• CCRIF是由加勒比地区拥有运行地区登记基金。它标志加勒比国家日益增长的希望通过合作实现规模经济效益决心

    Owned, operated, and registered in the Caribbean Region, the CCRIF signals Caribbean countries' growing commitment to work together to reap the benefits of economies of scale.


  • 考虑到前途仍可能出现的惊涛骇浪,船运公司似乎满足于船只大小上获得规模经济效益还要加上合并。

    Given the stormy waters that may well be ahead, it seems likely that shippers will seek economies of scale not only from bigger ships but also from mergers.


  • 当时个人电脑内部结构尚未完善对其应用作为产业标准却使规模经济效益硬件软件业成为可能

    The PC's architecture was not perfect, but its adoption as an industry standard made possible economies of scale in both hardware and software.


  • 存储库管理中央团队进行实现一些规模经济效益并且减少开支

    The administration and management of the repository sits with a central team, achieving some economies of scale and reducing overhead.


  • 但是存储库管理中央团队进行实现一些规模经济效益并且减少开支

    But the administration and management of the repository sits with a central team, achieving some economies of scale and reducing overhead.


  • 昂贵劳动力狭小空间迫使英国零售商集约化食品制造方面寻求规模经济效益

    Expensive Labour and a shortage of space have encouraged British retailers to seek economies of scale from centralised food preparation.


  • 基本的原则确保所有产品价格竞争力,”补充是由于节省成本所带来的经济效益规模

    "The basic principle is to ensure all our products are priced competitively, " he says, adding that this is possible thanks to cost savings resulting from its economies of scale.


  • 研究表明绿色制造采用规模定制生产方式可以使企业经济效益社会效益得到协调优化

    The study shows that by adopting the production mode of mass customization in green manufacturing, the enterprises can coordinate and optimize their economic and social profits.


  • 高频石英产量目前尚未达致规模经济效益的最佳水平

    The production volume of high-frequency quartz crystal display was yet to reach a level that reaps most benefit from economies of scale.


  • 豁免制度可以弥补反垄断法立法技术不足,可以修补反垄断制度利益取舍单一不足,可避免过度竞争所造成社会资源巨大浪费防止牺牲应有的规模经济效益

    The exemption system can make up the deficiency of legislation and avoid the large waste of society resources from excess competition and prevent sacrificing the economic benefits of the due scale.


  • 银行业规模经济能够刻画银行业规模成本效益关系范围经济能够刻画银行业提供多种业务的成本收益状况。

    Scale economies of the banking describes the relationship between scale and cost-revenue, while scope economies refers to the cost-revenue when Banks offer sorts of products and operations.


  • 同居好处显而易见人生活省钱,从而带来规模经济效益

    The benefits of cohabitation are obvious: It provides economies of scale as two can live more cheaply than one.


  • 严格控制队伍规模树立经营效益理念,建立符合企业化经营要求经济运行模式加强管理

    The concrete measures include: strict control staff scale, establish benefit concept of business, build up economic operating models of modern enterprise and strengthen management.


  • 随着经营规模不断扩大经济效益明显提高

    With the operation scale constantly expanding, the economic benefits have increased significantly.


  • 人口、资金等要素向城市移动由于集中带来集聚效益也是扩大意义外在规模经济

    The move of population and fund bring the rise of efficiency which is called scale economy effect.


  • 促使零件制造商他们生产海外直接转移重庆从而实现规模经济效益

    This is driving component makers to move their productions from overseas directly to Chongqing to realize the benefits of economy of scale.


  • 一般企业筹集资金主要目的为了扩大生产经营规模提高经济效益

    General enterprise raise money, the main purpose is to expand production and operation scale, improve economic benefit.


  • 它们生产成本高昂,再生产销售的成本低廉因而展现出强大规模经济效益,并容易诱发供应过量

    They are expensive to produce but cheap to reproduce and distribute, and therefore exhibit strong economies of scale with incentives to an over-supply.


  • 最后计算了单个农户收益情况不同农业产业链种植规模不同,经济效益相同

    Finally the earning of single peasant household is calculated, the plant sizes are different in different agribusiness chain, and economic benefit is different.


  • 阐述了运用国产设备规模生产氯化聚乙烯,获得好的产品质量经济效益

    This paper expounded that both good product quality and economic benefit, which could be got by volume producing CPE with home equipment were introduced in detail.


  • 企业理财风险指企业为了扩大生产经营规模提高经济效益筹集资金过程产生财务风险。

    The financing risk of enterprises is the risk which is produced in the process of raising money in order to expand production scale and increase economic benefit.


  • 该种研发组织具有资本优势规模效益优势、范围经济优势等优点。

    VR&DO possess the advantages on capital, scale profit and scope economy.


  • 螺旋藻具有丰富全面营养具有极高的医疗保健价值一种新型的保健食品规模工业生产具有巨大的社会经济效益

    Spirulina is a kind of functional food, which contains various nutrients and has an important health value, the large-scale industrial production of spirulina has a great social and economic benefits.


  • 压缩机组作为采油动力源气量直接影响气举采油规模,而动力机的选择也将直接影响整个气举系统经济效益

    The gas-lift pumping plant is the power source, the gas volume has a direct effect on the scale of gas lift and the selection of power motor will directly affect the cost of gas-lift system.


  • 方法进行文献复习,并对17规模进行糖尿病干预研究作了糖尿病肾病成本效益经济分析

    Method: a review of the literature was conducted to select articles that performed a cost-benefit analysis for 17 widely practiced interventions for diabetes.


  • 科学合理规模结构不仅实现规模经济基本条件,而且提高经济效益、降低交易成本、获得较高企业竞争力的重要保证

    The scale which is scientific and reasonable ensures that profit is improved, cost of exchange is reduced and enterprise competitive competence is increased, economy of scale is come true as well.


  • 集装箱船舶大型化为船公司港口运营商带来巨大规模经济效益

    The entry of mega-containerships brings massive benefits to both carriers and shippers.


  • 集装箱船舶大型化为船公司港口运营商带来巨大规模经济效益

    The entry of mega-containerships brings massive benefits to both carriers and shippers.


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