• 清除这一理论可引出新的逻辑错误,也否定了临床经验事实

    If the theory being discarded, new error in logic and mistakes that go against clinical experience may occur.


  • 一个基本假设实验证明经验事实不相容时候,就得放弃。

    A hypothesis has to be dropped when experiments show that it is incompatible with the established facts of experience.


  • 通过中国现实实证分析研究外国经验事实得出相同观点

    Through the analysis of the Chinese realistic fact and foreign country's experience, the same view can be drawn.


  • 方法更新离不开观点的更新、理论概念范畴积累以及教学经验事实增长

    The renewal of method always goes on with the renewal of ideas. the accumulation of theoretical conception and category and the increase of teaching experience.


  • 命题真理经验事实决定不是我们意图决定的,这样产生一个关于自然的问题。

    A proposition whose truth is determined by the fact of experience rather than what we mean, so this raises a natural question.


  • 现实性表现放弃抽象人本原则展开世界道德批判经验事实进行辩证思考

    Reality reflected into giving up the abstract principle of current school, started on the old world of ethical criticism, thought about the facts of the experience dialectically;


  • 对于脱脂乳,推崇备至。 萨老热衷“在经验事实寻求理论理解”,故而长寿,故而著作等身

    His passion for "looking for theoretical understandings of empirical reality" may help explain his long life, as well as his lengthy list of achievements.


  • 科学发现过程是以一定概念框架为基础,赋予经验事实存在意义上升为科学事实的过程。

    The process of scientific discovery is to use some scientific concept to give the empirical fact meaning and make it become the scientific fact.


  • 最高价值蕴涵灵魂如果不是经验事实,则不会心理学任何兴趣因为如此灵魂不过是一团凄惨的迷雾

    Were it not a fact of experience that supreme values reside in the soul, psychology would not interest me in the least, for the soul would then be nothing but a miserable vapor.


  • 不幸是,我们很少有人拥有处理恐怖主义威胁经验所以很难了解到我们事实应该如何应对

    Unfortunately, few of us have much experience dealing with the threat of terrorism, so it's been difficult to get facts about how we should respond.


  • 事实,根据过去经验包括美国在内许多石油生产国的石油部门资本支出已经急剧下降了

    In fact, in line with past experience, capital expenditure in the oil sector has dropped sharply in many producing countries, including the United States.


  • :“事实任何尝试竞走的人可能应该首先咨询教练经验竞走者,学习正确的技术。”

    "In fact, anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique," she says.


  • 当然反复地,经验主义方式研究的,因为这些语言经验主义的事实正如俄国,形式主义者坚持的。

    This, of course, is what we've studied recurrently and, I have to say, empirically because these are all empirical facts about language, as the Russian formalists insisted.


  • 否定这一事实就业市场对于那些没有先前经验的人而言吝啬的。”波特博士提醒。

    "No one will deny the fact that the job market is tight for those without prior experience," notes Dr. Potter.


  • 第一争论总结,休谟里面提出了所有事实推理都基于经验

    That's a summary of the part one argument where Hume says that all factual inferences is found on experience.


  • 所以尽管老板经常工作经验人品他们选择适合这项工作的员工的重要因素。但这项研究却表明事实不是这样的。

    So, although employers often say that work experience and qualifications are the most important factors in choosing the right person for the job, this study begs to differ.


  • 如何接近、抵达这个完全事实性的直接经验直接性中优先于思想甚至没有被给予

    How to gain access to this immediate experience which is at once total and full reality, which in its immediacy precedes thought and is not even "given"?


  • 只要没有因受到侵占而完全绝望明白,日常经验在向他们表明否认上述事实所有企图都是徒劳的。

    Daily experience showed to all not hopelessly prejudiced men that all the attempts to deny this fundamental truth were vain.


  • 正如研究人员所说科技没有影响年轻人经验——事实上科技已成为他们生活的一部分。

    Or as the researchers put it, technology isn't something that mediates young people's experience—it "pervades" it.


  • 经验观察,要企业实现SOA起码要理解以下事实

    From my experience and observation, the least-understood facts regarding implementing SOA in the enterprise are.


  • 像狄尔泰一生劳作所关注中心话题之后,海德格尔其 为“事实性的生活经验”、“此在”。

    This is likewise the focus and central topic of Dilthey's lifelong labors and, after him, Heidegger's, who at that time (1919) was calling it "factic life-experience, " and later, Dasein.


  • 秘密在于(吧,其实也不是什么秘密;只是经验丰富管理员了解得很清楚忘了告诉的一个事实):台网络设备两个地址

    The secret (well, not really a secret; just a fact that veteran administrators know so well, they forgot to tell you) is this: every networked device actually has two addresses.


  • 以为真的记得什么时候怎样发生事实,我之所以记得是因为从分利用了过去的经验

    I suppose I really manage to remember when and how it happened.The fact that I remember that way is my way of capitalizing experience.


  • 亚里士多德区别似乎只是根据经验的,或,根据事实权力分配

    Aristotle's distinction seems to be not only empirical again based on the factual distribution of powers.


  • 最近认识多年经验丰富VC基金经理说,如果懂得如何不时的严重地扭曲事实()就不可能成为企业家。

    An experienced VC fund manager I have known for years told me recently that if a person does not know how to seriously twist the truth from time to time, he (she) cannot be an entrepreneur.


  • 事实很多参与设计见到产品设计师很少甚至没有电脑设计经验

    In fact, many of the designers involved with the designs you are going to see had little-to-no experience designing computers.


  • 《别吃牛肉了!》一书中,莱曼幽默语言、同情之心以及从事农业直接经验,并用健康诸多事实真相指出我们大家也许都会改变日常饮食而受益

    In No More Bull!, Lyman USES his humor, compassion, firsthand experience in agriculture, and command of the facts of health to argue that we might all profit by transforming our diets.


  • 《别吃牛肉了!》一书中,莱曼幽默语言、同情之心以及从事农业直接经验,并用健康诸多事实真相指出我们大家也许都会改变日常饮食而受益

    In No More Bull!, Lyman USES his humor, compassion, firsthand experience in agriculture, and command of the facts of health to argue that we might all profit by transforming our diets.


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