• 本文首先产业结构理论以及产业结构优化理论进行了阐述,为后面运用理论解决问题提供依据

    Firstly, I described the industrial structure theory and the industrial structure optimization theory, in order to provide the basis for solving the problems behind.


  • 本文运用线性规划理论,建立了一个包括54个变量(产品),43个约束条件产品结构优化数学模型

    A mathematics model which deals with 54 variables and 43 constraint conditions is proposed to optimize the product structure by using linear programming theory.


  • 本文主要研究了导管架海洋平台结构系统优化设计理论数值计算方法

    The theoretical and numerical methods of structural design optimization for offshore platforms are studied in this thesis.


  • 所得出的结论嵌岩基坑支护结构设计优化施工控制提供了理论依据实践参考

    These conclusions provide theoretical basis and practical references for design optimization and construction control of such kind of deep pit.


  • 工程结构动态特性灵敏度分析对工程结构的动态设计、优化设计、控制理论动态修改等方面研究有着十分重要的意义。

    The structural dynamic SA in project is of great importance for the study on dynamic design, optimization design, control theory and dynamic modification etc.


  • 通过介绍可以看出,本研究不论理论方面还是实践方面来讲,对调整优化财政支出结构进行研究意义十分重大

    Through it, no matter from theory or from practice we can find that it is of great significance to carry on research in adjusting and optimizing the structure of expenditure.


  • 参数控制机头结构优化设计改进提供理论依据。

    This presented the theory for the optimization design and improvement of the control of flow filed parameters and head structure.


  • 文章探讨了功率脉冲变压器铁心结构参数及其材料选择原则优化变压器设计必要的理论研究

    The paper discusses high power pulse transformer iron-cores structure data and its material selection principle, it is a necessary theoretical study for optimizing design of transformer.


  • 基于概率结构分析优化设计有着广泛工程背景重要理论意义学术价值。

    The structural analysis and optimization design based on probability have wide engineering background and are of important theoretical significance and research worthiness.


  • 因此进一步优化课程结构加强理论课程建设,成为高校舞蹈教育一项战略性任务

    Therefore, the strategic task of dance education in university is to optimize the course structure and to strengthen the construction of theory.


  • 截割结构设计参数优化提供理论依据。

    It provides the theoretical basis for structural design and parameter optimization of cutting head.


  • 本文商品性质角度出发,多级配送系统库存结构优化理论进行了研究。

    This dissertation studied the optimal theory of multi-echelon distribution system inventory structure from the perspective of product characteristics.


  • 采用牛顿-欧拉方法物料抓取机械手操作臂进行动力学分析,进电机选型结构优化提供了理论依据

    The Newton-Euripides method is put into use in analysis the object holding manipulator dynamics and the result will provide theory evidence in step motor selecting and structure optimizing.


  • 阴极倾斜角导流槽内电解质流动一定程度影响导流槽的结构优化提供了理论依据

    The cathode drained slope and anode cathode distance have some effects on the electrolyte flow. The research will provide theoretical reference for the structure optimization of the drained cells.


  • 基于可靠性理论结合有限元结构优化方法进行悬架下摆轻量化设计

    Based on reliability theory, combined with finite element method for structure optimization, the lightweight design for the lower arm of a suspension is conducted.


  • 因此离散变量结构拓扑优化研究具有重要理论实际意义

    Therefore, the research on topology optimization of structures with discrete variables has important theoretic significance and actual significance.


  • 利用包络函数二级近似概念对偶理论提出一种结构优化有效解法

    An efficient solution method for structural optimization is proposed by coordinated use of mathematical transformation, two level approximation concepts and dual theory.


  • 事实证明线性规划理论能够有效地解决产品结构优化决策问题

    The facts show that linear programming theory can effectively solve such problems.


  • 所得结果进一步理论分析结构优化设计提供指导。

    The obtained results in this paper will help the further theory research and the optimal design of the structure.


  • 地下埋换热器结构优化设计系统运行模式的分析提供了理论支持技术储备

    It supplies theory support and technology accumulation for the optimal design of the underground heat exchanger and the system operation mode optimization.


  • 背景知识先验信念贝叶斯评价应当结合在一起结构上和功能上实现优化整合,以利主体理论合理接受

    Background information, transcendental belief and Bayesian evaluation should combined together to achieve the optimization and conformity, as for the subject to rationally accept a theory.


  • 最终目的通过本文研究,为生物质燃料成型设备设计结构改进工艺参数优化提供理论实验依据。

    The final purpose is to provide academic sustainment to the design of the equipment, amelioration of structure and optimization of craft parameter.


  • 本文着重对基于可靠性理论结构补强加固优化设计进行了研究

    This work gives emphasis on research on reliability-oriented optimal design in structural reinforcement and strengthening.


  • 借鉴城市空间结构组织理论,建立流域空间结构演化模型。 最后赣江流域空间结构优化进行了尝试。

    Then develops an evolution model of basin spatial structure in light of self-organization theory of city spatial structure.


  • 本文运用优化理论推流式曝气结构优化设计探讨

    This paper applied optimize theory to study the approach to design the structure of aeration tank.


  • 解释了资本结构具体含义资本结构优化进行理论实务探讨分析了具体评价方法

    The concrete implication of capital structure is explained, the optimization of its theory and practice is explored and the concrete method of its appraisal is analyzed.


  • 本文介绍了上海光机所信息光学实验室结构光学基础理论设计优化以及应用开发等方面所进行的一些研究工作。

    In this paper we report our works on basic theory, optimization, design, and applications of microstructure optics in Information optics Laboratory in Shanghai Institute of optics and Fine Mechanics.


  • 本文结构优化设计理论方法基础利用ISIGHT软件集装箱专用平车车体结构进行轻量化优化设计。

    On the bases of theories and methods of structural optimization, this paper utilizes the software, ISIGHT, to minimize the weight of special flat railway container vehicle body.


  • 本文结构优化设计理论方法基础利用ISIGHT软件集装箱专用平车车体结构进行轻量化优化设计。

    On the bases of theories and methods of structural optimization, this paper utilizes the software, ISIGHT, to minimize the weight of special flat railway container vehicle body.


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