However, people continue to crave happiness; luckily, we can actually make our own happiness when our lives and surroundings are short on it.
So John and Becky and their two little girls go on with their semi-rural life in Alaska.
While many nations continue to work to reduce this crime, this modern-day slavery continues to plague the world and devastate the lives of millions.
That bit of gold meant food, life, and light in his body and brain, power to go on writing, and - who was to say? - maybe to write something that would bring in many pieces of gold.
That means he can continue life exactly as it was in the White House: surrounded by sycophants telling him he is doing a brilliant job while the rest of the country thinks the opposite.
Other people want you to change your opinion to suit them but they won't change to suit you. They just go on living their lives.
As long as human beings continue to inhabit the planet, there are many worthwhile and fulfilling jobs that will never go away.
You could just think of something you'd like to achieve over the next 6 months to a year, and continue to explore different things until you find your dream.
Its apogee may have passed but millions of Maya people and their culture remain alive and well most vibrantly in Guatemala's Western Highlands.
The guy went on with his life...... still searching for the one but somehow deep inside him he missed the girl.
The life is still continuing, the time like running water is gone forever, this mortal world indifferent always tenacious.
While most hardware vendors offer a choice of mobile broadband options, Apple continues to offer none, which is disappointing for a system so clearly meant for life away from home and office.
It also means you are going to push aside the roadblock of regret, move forward, take action, resume living.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
Therefore, I would keep producing the thing called "painting" by those people who were living in the ordered space-time, barbarously and a little like rubbish.
As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand.
So I continued to build my life, keeping a job, paying rent, and eventually finishing high school.
There are certain difficulties and problem in the countryside senior citizens'daily living care. It needs the family to continue to play its support role.
I knew that the tone of her voice would be our answer: a soft and solemn tone would indicate that life goes on as usual, and a high pitched girly scream would mean our life would change forever.
Continue to send me the living word of god, it inspires me and draw me closer to god.
'Her face darkens slowly as she follows with the story,' Some time after I graduated from college, going out every night didn't feel that fun anymore, I was tired of it.
'Her face darkens slowly as she follows with the story,' Some time after I graduated from college, going out every night didn't feel that fun anymore, I was tired of it.