This process seeks to provide apparent legitimacy to illicit wealth by the re-entry into the economy of what appears to be normal business funds.
The economy was "trapped in a vicious cycle" and needed a big "jolt" to ease the flow of credit and to cushion the drop in private demand.
The international financial crisis could deepen, with a more damaging impact on global economic growth and capital inflows to Indonesia than we currently expect.
In fact, compared with other virtual worlds before it, Second Life's economy and its currency have been tightly managed.
But exporters are howling about their loss of competitiveness and a fierce debate is raging among economists over what should be done about the currency.
The problem could worsen if the U.S. Federal Reserve increases the amount of money in circulation in the coming weeks to stimulate the American economy.
S. Federal Reserve increases the amount of money in circulation in the coming weeks to stimulate the American economy.
There are other signs of overheating: inflation for non-tradable products in Chile is 6.4% and Brazilian wages are increasing at double-digit rates.
Free movement of goods, people and services is not just a technical aspect of life in the EU: the EU's transformative power is based on economics.
The quicker money is spent, the faster, in macroeconomic terms, its velocity.
Central Banks must get into full fire-fighting mode, too. In particular, that means offers of unlimited two-year liquidity from the ECB, which was due to meet after the Economist went to press.
According to the economics pattern, too fast circulation of currency may bring down the value of the money, especially when it is spent without any material production.
Combining the maintenance of the economic order with facilitating commodity circulation.
(看图 1)现在,很容易把“凯尔特之虎”(注3)生活水准的上升打发成为经济泡沫年代的幻象,特别是爱尔兰所经历的房价上升及流通信用的膨胀,哪怕以英国的标准来讲都是庞大的。
It is easy now to dismiss the rise in living standards in the “Celtic Tiger” years as illusory, particularly as Ireland enjoyed house-price and credit booms that were big even by British standards.
货币流通速度指普通的一美元钞 票在经济当中从一个人的钱包流 动到另一个人的钱包的速度。
The velocity of money refers to the speed at which the typical dollar bill travels around the economy from wallet to wallet.
The surfacing of money has facilitated exchanges, promoted circulation and brought about flourishing economies.
Furthermore, it can play a very important role in promoting the transaction of commodities, exchange of technology and information as well as the economic co-operation.
According to Fiske, the circulation of popular culture in the financial system is manipulative and restraining and in the system of cultural economy is rebellious and resisting.
He told the conference economic forces are pressing the international community to better deal with cross-border labor mobility.
This article from Hunan unique aspect and so on geographical environment and climatic factor, spirit cultural element, economy and circulation discusses the Hunan cuisine hot formation.
This article from Hunan unique aspect and so on geographical environment and climatic factor, spirit cultural element, economy and circulation discusses the Hunan cuisine hot formation.