• 防火防水,金保持文件争取经过很长的时间

    Fireproof and waterproof, GoldKey will keep your files secure for a long long time to come.


  • 他俩只知道好像经过很长的时间后,两人昏睡醒来再度筹莫展。

    All that they knew was, that after what seemed a mighty stretch of time, both awoke out of a dead stupor of sleep and resumed their miseries once more.


  • 只有经过一段很长的时间后,我们才真正能够把我们里斯所做我们其他病人比较他们接受的常规移植治疗

    Only in the long term will we really be able to compare what we've done to Rhys with our other patients who've been through more conventional transplant procedures.


  • 做出肯定回答因为领导力开发好处经过一段时间才能显现。

    No one can say for sure; much of the payoff from leadership development is far down the road.


  • 他们往往先试图缓慢市场份额下降的势头,经过一段时间后,舍得决定引进产品来与其原产品进行竞争

    They have tried to hang on to declining market shares for too long before deciding to introduce new products that compete with their own.


  • 渐渐经过的顾客开始询问产品细节,原来自己被看成游戏厂家的员工了,这才使意识到她已经在椅子上一段时间

    Passers by began asking her for product details, thinking she worked for the chair's manufacturer, at which point she realised just how long she had been sitting in it.


  • 而昨天事情看起来经过时间的误入歧途,这位世界头号高尔夫球手的妻子艾琳诺德格林提出与离婚

    Yesterday, things looked rather different for the world's number one golfer when he was divorced by his wife, Elin Nordegren, after a spectacular fall from grace.


  • 根据现有资料不足以确定者以及与之相对经过间隔时间后再次接种疫苗者的不良反应发生率

    Current data are insufficient to define the incidence of adverse events in primary vaccinees as opposed to individuals re-vaccinated after a long interval.


  • 近几年研究人员经过弗雷明汉对人们活动很长的时间追踪,发现肥胖吸烟以及幸福感是具有传染性的。

    In the years since, researchers have also used Framingham to track obesity, smoking and even happiness over long periods of time.


  • 第二推算金融危机牵涉更大跌落(例如,40%)经过时间(6个月)。

    In a second step this is extrapolated to a financial crisis which involves a much greater fall (eg, 40%) over a much greater time period (six months).


  • 经过一段时间慎重考虑父母决定买下所房子

    After long reflection my parents decided to buy the house.


  • 计划关键路线计算机建筑行业最早用途不过经过时间方法得以广泛承认

    Critical path scheduling was one of the earliest applications of computers in construction, but it took quite a long time for it to gain wide acceptance.


  • 男孩子的父亲变得所有时,经过时间意识自己必须工作养活自己

    When the boy's father lost all his money, it took a long time for the idea to get through to him that he'd have to work and support himself.


  • 经过段很长的时间他们终于造飞机于是开始首航飞行

    So after a long time they made this airplane and it was the first flight ever. And all the passengers had already boarded the airplane.


  • 问题形成答复经过体质人类学学习已经使神魂颠倒了时间并且已经激励询问寻找答案更深层的疑问

    The questions posed and answered via the study of physical anthropology have fascinated me for a very long time and have stimulated me to ask and seek to answer further questions.


  • 虽然赫本世了时间,但是全世界人们都记住,她就像是坠入人间天使

    I believe no one can take her place, her temperament makes her stand out. Though Hepburn has died for a long time, she is remembered by the world, she is just like the angel falling into the earth.


  • 要习得流畅准确语言能够创造性运用需要经过时间的练习。

    Learning and acquiring language for fluent, accurate and creative use takes a long time.


  • 兄弟” 这部电影于10月18日上映。非常期待这部电影的上映因为经过一段长的时间没有看到华仔电影。期待10月18日的到来!

    The movie "Brothers" will be showing on 18/10/2007. I am looking forward to this movie because it has been a very long time since I last watched Andy's new movie. Looking forward to 18/10/2007!


  • 兄弟” 这部电影于10月18日上映。非常期待这部电影的上映因为经过一段长的时间没有看到华仔电影。期待10月18日的到来!

    The movie "Brothers" will be showing on 18/10/2007. I am looking forward to this movie because it has been a very long time since I last watched Andy's new movie. Looking forward to 18/10/2007!


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