• 现在知道了要想地牢里逃出去是绝对不可能了吧?

    You perceive then the utter impossibility of escaping through your dungeon ?


  • 如果我们持之以恒锻炼自己的身体没有一个强壮的身体绝对可能事。

    If we can persevere in exercising their bodies, Do not have a strong body is absolutely impossible.


  • 绝对可能……的,无邪列入所属行列。

    This is absolutely impossible, the jade has no evil is her person ……ignoramus of, month have no evil have already been been included in the row or col belonged to.


  • 先生再次感谢垂青但是接受求婚绝对可能更清楚吗?

    Sir, thank you again for the honour you have done me, but to accept your proposal is absolutely impossible. Can I speak plainer than that?


  • 我们电视运到英国绝对不可能仅仅因为高昂运输费用,还因为在这里根本工作

    Shipping our television to the UK was out of the question—not only would it have been prohibitively expensive, it was unlikely to work here anyway.


  • 这些带着非常切实际的期望他们仅仅努力追求卓越,他们追求绝对完美而这绝对不可能

    These people are walking around with incredibly unrealistic expectationsthey're not just striving for excellence, they're striving for absolute perfection, which of course is impossible.


  • 手里拿着魔棒,嘴里念着“起来”浮起来了,这是绝对可能现实中是有好些方法可以它浮起来。

    It can't be done by saying "Leviosa" and pointing your magic stick, but there are several real ways to levitate.


  • 但是,像企业产权交易这种牵涉面很广交易活动,如果没有法律调整要想完整正常地发挥其功能绝对不可能

    However, it is impossible for the exchange to function normally and completely without the adjustment of law, because of the various aspects it involves.


  • 时间,师傅主要让恢复养伤为主。”刘翔介绍:虽然现在已经稍微慢跑了,穿钉鞋绝对不可能的了。

    "during this period of time, I was suggeted by the coach for rehabilitation and rest" Liu said, her can make some slow running, but he shall be never run fast with track shoes.


  • 如果能够集中自己想法希望超越自我就有可能日常琐碎生活得到一丝宁静,而这对于纯粹利己主义者来说绝对不可能的

    The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist.


  • 表示问题美联储转向种“绝对可能标准化”的政策

    The problem, he says, is that the Fed is moving toward a type of policy that is' absolutely impossible to calibrate. '.


  • 造成大量附带损失情况下,两国绝对可能通过双边方式解决这些问题所以他们必须对接下来发生的事进行大量反省。

    But there is no way of addressing these issues bilaterally without causing a lot of collateral damage, so they have to do a lot of soul searching about what comes next.


  • 布朗博士解释说:“现在起50年后,这个系统绝对可能象现在一样运作作为一个可解决问题对待

    Explains Dr. Brown, "There's absolutely no possibility that 50 years from now this system will be operating as it does now... I want to approach this as a solvable problem.


  • 如若仅仅纯粹地撤离绝对可能阻止伊朗人占领伊拉克,管是通过直接的,还是间接的方式。

    Barring that, if you just have a naked pullout, there is really absolutely nothing that would stop the Iranians from taking over, whether directly or indirectly.


  • 正如一学说所指明的,阶级人们之间可能存在任何严肃问题和平讨论绝对不可能达成一致的意见。

    As this doctrine sees it, there cannot be any peaceful discussion concerning any serious problems between people belonging to different classes. They can never come to an agreement.


  • 匿名员工2他们的成绩单美国大学绝对可能接受的。

    Anonymous employee 2: They'd definitely not be accepted to American colleges with their transcripts.


  • 那么本来绝对不可能我们发现幸运的是,当地导游知道

    It was so tiny it would have been absolutely impossible to find by ourselves, but fortunately our local guide Antonio knew where to look.


  • 八卦媒体绝对可能赶在奶奶之前得知任何消息的。

    The day that happens, I don't think Newsday is going to know before my grandmother.


  • 绝对不可能别的地方,找到真实存在父母提供的旅游费用汽车座位婴儿车以及实际度假的点评。

    Where else can you find real parents' reviews of travel cots, car seats, push chairs and actual holidays?


  • 期间我母亲一直笔耕辍,因为而言,任何事都绝对可能阻止女儿们一起相互陪伴可能长的时间

    Through all of this, Mom kept writing, because she was determined that nothing, absolutely nothing, could keep her from being around for as long as possible for her daughters.


  • 的是,这种小团体可以转移注意力,绝对不可能被摧毁

    Tragically, it can be distracted41, but never destroyed.


  • 然而马克思是科学家著作绝对不可能句句真理特别那些社会实践中早已证实完全错误词句

    But Marx scientists, his work is absolutely impossible sentence is the truth, especially those in social practice has long been proved totally wrong words.


  • 心里计算火车减速速度,痛苦地了—声。我们绝对不可能及时停车的。

    He mentally calculated the train's deceleration rate and groaned. We'll never stop in time.


  • 对于同居这个现象60年代绝对不可能发生,70年代生人偷偷摸摸’,80后则公开化了,甚至是光明正大的同居。

    To living together this phenomenon, 60 age person happens impossibly absolutely, 70 time stranger is ' furtive ' , 80 hind be be brought into the public, it is aboveboard even live together.


  • 对于同居这个现象60年代绝对不可能发生,70年代生人偷偷摸摸’,80后则公开化了,甚至是光明正大的同居。

    To living together this phenomenon, 60 age person happens impossibly absolutely, 70 time stranger is ' furtive ' , 80 hind be be brought into the public, it is aboveboard even live together.


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