• 林木茂密地方了个

    I rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly.


  • 一边哼着,一边市中心驱车前行。

    He drove around midtown, singing.


  • 没有直接回家而是市郊段路

    He did not take the direct route to his home, but made a detour around the outskirts of the city.


  • 祭司们抬约柜13

    The priests carry the ark around the city 13 times.


  • 桌子走了一圈,所有外宾碰了

    He walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign guests.


  • 看着绳子一圈一圈地一动也

    She watched the rope go around and around, but she didn't move.


  • 行星太阳运行时,其轨道椭圆主轴每次都会改变

    The main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time when it goes around the sun.


  • 米兰科维奇20世纪早期提出冰河时代由地球太阳运行轨道变化引起的。

    Milankovitch proposed in the early twentieth century that the ice ages were caused by variations in the Earth's orbit around the Sun.


  • 假设认为地球运行变化特别是太阳轨道的变化,会导致太阳到达地球能量不同

    It says that variations in earth's movements, specifically in its orbit around the sun, these variations lead to differences in the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth.


  • 然后将会一直辆车转,上面你们两个一直向前行驶你们路径凸形的。

    You will then be making circles around the other car, but when seeing from above, both of you are driving forward all the time and your path will be convex.


  • 很多认为地球太阳轨道完美圆形就像在一块制作精良的手表上移动那样平滑、有规则,事实并非如此

    A lot of people think of earth's orbit around the sun as being perfectly circular, as smooth and as regular as, say, the way that hands move on a well-made watch, but it just doesn't work that way.


  • 以前3公里大多数一下所以我们把路程延长5公里——现在我们两圈就比以前增加2公里。

    It used to be three kilometres but most people wanted to do a bit more than that so we lengthened it to five kilometres—we now go round the lake twice and that adds an extra two kilometres.


  • 特意圈,以防有人跟踪

    In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.


  • 北行车辆不得不次要道路行驶

    Northbound traffic will have to be diverted onto minor roads.


  • 这些轮子轴转动,方便操控

    The wheels pivot for easy manoeuvring.


  • 骑着小马场慢跑。

    She trotted her pony around the field.


  • 些卫星地球飞行。

    These satellites fly around the earth.


  • 们的地理老师告诉我们月亮每28天地球一周。

    Our geography teacher told us the moon circles the earth every 28 days.


  • 天和夏天的出现是因为地球太阳公转时是倾斜的。

    Winter and summer happen because the earth is tilted as it revolves around the sun.


  • 太阳系所有行星中,火星太阳的轨道速度第四快。

    Mars's orbit around the Sun is the fourth fastest orbit of all the solar system planets.


  • 太阳公转的周期是687天,这意味着火星上的1个地球年是687天。

    Mars orbits the Sun in 687 days, which means 1 Earth year on Mars is 687 days.


  • 一个转盘路

    He circuited a roundabout three times.


  • 多年来,牛顿一直月球行星轨道运行原因感到好奇

    Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets.


  • 这些镜子可以在几千英里的高空地球地轴旋转速度运行。

    The mirrors could orbit—thousands of miles high—at the same speed as the earth turns on its axis.


  • 其中一个故事里约书亚勇士似乎默默地游行

    In one of stories, Joshua's warriors seem to march silently around the city seven times.


  • 是的已经把系在床柱上二十了,但是脖子上办不到

    Oh yes, twenty times have I made it up round the bed-post, but round my neck, no!


  • 同样在外太空地球运行时,人们总是这些空间站四处漂浮

    Likewise, when in outer space, when you are orbiting the Earth, people are always floating around in these space stations.


  • 然而木卫二行星运行时,由于姊妹卫星木星之间引力拉锯战弯曲。

    As Europa orbits its planet, however, it flexes due to the gravitational tug-of-war between it, its sister moons, and Jupiter.


  • 我们需要一个赤道地面非常,以及沿地球静止轨道地运转卫星

    What we need is a really tall tower here on the ground right at the equator and a satellite in geostationary orbit.


  • 米奇想象他们正在奥运会冰球场上场一圈庆祝胜利,而自己就是曲棍球冠军队里的

    Mikey imagined that they were skating a victory lap around the Olympic rink and she was a member of a gold-medal hockey team.


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