to sustain a robust recovery without blowing up bubbles.
As a result of shocks of various economical factors, price always deviates from its normal path, and thereby leads to various economical bubbles.
Bubbles occur when the population develops an enthusiasm for a particular asset class, whether it be technology stocks in the late 1990s or houses in the mid-2000s.
Bubbles occur when the population develops an enthusiasm for a particular asset class, whether it be technology stocks in the late 1990s or houses in the mid-2000s.