• 如果还要继续活下去,你只能通过自身客观化的能力,通过写作无限压力解放自己

    If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself in writing from the infinite strain.


  • 知道必须勇敢地面对现实继续活下去

    But I know that I must bravely face up to the reality of life to live.


  • 继续活下去强烈愿望使逃跑想象心头

    His great desire to hold on to life caused images of escape to flood his mind.


  • 那棒棒糖不仅是个美丽的礼物还是继续活下去勇气信心

    The lollypop is not only a pretty gift, but also the courage and confidence to make me live longer!


  • 等同于继续下去么,那么什么死亡,死亡是生命终结

    Is like asking, "Might I still be alive after" well what's death? Death is the end of life.


  • 大自然所给予我们继续活下去理由使一个男人成为国王金冠

    Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living, the golden crown that makes a man a king.


  • 话说,应该知道将要到了什么境地了——,再没有理由继续活下去

    In other words — and I think you see where this is goingno reason to live.


  • 可以说自己生存能不能找到一个没有Hari而继续下去理由

    It was really a battle for my own survival: could I find a reason to live without Hari?


  • 如果我们所爱我们而去,他们继续活下去办法就是不要停止对他们的爱

    If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have then live on is to never stop loving them.


  • 知道,我自己只安静这样继续活下去生命不会因此缺少动人焰火

    I know that I will do is continue to live a quiet life will not result in moving the lack of fireworks.


  • 如果我们所爱我们而去,他们继续下去办法就是不要停止对他们的爱。

    If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Building burn, people die, but true love is forever!


  • 到头来也许我们不是那么害怕害怕不能继续活下去,怕的是不能好好死去

    And perhaps we're not so much afraid of dying, in the end, as of not living and dying well.


  • 如果还要继续活下去,你只有通过自身客体化能力能用写作无限拉力解放你自己

    If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain.


  • 一个得了心脏病医院医生告诉继续下去除非心脏移植手术。

    A man has a heart attack and is brought to the hospital. The doctor tells him that he will not live unless he has a heart transplant right away.


  • 感激——显然某种皮肤癌——没有疼痛,他感谢上帝赐予继续活下去力量

    He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer. He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.


  • 画家生存机会留给心爱并鼓励继续下去,更是爱情升华为人性品格的高尚

    And the painter leaves the chance of surviving to the loved person, encourage her to continue living on, it is by the nobleness of character of distillation of love even more.


  • 也许能够帮助某人重新看到这个五彩缤纷世界或许某人能够能够强劲跳动心脏继续活下去

    Why don't we donate our body to help others in need, you might help someone to see the colorful world, or someone will live with a heart that can pump strongly.


  • 人生完整性还在于学会勇敢面对人生悲剧继续下去能够失去亲人依然表现出完整个人风范

    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, he or she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.


  • 患者都签有一份协议说明他们愿意接受治疗带来的任何副作用甚至是死亡,这一切只为了继续活下去

    The patients signed an agreement that they would accept any side effects, even death, because they wanted to live.


  • 人生的完整性还在于学会勇敢地面对人生悲剧继续活下去能够在失去某人依然能表现出完整个人风范。

    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, he or she can lose some and still feel like a complete person.


  • 专家改变意识障碍分类方式,也是发现患者需求一种实用方法甚至能够用来观察患者是否继续活下去

    Experts say it could change the way consciousness disorders are classified and may be a practical method for discovering the needs of patients, even whether they still want to live.


  • 无论问题金钱健康家庭还是其他事物有关世界上很多其他人面对的要糟他们也得继续下去

    Whether your problems are related to money, health, family, or anything else, there’s a strong chance that someone out there has it worse than you, yet they go on living.


  • 以往的研究表明一些患有“闭锁综合症”的患者虽然不能移动不能说话但仍认为生命是有价值的,想要继续活下去

    Previous research shows some patients with "locked-in syndrome" who cannot move or speak still find life worth living.


  • 此时的光景昔日不同,门前的车马稀少了,但是的进程与昔时无异,如此伯爵伯爵夫人就不能设想怎样继续活下去

    They did not entertain so many guests as before, but they still lived in that manner, apart from which the count and countess could not have conceived of life at all.


  • 种枝双腔吸(lancetfluke),是一种很小大脑虫子,一种大脑的寄生虫,它必须进入绵羊奶牛肚子才能继续活下去

    It's a lancet fluke: it's a little brain worm — a parasitic brain worm — that has to get into the stomach of a sheep or a cow in order to continue its life cycle.


  • 种枝双腔吸(lancetfluke),是一种很小大脑虫子,一种大脑的寄生虫,它必须进入绵羊奶牛肚子才能继续活下去

    It's a lancet fluke: it's a little brain worm — a parasitic brain worm — that has to get into the stomach of a sheep or a cow in order to continue its life cycle.


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